Haskell programming tips

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This page shows several examples of how code can be improved. We try to derive general rules from them, though they can not be applied deterministicly and are a matter of taste. We all know that, please don't add "this is disputable" to each item!

Instead, you can now add "this is disputable" on ["ThingsToAvoid/Discussion"] and change this page only when some sort of consensus is reached.

Be concise

Don't reinvent the wheel

The standard libraries are full of useful functions, possibly too full. If you rewrite an existing function, the reader wonders what the difference to the standard function is. But if you use a standard function, the reader may learn something new and useful. If you have problems finding an appropriate list function, try this guide:


Avoid explicit recursion

Explicit recursion is not generally bad, but you should spend some time on trying to find a more declarative implementation using higher order functions.

Don't define {{{#!syntax haskell raise :: Num a => a -> [a] -> [a] raise _ [] = [] raise x (y:ys) = x+y : raise x ys }}} because it is hard for the reader to find out, how much of the list is processed and on which values the elements of the output list depend. Just write {{{#!syntax haskell raise x ys = map (x+) ys }}} or even {{{#!syntax haskell raise x = map (x+) }}} and the reader knows that the complete list is processed and that each output element depends only on the corresponding input element.

If you don't find appropriate functions in the standard library, extract a general function. This helps you and others understanding the program. Haskell is very good at factoring out parts of the code. If you find it very general, put it in a separate module and re-use it. It may appear in the standard libraries later, or you may later find that it is already there.

Decomposing a problem this way has also the advantage that you can debug easier. If the last implementation of {{{raise}}} does not show the expected behaviour, you can inspect {{{map}}} (I hope it is correct :-) ) and the invoked instance of {{{(+)}}} separately.

Could this be stated more generally? It seems to me this is a special case of the general principle of separating concerns: iteration over a collection vs operating on elements of a collection should apply. If you can write the loop over a data structure (list, tree, whatever) once and debug it, then you don't need to duplicate that code over and over (at least in haskell), so your code can follow the principle of Wiki:OnceAndOnlyOnce ; Wiki:OnceAndOnlyOnce is a lot harder in languages that don't provide a certain level of functional programming support (i.e. Java requires copy and paste programming, the delegate C# syntax is clumsy but workable - using it is almost Wiki:GoldPlating).

Another example: The function {{{count}}} counts the number of elements which fulfill a certain property, i.e. the elements for which the predicate {{{p}}} is {{{True}}}.

I found the following code (but convoluted in a more specific function) in a Haskell program

p x       = 1 + count p xs

which you won't like any longer if you become aware of {{{#!syntax haskell count p = length . filter p }}} .

Only introduce identifiers you need

Here is some advice that is useful for every language, including scientific prose (http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/transcriptions/EWD09xx/EWD993.html): Introduce only identifiers you use. The compiler will check that you if you pass an option like {{{-Wall}}} for GHC.

In an expression like

i <- [1..m]]

where {{{a}}} might be a horrible complex expression it is not easy to see, that {{{a}}} really does not depend on {{{i}}}. {{{#!syntax haskell replicate m a }}} is certainly better here.

Remember the zero

Don't forget that zero is a natural number. Recursive definitions become more complicated if the recursion anchor is not chosen properly. As an example I have chosen the function {{{tupel}}} presented in DMV-Mitteilungen 2004/12-3, Jürgen Bokowski: Haskell, ein gutes Werkzeug der Diskreten Mathematik (Haskell, a good tool for discrete mathematics). It is also a good example of how to avoid guards. {{{#!syntax haskell tuples :: Int -> [a] -> a tuples r l

  | r == 1        = [[el] | el <- l]
  | length l == r = [l]
  | otherwise     = (map ([head l] ++) (tuples (r-1) (tail l)))
                                   ++   tuples  r    (tail l)

}}} Do you have an idea what it does?

Let's strip the guards and forget about list comprehension. {{{#!syntax haskell tuples :: Int -> [a] -> a tuples 1 l = map (:[]) l tuples r l =

 if r == length l
   then [l]
     let t = tail l
     in  map (head l :) (tuples (r-1) t)
                    ++   tuples  r    t


What about tuples with zero elements? We can add the pattern {{{#!syntax haskell tuples 0 _ = [[]] }}} but then we can also omit the pattern for 1-tuples.

{{{#!syntax haskell tuples :: Int -> [a] -> a tuples 0 _ = [[]] tuples r l =

 if r == length l
   then [l]
     let t = tail l
     in  map (head l :) (tuples (r-1) t)
                    ++   tuples  r    t

}}} What about the case {{{r > length l}}}? Sure, no reason to let {{{head}}} fail - in that case there is no tuple, thus we return an empty list. Again, this saves us one special case. {{{#!syntax haskell tuples :: Int -> [a] -> a tuples 0 _ = [[]] tuples r l =

 if r > length l
   then []
     let t = tail l
     in  map (head l :) (tuples (r-1) t)
                    ++   tuples  r    t


We have learnt above that {{{length}}} is evil! What about {{{#!syntax haskell tuples :: Int -> [a] -> a tuples 0 _ = [[]] tuples _ [] = [] tuples r (x:xs) =

  map (x :) (tuples (r-1) xs)
        ++   tuples  r    xs

}}} ? It is no longer necessary to compute the length of {{{l}}} again and again. The code is easier to read and it covers all special cases, including {{{tuples (-1) [1,2,3]}}}!

You can even save one direction of recursion by explicit computation of the list of all suffixes provided by {{{tails}}}. You can do this with do notation {{{#!syntax haskell tuples :: Int -> [a] -> a tuples 0 _ = [[]] tuples r xs = do

 y:ys <- tails xs
 map (y:) (tuples (r-1) ys)


Since (=<<) in the list monad is concatMap, we can also write this as follows. Where in the previous version the pattern {{{y:ys}}} filtered out the last empty suffix we have to do this manually now with {{{init}}}. {{{#!syntax haskell tuples :: Int -> [a] -> a tuples 0 _ = [[]] tuples r xs =

  concatMap (\(y:ys) -> map (y:) (tuples (r-1) ys))
            (init (tails xs))

}}} The list of all suffixes could be generated with {{{iterate tail}}} but this ends with a "Prelude.tail: empty list". {{{tails}}} generates the suffixes in the same order but aborts properly.

More generally, BaseCasesAndIdentities

Don't overuse lambdas

Like explicit recursion, using explicit lambdas isn't a universally bad idea, but a better solution often exists. For example, Haskell is quite good at currying. Don't write {{{#!syntax haskell zipWith (\x y -> f x y)

map (\x -> x + 42) }}}

instead, write {{{#!syntax haskell zipWith f

map (+42) }}}

also, instead of writing {{{#!syntax haskell -- sort a list of strings case insensitively sortBy (\x y -> compare (map toLower x) (map toLower y)) }}}

write {{{#!syntax haskell comparing p x y = compare (p x) (p y)

sortBy (comparing (map toLower)) }}} which is both clearer and re-usable. Actually, in a future version of GHC you may not even have to define {{{comparing}}}, as it's already defined in Data.Ord in the CVS version.

(Just a remark for this special example: We can avoid multiple evaluations of the conversions. {{{#!syntax haskell sortKey :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] sortKey f x = map snd (sortBy (comparing fst) (zip (map f x) x)) }}} )

As a rule of thumb, once your expression becomes too long to easily be point-freed, it probably deserves a name anyway. Lambdas are occasionally appropriate however, e.g. for control structures in monadic code (in this example, a control-structure "foreach2" which most languages don't even support.): {{{#!syntax haskell foreach2 xs ys f = zipWithM_ f xs ys

linify :: [String] -> IO () linify lines

       = foreach2 [1..] lines $ \lineNr line -> do
           unless (null line) $
               putStrLn $ shows lineNr $ showString ": " $ show line


Bool is a regular type

Logic expressions are not restricted to guards and {{{if}}} statements. Avoid verbosity like in

mod n 2 == 0  =  True

since it is the same as {{{#!syntax haskell isEven n = mod n 2 == 0 }}} .

Use syntactic sugar wisely

People who employ SyntacticSugar extensively argue that their code becomes more readable by it. The following sections show several examples where less syntactic sugar is more readable.

It is argued that a special notation is often more intuitive than a purely functional expression. But the term "intuitive notation" is always a matter of habit. You can also develop an intuition for analytic expressions that don't match your habits at the first glance. So why not making a habit of less sugar sometimes?

list comprehension

List comprehension let you remain in imperative thinking, that is it let you think in variables rather than transformations. Open your mind, discover the flavour of the PointFreeStyle!

Instead of

c <- s]

write {{{#!syntax haskell map toUpper s }}} .


s <- strings, c <- s]

where it takes some time for the reader to find out which value depends on what other value and it is not so clear how many times the interim values {{{s}}} and {{{c}}} are used. In contrast to that {{{#!syntax haskell map toUpper (concat strings) }}} can't be clearer.

When using higher order functions you can switch easier to data structures different from {{{List}}}.

Compare {{{#!syntax haskell map (1+) list }}} and {{{#!syntax haskell mapSet (1+) set }}} . If there would be a standard instance for the {{{Functor}}} class you could use the code {{{#!syntax haskell fmap (1+) pool }}} for both choices.

If you are not used to higher order functions for list processing you feel like needing parallel list comprehension. This is unfortunately supported by GHC now, but somehow superfluous since various flavours of {{{zip}}} already do a great job.

do notation

Do notation is useful to express the imperative nature (e.g. a hidden state or an order of execution) of a piece of code. Nevertheless it's sometimes useful to remember that the {{{do}}} notation is explained in terms of functions.

Instead of {{{#!syntax haskell do

 text <- readFile "foo"
 writeFile "bar" text

}}} one can write {{{#!syntax haskell readFile "foo" >>= writeFile "bar" }}} .

The code {{{#!syntax haskell do

 text <- readFile "foo"
 return text

}}} can be simplified to {{{#!syntax haskell readFile "foo" }}} by a law that each Monad must fulfill.

You certainly also agree that {{{#!syntax haskell do

 text <- readFile "foobar"
 return (lines text)

}}} is more complicated than {{{#!syntax haskell liftM lines (readFile "foobar") }}} . Btw. in the case of {{{IO}}} monad the {{{Functor}}} class method {{{fmap}}} and the {{{Monad}}} based function {{{liftM}}} are the same.

Be aware that "more complicated" does not imply "worse". If your do-expression was longer than this, then mixing do-notation and {{{fmap}}} might be precisely the wrong thing to do, because it adds one more thing to think about. Be natural. Only change it if you gain something by changing it. -- AndrewBromage


Guards look like

n == 0 = 1

which implements a factorial function. This example, like a lot of uses of guards, has a number of problems.

The first problem is that it's nearly impossible for the compiler to check if guards like this are exhaustive, as the guard conditions may be arbitrarily complex (Ghc will warn you if you use the {{{-Wall}}} option). To avoid this problem and potential bugs through non exhaustive patterns you should use an {{{otherwise}}} guard, that will match for all remaining cases:

n == 0    = 1

Another reason to prefer this one is its greater readability for humans and optimizability for compilers. Though it may not matter much in a simple case like this, when seeing an {{{otherwise}}} it's immediately clear that it's used whenever the previous guard fails, which isn't true if the "negation of the previous test" is spelled out. The same applies to the compiler: It probably will be able to optimize an {{{otherwise}}} (which is a synonym for {{{True}}}) away but cannot do that for most expressions.

This can be done with even less sugar using {{{if}}}, {{{#!syntax haskell -- Less sugar (though the verbosity of if-then-else can also be considered as sugar :-) fac :: Integer -> Integer fac n = if n == 0

         then 1
         else n * fac (n-1)

}}} Note that {{{if}}} has its own set of problems, for example in connection with the layout rule or that nested {{{if}}}s are difficult to read. See ["Case"] how to avoid nested {{{if}}}s.

But in this special case, the same can be done even more easily with pattern matching: {{{#!syntax haskell -- Good implementation: fac :: Integer -> Integer fac 0 = 1 fac n = n * fac (n-1) }}}

Actually, in this case there is an even more easier to read version, which (see above) doesn't use Explicit Recursion: {{{#!syntax haskell -- Excellent implementation: fac :: Integer -> Integer fac n = product [1..n] }}} This may also be more efficient as {{{product}}} might be optimized by the library-writer... In GHC, when compiling with optimizations turned on, this version runs in O(1) stack-space, whereas the previous versions run in O(n) stack-space.

Note however, that there is a difference between this version and the previous ones: When given a negative number, the previous versions do not terminate (until StackOverflow-time), while the last implemenation returns 1.

Guards don't always make code clearer. Compare

not (null xs) = bar (head xs)

and {{{#!syntax haskell foo (x:_) = bar x }}}

or compare the following example using the advanced PatternGuards (http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/users_guide/syntax-extns.html#PATTERN-GUARDS)

Left err <- parse cmd "Commands" ln
    = BadCmd $ unwords $ lines $ show err

with this one with NoPatternGuards: {{{#!syntax haskell parseCmd ln = case parse cmd "Commands" ln of

  Left err -> BadCmd $ unwords $ lines $ show err
  Right x  -> x

}}} or, if you expect your readers to be familiar with the {{{either}}} function: {{{#!syntax haskell parseCmd :: -- add an explicit type signature, as this is now a pattern binding parseCmd = either (BadCmd . unwords . lines . show) id . parse cmd "Commands" }}}

By the way, a compiler has also problems with numerical patterns. E.g. the pattern {{{0}}} in fact means {{{fromInteger 0}}}, thus it involves a computation, which is uncommon for function parameter patterns. To illustrate this, consider the following example: {{{#!syntax haskell data Foo = Foo deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Num Foo where

   fromInteger = error "forget it"

f :: Foo -> Bool f 42 = True f _ = False }}}

{{{#!syntax haskell

  • Main> f 42
      • Exception: forget it


Only use guards if you need to, in general you should stick to pattern matching whenever possible.

n+k patterns

In order to allow pattern matching against numerical types, Haskell 98 provides so-called n+k patterns, as in {{{#!syntax haskell take :: Int -> [a] -> [a] take (n+1) (x:xs) = x: take n xs take _ _ = [] }}} However, they are often critizised for hiding computational complexity and producing ambiguties, see ["ThingsToAvoid/Discussion"] for details. They are subsumed by the more general ["Views"] proposal, which was unfortunately never implemented despite being around for quite some time now.

Efficiency and infinity

A rule of thumb is: If a function makes sense for an infinite data structure but the implementation at hand fails for an infinite amount of data, then the implementation is probably inefficient also for finite data.

Don't ask for the length of a list, if you don't need it

Don't write {{{#!syntax haskell length x == 0 }}} to find out if the list {{{x}}} is empty. If you write it, you force Haskell to create all list nodes. It fails on an infinite list although the expression should be evaluated to {{{False}}} in this case. (Nevertheless the content of the list elements may not be evaluated.)

In contrast {{{#!syntax haskell x == [] }}} is faster but it requires the list {{{x}}} to be of type {{{[a]}}} where {{{a}}} is a type of class {{{Eq}}}.

The best to do is {{{#!syntax haskell null x }}}

Additionally, many uses of the length function can be replaced with an {{{atLeast}}} function that only checks to see that a list is greater than the required minimum length. {{{#!syntax haskell atLeast :: Int -> [a] -> Bool atLeast 0 _ = True atLeast _ [] = False atLeast n (_:ys) = atLeast (n-1) ys }}} or non-recursive, but less efficient because both {{{length}}} and {{{take}}} must count {{{#!syntax haskell atLeast :: Int -> [a] -> Bool atLeast n x = n == length (take n x) }}} or non-recursive but fairly efficient {{{#!syntax haskell atLeast :: Int -> [a] -> Bool atLeast n =

 if n>0
   then not . null . drop (n-1)
   else const True

}}} or {{{#!syntax haskell atLeast :: Int -> [a] -> Bool atLeast 0 = const True atLeast n = not . null . drop (n-1) }}}

The same problem arises if you want to shorten a list to the length of another one by {{{#!syntax haskell take (length x) y }}} since this is inefficient for large lists {{{x}}} and fails for infinite ones. But this can be useful to extract a finite prefix from an infinite list. So, instead {{{#!syntax haskell zipWith const y x }}} works well.

It should be noted that {{{length}}}, {{{take}}} and others wouldn't cause headache if they would count using PeanoNumbers as shown below.

Don't ask for the minimum if you don't need it

The function {{{isLowerLimit}}} checks if a number is a lower limit to a sequence. {{{#!syntax haskell isLowerLimit :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> Bool isLowerLimit x ys = x <= minimum ys }}} It fails definitely if {{{ys}}} is infinite. Is this a problem?

Compare it with {{{#!syntax haskell isLowerLimit x = all (x<=) }}} This definition terminates for infinite lists, if {{{x}}} is not a lower limit. It aborts immediately if an element is found which is below {{{x}}}. Thus it is also faster for finite lists. Even more: It works also for empty lists.

Choose the right fold

See StackOverflow for advice on which fold is appropriate for your situation.

Choose types properly

Lists are not good for everything

Lists are not arrays

Lists are not arrays, so don't treat them as such. Frequent use of {{{(!!)}}} should alarm you. Accessing the {{{n}}}th list element requires to traverse through the first {{{n}}} nodes of the list. This is very inefficient.

If you access the elements progressively like in

i <- [0..n]]

you should try to get rid of indexing like in {{{#!syntax haskell zipWith (-) x [0..n] }}} .

If you really need random access like in the Fourier Transform you should switch to {{{Array}}}s.

Lists are not sets

If you manage data sets where each object can occur only once and the order is irrelevant, if you use list functions like {{{sort}}}, {{{nub}}}, {{{union}}}, {{{elem}}}, {{{delete}}}, {{{(\\)}}} frequently, you should think about switching to sets. If you need multi-sets, i.e. data sets with irrelevant order but multiple occurence of an object you can use a {{{FiniteMap a Int}}}.

Lists are not finite maps

Similarly, lists are not finite maps, as mentioned on EfficiencyHints.

Reduce type class constraints

Eq type class

When using functions like {{{delete}}}, {{{(\\)}}}, {{{nub}}}, and so on you should be aware that they need types of the {{{Eq}}} class. There are two problems: The routines might not work as expected if a processed list contains multiple equal elements and the element type of the list may not be comparable, like functions.

Example: The following function takes the input list {{{xs}}} and removes each element of {{{xs}}} once from {{{xs}}}. Clear what it does? No? The code is probably more understandable {{{#!syntax haskell removeEach :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a removeEach xs = map (flip List.delete xs) xs }}} but it should be replaced by {{{#!syntax haskell removeEach :: [a] -> a removeEach xs =

  zipWith (++) (List.inits xs) (tail (List.tails xs))

}}} since this works perfectly for function types {{{a}}} and for equal elements in {{{xs}}}.

Don't use Int if you don't consider integers

Before using integers for each and everything (C style) think of more specialised types. If only the values {{{0}}} and {{{1}}} are of interest, try the type {{{Bool}}} instead. If there are more choices and numeric operations aren't needed try an enumeration. If an enumeration is not appropriate you can define a {{{newtype}}} carrying the type that is closest to what you need.

Instead of {{{#!syntax haskell type Weekday = Int }}} write


It allows all sensible operations like {{{==}}}, {{{<}}}, {{{succ}}} and forbids all nonsensical ones like {{{+}}}, {{{*}}}. You cannot accidentally mix up weekdays with numbers and the signature of a function with weekday parameter clearly states what kind of data is expected.


Separate IO and data processing

It's not good to use the IO Monad everywhere, much of the data processing can be done without IO interaction. You should separate data processing and IO because pure data processing can be done purely functionally, that is you don't have to specify an order of execution and you don't have to worry about what computations are actually necessary. You can easily benefit from lazy evaluation if you process data purely functionally and output it by a short IO interaction.

{{{#!syntax haskell -- import Control.Monad (replicateM_) replicateM_ 10 (putStr "foo") }}} is certainly worse than {{{#!syntax haskell putStr (concat $ replicate 10 "foo") }}}

{{{#!syntax haskell do

 h <- openFile "foo" WriteMode
 replicateM_ 10 (hPutStr h "bar")
 hClose h

}}} can be shortened to {{{#!syntax haskell writeFile "foo" (concat $ replicate 10 "bar") }}} which also safes you from proper closing of the handle {{{h}}} in case of failure.

A function which computes a random value with respect to a custom distribution ({{{distInv}}} is the inverse of the distribution function) can be defined via IO {{{#!syntax haskell randomDist :: (Random a, Num a) => (a -> a) -> IO a randomDist distInv = liftM distInv (randomRIO (0,1)) }}} but there is no need to do so. You don't need the state of the whole world just for remembering the state of a random number generator. What about {{{#!syntax haskell randomDist :: (RandomGen g, Random a, Num a) => (a -> a) -> State g a randomDist distInv = liftM distInv (State (randomR (0,1))) }}} ?

Forget about quot and rem

They complicate handling of negative dividends. {{{div}}} and {{{mod}}} are almost always the better choice. If {{{b>0}}} then it always holds {{{#!syntax haskell a == b * div a b + mod a b mod a b < b mod a b >= 0 }}} The first equation is true also for {{{quot}}} and {{{rem}}}, but the two others are true only for {{{mod}}}, but not for {{{rem}}}. That is, {{{mod a b}}} always wraps {{{a}}} to an element from {{{[0..(b-1)]}}}, whereas the sign of {{{rem a b}}} depends on the sign of {{{a}}}.

This seems to be more an issue of experience rather than one of a superior reason. You might argue, that the sign of the dividend is more important for you, than that of the divisor. However, I have never seen such an application, but many uses of {{{quot}}} and {{{rem}}} where {{{div}}} and {{{mod}}} were clearly superior.


  • Conversion from a continuously counted tone pitch to the pitch class, like C, D, E etc.: {{{mod p 12}}}
  • Conversion from a day counter to a week day: {{{mod n 7}}}
  • Pacman runs out of the screen and re-appears at the opposite border: {{{mod x screenWidth}}}