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Line 62: Line 62:
You can type pdf filepath to open in pdf viewer module, image filepath is same.
You can type pdf filepath to open in pdf viewer module, image filepath is same.
You also type directory path to open in file manager.
You also can type directory to open in file manager.
Press F3 will start RSS/Atom reader
Press F3 will start RSS/Atom reader
Line 169: Line 169:
Super + L => Shrink window right
Super + L => Shrink window right
== Browser keymap ==
Alt + r => Reload current page
Alt + R => Reload current page without use cache
Alt + , => Backward history
Alt + . => Forward history
Alt + - => Zoom out page
Alt + = => Zoom in page
== Editor keymap ==
Alt + a => sourceViewSelectAll
Alt + s => sourceViewSave
Alt + d => sourceViewDelLines
Alt + D => sourceViewDelete
Alt + / => sourceViewUndo
Alt + ? => sourceViewRedo
Alt + r => sourceViewReload
Alt + , => sourceViewDeleteBackwardChar
Alt + . => sourceViewDeleteForwardChar
Alt + < => sourceViewDeleteBackwardWord
Alt + > => sourceViewDeleteForwardWord
Alt + Ctrl + , => sourceViewDeleteToLineStart
Alt + Ctrl + . => sourceViewDeleteToLineEnd
Alt + j => sourceViewForwardLine
Alt + k => sourceViewBackwardLine
Alt + l => sourceViewForwardChar
Alt + h => sourceViewBackwardChar
Alt + m => sourceViewNewline
Alt + L => sourceViewForwardWord
Alt + H => sourceViewBackwardWord
Alt + Super + h => sourceViewSmartHome
Alt + Super + l => sourceViewSmartEnd
Alt + N => sourceViewOpenNewlineBelow
Alt + P => sourceViewOpenNewlineAbove
Alt + w => sourceViewDupLinesBelow
Alt + W => sourceViewDupLinesAbove
Alt + e => sourceViewTraLinesBelow
Alt + E => sourceViewTraLinesAbove
Ctrl + c => sourceViewToggleSelectionMark
Ctrl + C => sourceViewExchangeSelectionMark
Ctrl + o => sourceViewOpenFile
Ctrl + g => sourceViewGotoLine
Ctrl + G => sourceViewGotoColumn
== File Manager keymap ==
j => next file
k => previous file
J => scroll to bottom
K => scroll to top
Space => scroll page up
b => scroll page down
n => sort by name.
x => sort by extension type
s => sort by size
t => sort by time
' => jump upper directory
\ => open upper directory in new tab
m => open directory or file
M => open directory in new tab
== Image Viewer keymap ==
j => scroll up
k => scroll down
h => scroll right
l => scroll left
Space => scroll page up
b => scroll page down
J => scroll to bottom
K => scroll to up
, => zoom image out
. => zoom image in
m => zoom image to screen size
n => next image
p => prevoius image
N => last image
P => first image
< => rotate left
> => rotate right
/ => rotate mirror
s => auto show
B => set as background (just work for gnome)
== IRC client keymap ==
Alt + m => send message
Ctrl + m => translate message and send
Ctrl + n => switch mother-language and translate language
Ctrl + N => send morse code
Alt + M => move to prompt position
Alt + N => clean input
Alt + a => select all
Alt + d => delete lines
Alt + D => delete selection
Alt + , => delete char backward
Alt + . => delete char forward
Alt + < => delete word backward
Alt + > => delete word forward
Alt + Ctrl + , => delete to line start
Alt + Ctrl + . => delete to line end
Alt + j => forward line
Alt + k => backward line
Alt + l => forward char
Alt + h => backward char
Alt + L => forward word
Alt + H => backward word
Alt + Super + h => smart home
Alt + Super + l => smart end
Ctrl + c => toggle select mark
Ctrl + C => exchange select mark
Ctrl + o => open url in browser
Ctrl + j => translate message
Ctrl + J => translate morse code
Ctrl + k => read IRC message (need install festival in your system)
== How to write Manatee extension ==
== How to write Manatee extension ==

Revision as of 03:23, 12 November 2010


Manatee is Haskell integrated environment written in Haskell.

The goal of the Manatee project is to provide a fast, safe and flexible integrated environment for haskell hacking.

You can consider it is new environment mix Gnome and Emacs. Like Gnome to provide friendly graphics interface and work efficient like Emacs.

Manatee use multi-processes framework, any sub-module running in separate process to protected core won't crash. So it minimize your losses when some unexpected exception throw in extension.

You can find screenshots at : http://goo.gl/MkVw


Below is build step for Manatee:

1) Install GHC compiler http://www.haskell.org/ghc/download_ghc_6_12_3.html:

Download ghc package for your system, then do below command :

./configure && sudo make install

2) Install C library: In Debian use below command:

sudo aptitude install libgtksourceview2.0-dev libgconf2-dev libwebkit-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libgtkimageview-dev libpoppler-glib-dev poppler-data libtagc0-dev -y

3) Install cabal:

If you're haskell newbie, use below command to install cabal (haskell expert ignore this):

sudo aptitude install cabal-install -y

4) Install dependent Haskell library:

First make sure HOME/.cabal/bin/ in your PATH

Generic way is add `PATH=$PATH:~/.cabal/bin` in your ~/.bashrc

Then do below command (NOTE: don't use root permission with cabal, otherwise Manatee can't work):

cabal update && cabal install happy c2hs gtk2hs-buildtools glib gio pango cairo gtk

5) Install Manatee (same, don't use root permission):

cabal install manatee-core manatee-anything manatee-browser manatee-editor manatee-filemanager manatee-imageviewer manatee-ircclient manatee-mplayer manatee-pdfviewer manatee-processmanager manatee-reader manatee

That's all, then type command manatee to play it! :)

Now Manatee looks can't work in XMonad, i'm working on it. It's no problem if you use Gnome.

Quick start

When you first run manatee, it will show a Global Search menu In search menu, it will search different kind candidate for your input.

Example, when you type http://www.google.com in it, it will show Browser candidate for you, then you hit RETURN or "Alt + m" will open link in browser.

If you type Haskell filepath, example, /path/Haskell.hs, manatee will call editor module to open /path/Haskell.hs

You can type pdf filepath to open in pdf viewer module, image filepath is same.

You also can type directory to open in file manager.

Press F3 will start RSS/Atom reader

Press F6 will login #haskell channel (Or Press F7 to login with you own nick)

Focus Interactivebar

Alt + f => Focus interactive bar

Alt + F => Focus buffer

Alt + b => Toggle focus between interactive bar and current buffer

Alt + g => Close interactive bar

Interactivebar keymap

Alt + j => Select next candidate

Alt + k => Select previous candidate

Alt + J => Select next search menu

Alt + K => Select previous search menu

Alt + N => Complete select candidate

Tab => Complete candidate for input

Backspace => Delete char backward

Alt + , => Delete char backward

Alt + < => Delete word backward

Alt + d => Clean input

Alt + x => Cut input

Alt + c => Copy input

Alt + v => Paste input

Tab keymap

Alt + 7 => Select left tab

Alt + 8 => Select right tab

Alt + & => Select first tab

Alt + * => Select last tab

Alt + ' => Close current tab

Alt + " => Close all tabs except current one

Alt + 9 => Select previous tab group

Alt + 0 => Select next tab group

Ctrl + 7 => Move current tab to left

Ctrl + 8 => Move current tab to right

Ctrl + & => Move current tab to first

Ctrl + * => Move current tab to last

Ctrl + ' => Undo tab close action with current model

Ctrl + " => Undo tab close action globally

Window keymap

Alt + t => Split current window vertically

Alt + T => Split current window hortizontally

Alt + n => Select next window

Alt + p => Select previous window

Alt + ; => Close current window

Alt + : => Close all windows except current one

Super + . => Enlarge current window

Super + , => Shrink current window

Super + j => Enlarge window down

Super + k => Enlarge window up

Super + h => Enlarge window left

Super + l => Enlarge window right

Super + J => Shrink window down

Super + K => Shrink window up

Super + H => Shrink window left

Super + L => Shrink window right

Browser keymap

Alt + r => Reload current page

Alt + R => Reload current page without use cache

Alt + , => Backward history

Alt + . => Forward history

Alt + - => Zoom out page

Alt + = => Zoom in page

Editor keymap

Alt + a => sourceViewSelectAll

Alt + s => sourceViewSave

Alt + d => sourceViewDelLines

Alt + D => sourceViewDelete

Alt + / => sourceViewUndo

Alt + ? => sourceViewRedo

Alt + r => sourceViewReload

Alt + , => sourceViewDeleteBackwardChar

Alt + . => sourceViewDeleteForwardChar

Alt + < => sourceViewDeleteBackwardWord

Alt + > => sourceViewDeleteForwardWord

Alt + Ctrl + , => sourceViewDeleteToLineStart

Alt + Ctrl + . => sourceViewDeleteToLineEnd

Alt + j => sourceViewForwardLine

Alt + k => sourceViewBackwardLine

Alt + l => sourceViewForwardChar

Alt + h => sourceViewBackwardChar

Alt + m => sourceViewNewline

Alt + L => sourceViewForwardWord

Alt + H => sourceViewBackwardWord

Alt + Super + h => sourceViewSmartHome

Alt + Super + l => sourceViewSmartEnd

Alt + N => sourceViewOpenNewlineBelow

Alt + P => sourceViewOpenNewlineAbove

Alt + w => sourceViewDupLinesBelow

Alt + W => sourceViewDupLinesAbove

Alt + e => sourceViewTraLinesBelow

Alt + E => sourceViewTraLinesAbove

Ctrl + c => sourceViewToggleSelectionMark

Ctrl + C => sourceViewExchangeSelectionMark

Ctrl + o => sourceViewOpenFile

Ctrl + g => sourceViewGotoLine

Ctrl + G => sourceViewGotoColumn

File Manager keymap

j => next file

k => previous file

J => scroll to bottom

K => scroll to top

Space => scroll page up

b => scroll page down

n => sort by name.

x => sort by extension type

s => sort by size

t => sort by time

' => jump upper directory

\ => open upper directory in new tab

m => open directory or file

M => open directory in new tab

Image Viewer keymap

j => scroll up

k => scroll down

h => scroll right

l => scroll left

Space => scroll page up

b => scroll page down

J => scroll to bottom

K => scroll to up

, => zoom image out

. => zoom image in

m => zoom image to screen size

n => next image

p => prevoius image

N => last image

P => first image

< => rotate left

> => rotate right

/ => rotate mirror

s => auto show

B => set as background (just work for gnome)

IRC client keymap

Alt + m => send message

Ctrl + m => translate message and send

Ctrl + n => switch mother-language and translate language

Ctrl + N => send morse code

Alt + M => move to prompt position

Alt + N => clean input

Alt + a => select all

Alt + d => delete lines

Alt + D => delete selection

Alt + , => delete char backward

Alt + . => delete char forward

Alt + < => delete word backward

Alt + > => delete word forward

Alt + Ctrl + , => delete to line start

Alt + Ctrl + . => delete to line end

Alt + j => forward line

Alt + k => backward line

Alt + l => forward char

Alt + h => backward char

Alt + L => forward word

Alt + H => backward word

Alt + Super + h => smart home

Alt + Super + l => smart end

Ctrl + c => toggle select mark

Ctrl + C => exchange select mark

Ctrl + o => open url in browser

Ctrl + j => translate message

Ctrl + J => translate morse code

Ctrl + k => read IRC message (need install festival in your system)

How to write Manatee extension

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