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Session Example

We start creating a new package environment:

hypermac:trash paolo$ pkgenv binary.env
Using GHC 6.10.1 (full path: /opt/local/bin/ghc-6.10.1)
Using cabal-install 0.6.2 (full path: /Users/paolo/.cabal/bin/cabal)
Installing package environment in /Users/paolo/trash/binary.env.


  bash> source /Users/paolo/trash/binary.env/bin/activate
  (binary.env)bash> deactivate
hypermac:trash paolo$  

We activate the new environment (the bash prompt is changed accordingly):

hypermac:trash paolo$ source binary.env/bin/activate 
(binary.env)hypermac:trash paolo$

All tools run now by default on the system package DB and the newly created/empty user package DB:

(binary.env)hypermac:trash paolo$ ghc-pkg list
    Cabal-, HUnit-, QuickCheck-, array-,
    base-, base-, bytestring-, containers-,
    directory-, (dph-base-0.3), (dph-par-0.3),
    (dph-prim-interface-0.3), (dph-prim-par-0.3), (dph-prim-seq-0.3),
    (dph-seq-0.3), editline-, filepath-, (ghc-6.10.1),
    ghc-prim-, haddock-2.3.0, haskell-src-,
    haskell98-, hpc-, html-, integer-,
    mtl-, network-, old-locale-, old-time-,
    packedstring-, parallel-, parsec-,
    pretty-, process-, random-,
    regex-base-, regex-compat-, regex-posix-,
    rts-1.0, stm-, syb-, template-haskell-,
    time-, unix-, xhtml-3000.2.0.1

Let's install a package inside the new environment:

(binary.env)hypermac:trash paolo$ cabal install --verbose=0 binary
Reading package info from "dist/installed-pkg-config" ... done.
Writing new package config file... done.
(binary.env)hypermac:trash paolo$ ghc-pkg list
    Cabal-, HUnit-, QuickCheck-, array-,
    base-, base-, bytestring-, containers-,
    directory-, (dph-base-0.3), (dph-par-0.3),
    (dph-prim-interface-0.3), (dph-prim-par-0.3), (dph-prim-seq-0.3),
    (dph-seq-0.3), editline-, filepath-, (ghc-6.10.1),
    ghc-prim-, haddock-2.3.0, haskell-src-,
    haskell98-, hpc-, html-, integer-,
    mtl-, network-, old-locale-, old-time-,
    packedstring-, parallel-, parsec-,
    pretty-, process-, random-,
    regex-base-, regex-compat-, regex-posix-,
    rts-1.0, stm-, syb-, template-haskell-,
    time-, unix-, xhtml-3000.2.0.1

We can now use the new package:

(binary.env)hypermac:trash paolo$ ghci
GHCi, version 6.10.1:  :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> import Data.Binary
Prelude Data.Binary>

and leave the environment:

(binary.env)hypermac:trash paolo$ deactivate 
hypermac:trash paolo$ 

and when you're done with the environment, simply remove it:

hypermac:trash paolo$ rm -rf binary.env