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Registration desk[edit]
- 06:00pm [Dan]
- 07:00pm [Empty]
- 08:00pm [Empty]
- 09:00pm BayHac closes for the day
Registration desk[edit]
- 09:30am [Dan]
- 10:00am [Empty]
- 11:00am [Empty]
- 11:30am [Empty]
- 12:00pm [Empty] Lunch
- 01:00pm [Empty]
- 02:00pm [Empty]
- 03:30pm [Empty]
- 05:00pm BayHac closes for the day
Registration desk[edit]
- 09:30am [Dan] BayHac opens for the day
- 10:00am [Empty]
- 11:00am [Empty]
- 12:00am [Empty]
- 01:00pm [Empty]
- 02:00pm [Empty]
- 03:00pm [Empty]
- 04:00pm BayHac closes for the day