(Redirected from JHC)
The Jhc Haskell Compiler
Jhc is a Haskell compiler that aims to produce the most efficient programs possible via whole program analysis and other optimizations. It also performs well as a cross compiler and is able to generate Windows programs on a Linux box, or target embedded systems with little effort. The compiler cannot, however, be compiled on Windows.
Go to the jhc homepage for a tarball.
- [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Start Ajhc project with forking jhc. Kiwamu Okabe created a fork of jhc and used it to program a Cortex-M3 processor. John Meacham merged the changes back into the main jhc tree.
- A comparison to other Haskell compilers in speed and memory usage
Blog articles
- Installing JHC Via Cabal on Haskell Platform (out of date, do not use the cabal jhc as it is an old fork Use Jhc Installation)