Converting numbers
Conversion between numerical types in Haskell must be done explicitly. This is unlike many traditional languages (such as C or Java) that automatically coerce between numerical types.
Converting from and between integral types (integer-like types)[edit]
types contain only whole numbers and not fractions. The most commonly used integral types are:
, which are arbitrary-precision integers, often called "bignum" or "big-integers" in other languages, andInt
, which fixed-width machine-specific integers with a minimum guaranteed range of−229
to229 − 1
. In practice, its range can be much larger: on the x86-64 version of Glasgow Haskell Compiler, it can store any signed 64-bit integer.
The workhorse for converting from integral types is fromIntegral
, which will convert from any Integral
type into any Num
eric type (which includes Int
, Integer
, Rational
, and Double
fromIntegral :: (Num b, Integral a) => a -> b
For example, given an Int
value n
, one does not simply take its square root by typing sqrt n
, since sqrt
can only be applied to Floating
-point numbers. Instead, one must write sqrt (fromIntegral n)
to explicitly convert n
to a floating-point number.
There are special cases for converting from Integer
fromInteger :: Num a => Integer -> a
as well as for converting to Integer
toInteger:: Integral a => a -> Integer
Converting from real and between real-fractional types (rational-like types)[edit]
tional types can contain either whole numbers or fractions. The most commonly used real-fractional types are:
, which are arbitrary-precision fractions, andDouble
, which are double-precision floating-point numbers.
types include both Integral
and RealFrac
tional types. The name "real" indicates that it excludes Complex
The workhorse for converting from real types is realToFrac
, which will convert from any Real
type into any Fractional
type (which includes Rational
and Double
realToFrac:: (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
It can also be used to convert between real-fractional types. (Warning: Avoid using realToFrac
to convert between floating-point types; see below.)
There are special cases for converting from Rational
fromRational :: Fractional a => Rational -> a
as well as for converting to Rational
toRational :: Real a => a -> Rational
Converting from real-fractional numbers to integral numbers[edit]
This is an inherently lossy transformation since integral types cannot express non-whole numbers. Depending on how you wish to convert, you may choose any of the following:
ceiling :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> b
floor :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> b
truncate :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> b
round :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> b
Converting between different floating-point precisions[edit]
Conversion between Float
and Double
can be done using the GHC-specific functions in the GHC.Float module:
float2Double :: Float -> Double
double2Float :: Double -> Float
Avoid using realToFrac
to convert between floating-point types as the intermediate type Rational
is unable to represent exceptional values like infinity or NaN. See GHC ticket #3676.
Automatic conversion[edit]
Repeatedly people ask for automatic conversion between numbers. This is usually not a good idea; for more information, refer to the thoughts about a Generic number type.
Hi, I am trying to write some functions that convert between two coordinate systems. The first coordinate system, which ill call coord1, starts in the upper left at (0, 0) and ends in the lower right at (500, 500). Coordinates in coord1 have type (Int, Int). The second coord system, which I'll call coord2, starts in the lower left at (0.0, 0.0) and ends in the upper right at (1.0, 1.0). Coords in coord2 have type (Float, Float). I was hoping someone could help me figure out how I can rewrite the two functions below so that the type checker will accept them.
coord1ToCoord2 :: (Int, Int) -> (Float, Float)
coord1ToCoord2 (x, y) = (x/500, (500-y)/500)
coord2ToCoord1 :: (Float, Float) -> (Int, Int)
coord2ToCoord1 (x, y) = (500/(1/x), 500 - 500/(1/y))
examples of what i want. i think i have the logic right :)
coord1ToCoord2 (0, 0) -> (0.0, 1.0)
coord1ToCoord2 (250, 250) -> (0.5, 0.5)
coord1ToCoord2 (350, 350) -> (0.7, 0.3)
coord1ToCoord2 (500, 500) -> (1.0, 0.0)
coord2ToCoord1 (0.0, 0.0) -> (0, 500)
coord2ToCoord1 (0.5, 0.5) -> (250, 250)
coord2ToCoord1 (0.7, 0.7) -> (350, 150)
coord2ToCoord1 (1.0, 1.0) -> (500, 0)
One of the thing that confused me was that I expected 500 to be an Int, but in fact the literals are automatically converted to a correct Num instance.
The solution here was to use fromIntegral and round :
coord1ToCoord2 :: (Int, Int) -> (Float, Float)
coord1ToCoord2 (x, y) = (fromIntegral x/500, (500 - fromIntegral y)/500)
coord2ToCoord1 :: (Float, Float) -> (Int, Int)
coord2ToCoord1 (x, y) = (round (500 * x), round (500 - 500 * y))