Poor man's here document

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Revision as of 18:27, 16 April 2007 by BrettGiles (talk | contribs) (Poor Man's Heredoc in Haskell moved to Poor man's here document)
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The printable version is no longer supported and may have rendering errors. Please update your browser bookmarks and please use the default browser print function instead.
main = do
  doc <- here "DATA" "Here.hs" [("variable","some"),("substitution","variables")]
  putStrLn doc
  html <- here "HTML" "Here.hs" [("code",doc)]
  putStrLn html

here tag file env = do
  txt <- readFile file
  let (_,_:rest) = span (/="{- "++tag++" START") (lines txt)
      (doc,_) = span (/="   "++tag++" END -}") rest
  return $ unlines $ map subst doc
    subst ('$':'(':cs) = case span (/=')') cs of 
      (var,')':cs) -> maybe ("$("++var++")") id (lookup var env) ++ subst cs
      _ -> '$':'(':subst cs
    subst (c:cs) = c:subst cs
    subst "" = ""


this is a poor man's here-document

with quotes ", and escapes \, 
and line-breaks, and layout
without escaping \" \\ \n,
without concatenation.

oh, and with $(variable) $(substitution), $(too).
   DATA END -}


<head><title>very important page</title></head>

   HTML END -}

See Also

Poor Man's Heredoc, as originally posted by Claus Reinke to Haskell Cafe