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Line 5: Line 5:
import Data.List
import Data.List
permute [] = [[]]
triangle = [n*(n+1)`div`2 | n <- [1..]]
permute xs = concatMap (\x -> map (x:) $ permute $ delete x xs) xs
square = [n^2 | n <- [1..]]
pentagonal = [n*(3*n-1)`div`2 | n <- [1..]]
figurates n xs = extract $ concatMap (gather (map poly xs)) $ map (:[]) $ poly n
hexagonal = [n*(2*n-1) | n <- [1..]]
where gather [xs] (v:vs)
heptagonal = [n*(5*n-3)`div`2 | n <- [1..]]
octagonal = [n*(3*n-2) | n <- [1..]]
= let v' = match xs v
in if v' == [] then [] else map (:v:vs) v'
gather (xs:xss) (v:vs)
triangle4 = fourDigs triangle
square4 = fourDigs square
= let v' = match xs v
in if v' == [] then [] else concatMap (gather xss) $ map (:v:vs) v'
pentagonal4 = fourDigs pentagonal
match xs (_,v) = let p = (v `mod` 100)*100 in sublist (p+10,p+100) xs
hexagonal4 = fourDigs hexagonal
sublist (s,e) = takeWhile (\(_,x) -> x<e) . dropWhile (\(_,x) -> x<s)
heptagonal4 = fourDigs heptagonal
link ((_,x):xs) = x `mod` 100 == (snd $ last xs) `div` 100
octagonal4 = fourDigs octagonal
diff (x:y:xs) = if fst x /= fst y then diff (y:xs) else False
diff [x] = True
fourDigs = takeWhile (<10000) . dropWhile (<1000)
extract = filter diff . filter link
poly m = [(n, x) | (n, x) <- zip [1..] $ takeWhile (<10000)
solve = do
$ scanl (+) 1 [m-1,2*m-3..],
(l1:l2:l3:l4:l5:l6:_) <- permute
1010 < x, x `mod` 100 > 9]
[triangle4, square4, pentagonal4,
hexagonal4, heptagonal4, octagonal4]
problem_61 = sum $ map snd $ head $ concatMap (figurates 3) $ permute [4..8]
a <- l1
let m = filter (g a) l2
b <- m
let n = filter (g b) l3
c <- n
let o = filter (g c) l4
d <- o
let p = filter (g d) l5
e <- p
let q = filter (g e) l6
f <- q
if g f a then return (sum [a,b,c,d,e,f]) else fail "burp"
g x y = x `mod` 100 == y `div` 100
permute :: [a] -> [[a]]
permute [] = [[]]
permute list =
concat $ map (\(x:xs) -> map (x:) (permute xs))
(take (length list)
(unfoldr (\x -> Just (x, tail x ++ [head x])) list))
problem_61 = head $ solve
Line 57: Line 35:
import Data.List
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
cubes = [(x, show $ x^3) | x <- [1..100000]]
a = map (^3) [0..10000]
b = map (sort . show) a
c = (filter ((==5) . length) . group . sort) b
problem_62 =
f3 $ head $ head $ sortBy shf $
d = findIndex (==(head (head c))) b
problem_62 = (toInteger (fromJust d))^3
filter l5 $ groupBy g $ sortBy ss $ map sd cubes
sd (a, b) = (a, sort b)
shf a b = compare (fst $ head a) (fst $ head b)
ss a b = compare (snd a) (snd b)
g a b = (snd a) == (snd b)
l5 a = length a == 5
f3 a = (fst a)^3
Line 76: Line 47:
Since d<sup>n</sup> has at least n+1 digits for any d≥10, we need only consider 1 through 9. If d<sup>n</sup> has fewer than n digits, every higher power of d will also be too small since d < 10. We will also never have n+1 digits for our nth powers. All we have to do is check d<sup>n</sup> for each d in {1,...,9}, trying n=1,2,... and stopping when d<sup>n</sup> has fewer than n digits.
problem_63 =
length . concatMap (takeWhile (\(n,p) -> n == nDigits p))
$ [powers d | d <- [1..9]]
powers d = [(n, d^n) | n <- [1..]]
nDigits n = length (show n)
Line 91: Line 56:
import Data.List (findIndex)
import Data.List
problem_64 =length $ filter id $ map solve $ [2..9999] \\ (map (^2) [2..100])
fraction n = (a0, 1, (-a0)) : nextDigits n 1 (-a0)
solve n = even $ length $ cont n 0 1
cont :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
cont r n d = m : rest
m = truncate ((sqrt (fromIntegral r) + fromIntegral n ) / fromIntegral d)
a0 = firstDigit n
a = n - d * m
rest = if d == 1 && n /= 0
nextDigits n num den
| n - (den^2) == 0 = []
then []
else cont r (-a) ((r - a ^ 2) `div` d)
| otherwise = (an, den', num') : nextDigits n den' num'
a0 = firstDigit n
den' = (n - (den^2)) `div` num
an = (a0 + abs den) `div` den'
num' = abs den - (an * den')
firstDigit n = floor $ sqrt $ fromInteger n
period [] = 0
period xs = period' [] xs
period' _ [] = 0
period' acc (x:xs) = case findIndex (x==) acc of
Just i -> toInteger(length acc - i)
Nothing -> period' (acc ++ [x]) xs
problem_64 =
length $ filter odd $
map (period . fraction) [1..10000]
Line 126: Line 77:
import Data.Char
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Ratio
e = [2] ++ concat [ [1, 2*i, 1] | i <- [1..] ]
fraction [x] = x%1
fraction (x:xs) = x%1 + 1/(fraction xs)
problem_65 = dsum . numerator . contFrac . take 100 $ e
problem_65 = sum $ map digitToInt $ show $ numerator $ fraction $ take 100 e
where dsum 0 = 0
dsum n = let ( d, m ) = n `divMod` 10 in m + ( dsum d )
contFrac = foldr1 (\x y -> x + 1/y)
e = 2 : 1 : insOnes [2,4..]
insOnes (x:xs) = x : 1 : 1 : insOnes xs
Line 140: Line 92:
Problem solved using the continuous fractions method (reused from problem 64).
intSqrt :: Integral a => a -> a
import Data.List (inits, maximumBy)
intSqrt n
import Data.Ratio ((%), numerator, denominator)
| n < 0 = error "intSqrt: negative n"
| otherwise = f n
fraction :: Integer -> [Integer]
fraction n = a0 : nextDigits n 1 (-a0)
a0 = firstDigit n
f x = if y < x then f y else x
where y = (x + (n `quot` x)) `quot` 2
problem_66 =
snd$maximum [ (x,d) |
d <- [1..1000],
let b = intSqrt d,
b*b /= d, -- d can't be a perfect square
let (x,_) = pell d b b
pell d wd b = piter d wd b 0 1 0 1 1 0
firstDigit :: Integer -> Integer
piter d wd b i c l k m n
firstDigit n = floor $ sqrt $ fromInteger n
| cn == 1 = (x, y)
| otherwise = piter d wd bn (i+1) cn k u n v
nextDigits :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> [Integer]
nextDigits n num den
| n - (den^2) == 0 = []
yb = (wd+b) `div` c
bn = yb*c-b
| otherwise = an : nextDigits n den' num'
cn = (d-(bn*bn)) `div` c
a0 = firstDigit n
yn | i == 0 = wd
den' = (n - (den^2)) `div` num
| otherwise = yb
an = (a0 + abs den) `div` den'
u = k*yn+l -- u/v is the i-th convergent of sqrt(d)
num' = abs den - (an * den')
v = n*yn+m
(x,y) | odd (i+1) = (u*u+d*v*v, 2*u*v)
| otherwise = (u,v)
nonSquares :: [Integer]
nonSquares = [x|x <- [2..1000], let s = floor $ sqrt $ fromInteger x, s*s /= x]
minDiophantineX :: Integer -> Integer
minDiophantineX d =
numerator $ head $
filter isDiophantine $
map (calc) $ drop 1 $ inits $ fraction d
calc x =
foldr (\a b -> fromInteger a + 1/b)
((fromInteger $ last x)%1) $ init x
isDiophantine (r) = (numerator r)^2 - d * (denominator r)^2 == 1
maxDiophantine :: [(Integer, Integer)]
maxDiophantine = [(d,minDiophantineX d)|d <- nonSquares]
problem_66 :: Integer
problem_66 = fst $ maximumBy (\(_,a) (_,b) -> compare a b) maxDiophantine
Line 190: Line 129:
problem_67 = do
problem_67 = readFile "triangle.txt" >>= print . solve . parse
parse = map (map read . words) . lines
src <- readFile "triangle.txt"
print $ head $ foldr1 g $ parse src
solve = head . foldr1 step
step [] [z] = [z]
parse :: String -> [[Int]]
step (x:xs) (y:z:zs) = x + max y z : step xs (z:zs)
parse s = map ((map read).words) $ lines s
f x y z = x + max y z
g xs ys = zipWith3 f xs ys $ tail ys
Line 206: Line 141:
import Data.List (delete, group, sort)
import Data.List
permute [] = [[]]
permute list =
numberSets :: Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
concat $ map (\(x:xs) -> map (x:) (permute xs))
numberSets n =
(take (length list)
(unfoldr (\x -> Just (x, tail x ++ [head x])) list))
a <- [1..10],
problem_68 =
b <- delete a [1..10],
let c = n - a - b,
maximum $ map (concat . map show) poel
c > 0,
c < 11,
a /= c,
b /= c
nextSets :: (Int, Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
nextSets (a,b,c) = filter f $ numberSets s
s = a + b + c
gon68 = [1..10]
f x = follows (a, b, c) x
knip = (length gon68) `div` 2
(is,es) = splitAt knip gon68
extnodes = map (\x -> [head es]++x) $ permute $ tail es
follows :: (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int) -> Bool
intnodes = map (\(p:ps) -> zipWith (\ x y -> [x]++[y])
follows (_,_,c) (_,b',_) = c == b'
(p:ps) (ps++[p])) $ permute is
poel = [ concat hs | hs <- [ zipWith (\x y -> [x]++y) uitsteeksels organen |
lowest :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
uitsteeksels <- extnodes, organen <- intnodes ],
lowest xs = minimum $ take 6 $ iterate rotate xs
let subsom = map (sum) hs, length (nub subsom) == 1 ]
rotate [] = []
rotate (y:ys) = ys ++ [y]
solutions :: [[(Int, Int, Int)]]
solutions = do
n <- [13..27]
a <- numberSets n
b <- nextSets a
c <- nextSets b
d <- nextSets c
e <- nextSets d
if follows e a then return [a,b,c,d,e] else fail "not cyclic"
magic :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [(a, a, a)] -> Bool
magic acc [] = (length $ group $ sort acc) == 10
magic acc ((a,b,c):xs) = magic (acc++[a,b,c]) xs
problem_69 :: [Char]
problem_69 =
maximum $ filter (\x -> length x == 16) $
map (toNum . lowest) $
filter (magic []) solutions
toNum [] = []
toNum ((a,b,c):xs) = show a ++ show b ++ show c ++ toNum xs
Line 264: Line 166:
{-phi(n) = n*(1-1/p1)*(1-1/p2)*...*(1-1/pn)
import Data.Ratio
n/phi(n) = 1/(1-1/p1)*(1-1/p2)*...*(1-1/pn)
import Data.List
(1-1/p) will be minimal for a small p and 1/(1-1/p) will then be maximal
primePowerFactors n = rle (takeFactors n primes)
where rle = map (\xs -> (head xs, length xs)) . group
takeFactors n (p:ps)
maximum [c|
| n == 1 = []
a<-[1..length primes],
| p * p > n = [n]
let b=take a primes,
| n `mod` p == 0 = p : takeFactors (n `div` p) (p:ps)
let c=product b,
| otherwise = takeFactors n ps
eulerTotient n = product (map (\(p,i) -> p^(i-1) * (p-1)) factors)
where factors = primePowerFactors n
problem_69 =
snd . maximum . map
(\n -> (n % eulerTotient n, n)) $
Line 291: Line 187:
import Data.List (minimumBy, group, sort)
import Data.List
isPerm a b = (show a) \\ (show b)==[]
flsqr n x=x<(floor.sqrt.fromInteger) n
primes :: [Int]
pairs n1 =
primes = 2 : filter (l1 . primeFactors) [3,5..]
maximum[m|a<-gena ,b<-genb,let m=a*b,n>m,isPerm m$ m-a-b+1]
n=fromInteger n1
l1 (_:[]) = True
l1 _ = False
gena = dropWhile (flsqr n)$ takeWhile (flsqr (2*n)) primes
genb = dropWhile (flsqr (div n 2))$ takeWhile (flsqr n) primes
primeFactors :: Int -> [Int]
primeFactors n = factor n primes
factor _ [] = []
factor m (p:ps) | p*p > m = [m]
| m `mod` p == 0 = p : factor (m `div` p) (p:ps)
| otherwise = factor m ps
primePowerFactors :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
primePowerFactors n =
map (\x -> (head x, length x)) $ (group . primeFactors) n
phi :: Int -> Int
phi n = product (map f $ primePowerFactors n)
f (p, l) = (p-1)*(p^(l-1))
isPermutation :: (Show a) => a -> a -> Bool
isPermutation a b = (sort $ show a) == (sort $ show b)
phiPerms :: [(Int, Int)]
phiPerms = [(n, p)| n <- [2..10000000], let p = phi n, isPermutation n p]
problem_70 :: Int
problem_70= pairs (10^7)
problem_70 =
fst $ minimumBy
(\(a,b) (a',b') -> compare (fromIntegral a/fromIntegral b)
(fromIntegral a'/fromIntegral b')) phiPerms

Revision as of 13:12, 19 January 2008

Problem 61

Find the sum of the only set of six 4-digit figurate numbers with a cyclic property.


import Data.List
permute [] = [[]]
permute xs = concatMap (\x -> map (x:) $ permute $ delete x xs) xs
figurates n xs = extract $ concatMap (gather (map poly xs)) $ map (:[]) $ poly n
  where gather [xs] (v:vs) 
          = let v' = match xs v
            in if v' == [] then [] else map (:v:vs) v'
        gather (xs:xss) (v:vs) 
          = let v' = match xs v
            in if v' == [] then [] else concatMap (gather xss) $ map (:v:vs) v'
        match xs (_,v) = let p = (v `mod` 100)*100 in sublist (p+10,p+100) xs
        sublist (s,e) = takeWhile (\(_,x) -> x<e) . dropWhile (\(_,x) -> x<s)
        link ((_,x):xs) = x `mod` 100 == (snd $ last xs) `div` 100
        diff (x:y:xs) = if fst x /= fst y then diff (y:xs) else False
        diff [x]      = True
        extract = filter diff . filter link
        poly m = [(n, x) | (n, x) <- zip [1..] $ takeWhile (<10000) 
                                               $ scanl (+) 1 [m-1,2*m-3..], 
                                     1010 < x, x `mod` 100 > 9]
problem_61 = sum $ map snd $ head $ concatMap (figurates 3) $ permute [4..8]

Problem 62

Find the smallest cube for which exactly five permutations of its digits are cube.


import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
a = map (^3) [0..10000]
b = map (sort . show) a
c = (filter ((==5) . length) . group . sort) b
d = findIndex (==(head (head c))) b
problem_62 = (toInteger (fromJust d))^3

Problem 63

How many n-digit positive integers exist which are also an nth power?



Problem 64

How many continued fractions for N ≤ 10000 have an odd period?


import Data.List
problem_64  =length $ filter id $ map solve $ [2..9999] \\ (map (^2) [2..100])
solve n = even $ length $ cont n 0 1
cont :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
cont r n d = m : rest
    m = truncate ((sqrt (fromIntegral r) + fromIntegral n ) / fromIntegral d)
    a = n - d * m
    rest = if d == 1 && n /= 0
           then []
           else cont r (-a) ((r - a ^ 2) `div` d)

Problem 65

Find the sum of digits in the numerator of the 100th convergent of the continued fraction for e.


import Data.Char
import Data.Ratio
e = [2] ++ concat [ [1, 2*i, 1] | i <- [1..] ]
fraction [x] = x%1
fraction (x:xs) = x%1 + 1/(fraction xs)

problem_65 = sum $ map digitToInt $ show $ numerator $ fraction $ take 100 e

Problem 66

Investigate the Diophantine equation x2 − Dy2 = 1.


intSqrt :: Integral a => a -> a
intSqrt n
    | n < 0 = error "intSqrt: negative n"
    | otherwise = f n
        f x = if y < x then f y else x
            where y = (x + (n `quot` x)) `quot` 2
problem_66 = 
    snd$maximum [ (x,d) | 
    d <- [1..1000],
    let b = intSqrt d,
    b*b /= d, -- d can't be a perfect square
    let (x,_) = pell d b b 

pell d wd b = piter d wd b 0 1 0 1 1 0
piter d wd b i c l k m n 
    | cn == 1 = (x, y)
    | otherwise = piter d wd bn (i+1) cn k u n v
    yb = (wd+b) `div` c
    bn = yb*c-b
    cn = (d-(bn*bn)) `div` c
    yn  | i == 0 = wd
        | otherwise = yb
    u = k*yn+l -- u/v is the i-th convergent of sqrt(d)
    v = n*yn+m
    (x,y)   | odd (i+1) = (u*u+d*v*v, 2*u*v)
            | otherwise = (u,v)

Problem 67

Using an efficient algorithm find the maximal sum in the triangle?


problem_67 = readFile "triangle.txt" >>= print . solve . parse
parse = map (map read . words) . lines
solve = head . foldr1 step
step [] [z] = [z]
step (x:xs) (y:z:zs) = x + max y z : step xs (z:zs)

Problem 68

What is the maximum 16-digit string for a "magic" 5-gon ring?


import Data.List
permute []      = [[]]
permute list = 
    concat $ map (\(x:xs) -> map (x:) (permute xs))
    (take (length list) 
    (unfoldr (\x -> Just (x, tail x ++ [head x])) list))
problem_68 = 
    maximum $ map (concat . map show) poel 
    gon68 = [1..10]
    knip = (length gon68) `div` 2
    (is,es) = splitAt knip gon68
    extnodes = map (\x -> [head es]++x) $ permute $ tail es
    intnodes = map (\(p:ps) -> zipWith (\ x y -> [x]++[y])
        (p:ps) (ps++[p])) $ permute is
    poel = [ concat hs | hs <- [ zipWith (\x y -> [x]++y) uitsteeksels organen |
        uitsteeksels <- extnodes, organen <- intnodes ],
        let subsom = map (sum) hs, length (nub subsom) == 1 ]

Problem 69

Find the value of n ≤ 1,000,000 for which n/φ(n) is a maximum.


{-phi(n) = n*(1-1/p1)*(1-1/p2)*...*(1-1/pn)
n/phi(n) = 1/(1-1/p1)*(1-1/p2)*...*(1-1/pn)
(1-1/p) will be minimal for a small p and 1/(1-1/p) will then be maximal
    maximum [c|
    a<-[1..length primes],
    let b=take a primes,
    let c=product b,

Note: credit for arithmetic functions is due to David Amos.

Problem 70

Investigate values of n for which φ(n) is a permutation of n.


import Data.List
isPerm a b = (show a) \\ (show b)==[]
flsqr n x=x<(floor.sqrt.fromInteger) n
pairs n1 = 
    maximum[m|a<-gena ,b<-genb,let m=a*b,n>m,isPerm m$ m-a-b+1]
    n=fromInteger n1
    gena = dropWhile (flsqr n)$  takeWhile (flsqr (2*n))  primes
    genb = dropWhile (flsqr (div n 2))$  takeWhile (flsqr n)  primes

problem_70= pairs (10^7)