Hac Boston/Projects

From HaskellWiki

Sharing your code

If you need a place to host a project so that others can help with it, we suggest github, but if you are using darcs patch-tag is just dandy as well.

You can also apply for an account on the community server.


If you have a project that you want to work on at the Hackathon, please describe it here.

Since Hackathons are great for teamwork, consider joining one of the projects mentioned below. If you're interested in one of these projects, add your name to the list of hackers under that project.


Please list projects with which you are familiar. This way, people know whom to contact for more information or guidance on a particular project.

Name Projects
edwardk lots of projects, mtl, general libraries
rwbarton GHC
carter numerical haskell, ghc
dmcclean bird-brain autopilot for the FlightGear flight simulator, dimensional-dk