CouchDB Haskell package is the Haskell interface to the couchDB database software. I appreciate the efforts of Arjun Guha and Brendan Hickey to construct this interface. I think it is an improvement over the original and most convenient to use!
CouchDB is a document oriented datastorage system (with versions) which is geared towards replication. For more information read Anderson, Lehnardt and Slater's book "CouchDB - The definite guide" ([1]).
Examples how to use the Haskell CouchDB interface are not easy to find on the web. I found only one [2], which is probably compiled with an slightly earlier version of CouchDB than the current 0.10.1.
I created this wiki page to make available the simple examples I coded to learn to use CouchDB and to report of some of the not-so-obvious traps beginners could fall into.
Example: Store and retrieve notes
The simple example I selected is the database backend of a "note" application (e.g. Tomboy or any other of the yellow paste-it notes look-alike). The first function is to store a note, as an example on how to store data in couch:
Store note
Here the code for storing a note and retrieving it with the doc id:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable
, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Notes1 where
import Database.CouchDB (getDoc, newDoc, runCouchDB', db, Rev(..), Doc)
import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)
import Text.JSON
import Text.JSON.Pretty (pp_value)
import Text.JSON.Pretty (render)
import Text.JSON.Generic (toJSON, fromJSON)
type Strings = [String] -- basic
data Note = Note {title, text :: String, tags :: Strings}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read , Typeable, Data) -- not yet necessary
------ copied from henry laxon
ppJSON = putStrLn . render . pp_value
justDoc :: (Data a) => Maybe (Doc, Rev, JSValue) -> a
justDoc (Just (d,r,x)) = stripResult (fromJSON x)
where stripResult (Ok z) = z
stripResult (Error s) = error $ "JSON error " ++ s
justDoc Nothing = error "No such Document"
mynotes = db "firstnotes1"
n0 = Note "a59" "a1 text vv 45" ["tag1"]
n1 = Note "a56" "a1 text vv 45" ["tag1"]
n2 = Note "a56" "updated a1 text vv 45" ["tag1"]
n1j = toJSON n1 -- convNote2js n1
runNotes1 = do
(doc1, rev1) <- runCouchDB' $ newDoc mynotes n1j
putStrLn $ "stored note" ++ show doc1 ++ " revision " ++ show rev1
Just (_,_,jvalue) <- runCouchDB' $ getDoc mynotes doc1
ppJSON jvalue
jstuff <- runCouchDB' $ getDoc mynotes doc1
let d = justDoc jstuff :: Note
putStrLn $ "found " ++ show d
return ()
-- the output is:
--stored noteaa45700981408039346f9c8c73f8701f
-- revision 1-7fa1d1116e6ae0c1ee8d4ce89a701fdf
--{"_id": "aa45700981408039346f9c8c73f8701f",
-- "_rev": "1-7fa1d1116e6ae0c1ee8d4ce89a701fdf", "title": "a56",
-- "text": "a1 text vv 45", "tags": ["tag1"]}
--found Note {title = "a56", text = "a1 text vv 45", tags = ["tag1"]}
Multiple functions to store and retrieve notes
Notes have a title, a text and a set of tags. We need functions to store a new note, to update the content of a note and to retrieve all notes with a given word in the title, in the text or as a tag; each of these functions return a list of pairs (doc_id, title) from which the correct one is selected and then retrieved with the doc_id.
I have decided that the notes have IDs produced by couchDB; this assures that changes, even changes in title, continue the same object with a new version.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable
, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Notes2 (storeNewNote
, changeNoteContent
, updateNote
, deleteNote
, retrieveNote
, findNoteByTitle
, findNoteByTag
, findNoteByContent ) where
import Database.CouchDB
(rev, deleteDoc, CouchView(..), newView, Doc(..), isDocString,
queryView, getAndUpdateDoc, DB(..), getDoc, newDoc, db, doc,
newNamedDoc, runCouchDB', Rev(..))
-- , couchViewToJSON)
import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)
import Text.JSON
import Text.JSON.Pretty (pp_value)
import Text.JSON.Pretty (render)
import Database.CouchDB.JSON (jsonObject)
import Text.JSON.Generic (toJSON, fromJSON)
type Strings = [String] -- basic
-- from Henry Laxen's code:
type QueryViewResult = (Database.CouchDB.Doc,JSValue)
ppJSON = putStrLn . render . pp_value
justDoc :: (Data a) => Maybe (Database.CouchDB.Doc, Rev, JSValue) -> a
justDoc (Just (d,r,x)) = stripResult (fromJSON x)
where stripResult (Ok z) = z
stripResult (Error s) = error $ "JSON error " ++ s
justDoc Nothing = error "No such Document"
docid_doc :: (Data a) => QueryViewResult -> (Doc, a)
docid_doc (d, x) = (d, stripResult . fromJSON $ x)
where stripResult (Ok z) = z
stripResult (Error s) = error $ "JSON error " ++ s
--------------------- some example data
mynotes = db mynotesString
mynotesString = "firstnotes1" -- the name of the couchdb
n0 = Note "a59" "a1 text vv 45" ["tag1", "tag2"]
n1 = Note "a56" "a1 text vv 45" ["tag1", "tag3"]
n2 = Note "a56" "updated a1 text vv 45" ["tag1", "tag2", "tag4"]
data Note = Note {title, text :: String, tags :: Strings}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read , Typeable, Data) -- not yet necessary
storeNewNote :: DB -> Note -> IO ()
storeNewNote db note = do
let jnote = toJSON note -- the ID is set by couchdb
(doc, rev) <- runCouchDB' $ newDoc db jnote
putStrLn $ "stored note" ++ show doc ++ " " ++ show rev
return ()
changeNoteContent :: DB -> Doc -> Note -> IO ()
changeNoteContent db docid newnote = do
ret <- runCouchDB' $ getAndUpdateDoc db (docid) (updateNote newnote)
let rev = maybe (error "update did not succeed") id ret
putStrLn $ "changed " ++ show rev
return ()
updateNote :: Note -> JSValue -> IO JSValue
updateNote new old = return . const (toJSON new) $ old
deleteNote :: DB -> Doc -> Rev -> IO ()
deleteNote db id r = do
ret <- runCouchDB' $ deleteDoc db (id, r)
putStrLn $ "deleted " ++ show ret
return ()
retrieveNote :: DB -> Doc -> IO Note
retrieveNote db docid = do
ret <- runCouchDB' $ getDoc db docid -- :: Maybe (Doc, Rev, JSValue)
-- assumes the note title is the key
let n = justDoc ret :: Note
putStrLn $ "stored note" ++ show n
return n
findNoteByTitle :: DB -> String -> IO [(Doc, Note)]
findNoteByTitle db tit = do
putStrLn $ "search by title using view 'titles' " ++ show tit
ret :: [QueryViewResult] <- runCouchDB' $ do
queryView db (doc designdoc) (doc "bytitle") [("key", toJSON tit)]
putStrLn $ show ret
let ls = map docid_doc ret
putStrLn $ "result " ++ show ls
return ls
findNoteByTag :: DB -> String -> IO [(Doc, Note)]
findNoteByTag db ta = do
putStrLn $ "search by title using view 'titles' " ++ show ta
ret :: [QueryViewResult] <- runCouchDB' $ do
queryView db (doc designdoc) (doc "bytags") [("key", toJSON ta)]
putStrLn $ show ret
let ls = map docid_doc ret
putStrLn $ "result " ++ show ls
return ls
findNoteByContent :: DB -> String -> IO [(Doc, Note)]
findNoteByContent db word = do
putStrLn $ "search by title using view 'titles' " ++ show word
ret :: [QueryViewResult] <- runCouchDB' $ do
queryView db (doc designdoc) (doc "bywords") [("key", toJSON word)]
putStrLn $ show ret
let ls = map docid_doc ret
putStrLn $ "result " ++ show ls
return ls
titleView = "function(doc) { if (doc.title && doc.text && doc.tags) \
\ {emit(doc.title, doc._id); } }"
titleView2 = ViewMap "bytitle" titleView
tagView = "function(doc) { if (doc.title && doc.text && doc.tags) \
\ { var len=doc.tags.length; \
\ for(var i=0; i<len; i++) { \
\ var value = doc.tags[i]; \
\ emit(value, doc._id); } \
\ } \
\ }"
-- tried in temporary views of Futon
tagView2 = ViewMap "bytags" tagView
wordView = "function (doc) { if (doc.title && doc.text && doc.tags) \
\ { var words = doc.text.split (' '); \
\ var len=words.length; \
\ for(var i=0; i<len; i++) { \
\ var value = words[i]; \
\ emit(value, doc._id); } \
\ } \
\ }"
-- use ' for strings inside a haskell string
-- escapes are not removed when converting to JSON ?
wordView2 = ViewMap "bywords" wordView
--- setting views:
designdoc = "five" -- "six" -- change for each edit -- cannot update!
setViews dbstring = do
r <- runCouchDB' $ newView dbstring designdoc [titleView2, tagView2, wordView2]
-- inconsistency: here a string, not a DB type !
putStrLn $ "view stored"
return ()
run2 = do
storeNewNote mynotes n0
retrieveNote mynotes (doc "c4bf00e96e2446ce1508ba055e9b7ef6")
changeNoteContent mynotes (doc "c4bf00e96e2446ce1508ba055e9b7ef6") n2
retrieveNote mynotes (doc "c4bf00e96e2446ce1508ba055e9b7ef6")
return ()
--stored note68d5cfa3622c4586a7a1bfc695e72765 1-dee34e8ccb4ef3ceb9a7dcfb3d7cd20d
--stored noteNote {title = "a1234", text = "a1 text vv 45", tags = ["tag1"]}
--changed 2-53bfc49b385805020194a59b39fd5ffb
--stored noteNote {title = "a56", text = "updated a1 text vv 45", tags = ["tag1","tag2","tag4"]}
-- error when duplicate is not appropriate:
--stored note"\"*** Exception: src/Database/CouchDB/Unsafe.hs:80:10-63: Irrefutable pattern failed for pattern (Text.JSON.Types.JSObject errorObj)
run3 :: IO () = do
setViews mynotesString
return ()
run4 :: IO () = do
ls :: [(Doc, Note)] <- findNoteByTitle mynotes "a55"
putStrLn $ "found by title " ++ show ls
return ()
Notice that the syntax for retrieval has changed since the example code for "converting from MySQL to CouchDB" was written: no preceeding "/_design/" in the name of the view.
= A few suggestions for improvement in the interface Most annoying is that design documents cannot be updated; a new set must be stored with a new name. A function updateView would be useful. The type of newView is not consistent with the other calls - it requires the name of the couchDB as a String, not a DB type. I used couchViewToJSON to test the views i wrote - it could be useful to export it.
I do not guarantee for the correctness of the code (of course). I hope it is useful. I invite others to contribute their examples or more complex codes so we can learn from each other.
I am currently working on using couchDB and interested to hear comments at frank at geoinfo dot tuwien dot ac dot at.