Research papers/Program development
Program derivation
- An algebra of scans
- Ralf Hinze. In Dexter Kozen, editor, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC 2004), Stirling, Scotland, UK, July 12-14, 2004.
- Constructing tournament representations: An exercise in pointwise relational programming
- Ralf Hinze. In Eerke Boiten, Bernhard Mller, editors, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC 2002), Dagstuhl, Germany, July 8-10, 2002. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2386, pp. 131-147.
- Visual Haskell: A full-featured Haskell development environment
- Krasimir Angelov, Simon Marlow. Haskell '05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Haskell, pages 5--16, Tallinn, Estonia, ACM Press, September 2005
- Dynamic Applications From the Ground Up
- Don Stewart and Manuel M. T. Chakravarty. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Haskell, pages 27-38. ACM Press, 2005.
- Haddock, A Haskell Documentation Tool
- Simon Marlow. Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Haskell, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, USA, ACM Press, October 2002
- Refactoring Functional Programs
- Simon Thompson and Claus Reinke. Technical Report 16-01, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent at Canterbury, October 2001.
- A case study in refactoring functional programs
- Simon Thompson and Claus Reinke. In Roberto Ierusalimschy, Lucilia Figueiredo, and Marcio Tulio Valente, editors, VII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, pages 1-16. Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao, May 2003.
- Tool support for refactoring functional programs
- Huiqing Li, Claus Reinke, and Simon Thompson. In Johan Jeuring, editor, ACM SIGPLAN 2003 Haskell Workshop. Association for Computing Machinery, August 2003. ISBN 1-58113-758-3.
- Progress on HaRe: the Haskell Refactorer
- Huiqing Li, Claus Reinke, and Simon Thompson. Poster presentation at the International Conference on Functional Programming, Snowbird, Utah. ACM, September 2004.
- Transformation in HaRe
- Chau Nguyen-Viet. Technical report, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, UK, December 2004.
- The Haskell Refactorer: HaRe, and its API
- Huiqing Li, Simon Thompson, and Claus Reinke. In John Boyland and Görel Hedin, editors, Proceedings of the 5th workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications (LDTA 2005), April 2005.
- Refactoring Functional Programs
- Simon Thompson. In Varmo Vene and Tarmo Uustalu, editors, Advanced Functional Programming, 5th International School, AFP 2004, volume 3622 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 331-357. Springer Verlag, September 2005.
- Porting HaRe to the GHC API
- Chris Ryder and Simon Thompson. Technical Report 8-05, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, UK, October 2005.
- Formalisation of Haskell Refactorings
- Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson. In Marko van Eekelen and Kevin Hammond, editors, Trends in Functional Programming, September 2005.
Software metrics
- Software Metrics: Measuring Haskell
- Chris Ryder and Simon Thompson. In Marko van Eekelen and Kevin Hammond, editors, Trends in Functional Programming, September 2005.
Lexers and regular expressions
- Lazy Lexing is Fast
- Manuel M. T. Chakravarty. In A. Middeldorp and T. Sato, editors, Fourth Fuji International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming, Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1722, pages 68-84, 1999.
- Regular Expressions and Automata using Haskell
- Simon Thompson. Technical Report 5-00, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, January 2000.
- Parsec: Direct Style Monadic Parser Combinators for the Real World
- Daan Leijen and Erik Meijer. Technical Report UU-CS-2001-35, Departement of Computer Science, Universiteit Utrecht, 2001.
- Monadic Parser Combinators
- Graham Hutton and and Erik Meijer, Technical report NOTTCS-TR-96-4, Department of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, 1996. A condensed version of this report will appear as a functional pearl in JFP.
- How to Replace Failure by a List of Successes
- Philip Wadler, Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, LNCS 201, 1985.
- Higher-order functions for parsing
- Graham Hutton, J. Functional Programming 2(3):323-343, 1992.
- Monadic Parser Combinators
- Graham Hutton and Erik Meijer, Technical report NOTTCS-TR-96-4, Department of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, 1996.
- Functional Parsers
- Jeroen Fokker, First International Spring School on Advanced Functional Programming Techniques, LNCS 925, 1995.
- Predictive parser combinators need four values to report errors
- Andrew Partridge and David Wright, J. Functional Programming 6(2): 355-364, 1996.
- Combinators for parsing expressions
- Steve Hill], J. Functional Programming 6(3):445-463, May 1996.
- Deterministic, Error-Correcting Combinator Parsers
- Doaitse Swierstra and Luc Duponcheel, Second International Summer School on Advanced Functional Programming Techniques, LNCS 1126, 1996.
- Combinator Parsers: From Toys to Tools
- D. Swierstra. Combinator Parsers: From Toys to Tools. In G. Hutton, editor, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, volume 41. Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001.
- Fast, Error Correcting Parser Combinators: a Short Tutorial
- S. D. Swierstra and P. R. Azero Alcocer. In J. Pavelka, G. Tel, and M. Bartosek, editors, SOFSEM'99 Theory and Practice of Informatics, 26th Seminar on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, volume 1725 of LNCS, pages 111--129, November 1999.
Pretty printing
- The Design of a Pretty-printing Library
- John Hughes. Advanced Functional Programming 1995. 53-96
- A prettier printer
- Philip Wadler. The Fun of Programming. A symposium in honour of Professor Richard Bird's 60th birthday Examination Schools, Oxford, 24-25 March 2003.
- Linear, Online, Functional Pretty Printing
- S. D. Swierstra. UU-CS 2004-025a, 2004.
- Optimal Pretty-Printing Combinators
- P. Azero and S. D. Swierstra.
- Pretty printing with delimited continuations
- Olaf Chitil. Technical report 4-06, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, June 2006.
User Interfaces
- Composing graphical user interfaces in a purely functional language
- Sigbjorn Finne. PhD Thesis, Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, June 1998.
- Composing the User Interface with Haggis
- Sigbjorn Finne and Simon Peyton Jones Proceedings of the Second International School on Advanced Functional Programming, Olympia, WA, USA, August 26-30, 1996. LNCS 1129.
- Genuinely Functional User Interfaces
- Antony Courtney and Conal Elliott. In Proceedings of the Haskell Workshop, September, 2001.
- wxHaskell: A portable and concise GUI library for Haskell
- Daan Leijen. The ACM SIGPLAN Haskell workshop, Snowbird, Utah, September 22, 2004.
Operating systems
(see also main page of the topic: operating systems and system programming)
- Towards a Practical, Verified Kernel
- Kevin Elphinstone, Gerwin Klein, Philip Derrin, Timothy Roscoe, and Gernot Heiser . 2007
- Reconciling High Performance and High Assurance in Microkernel Development
- Philip Derrin, Kevin Elphinstone, Gerwin Klein, David Cock, and Manuel M. T. Chakravarty. 2006
- A Principled Approach to Operating System Construction in Haskell
- Thomas Hallgren, Mark P. Jones, Rebekah Leslie, Andrew Tolmach, ICFP 2005
- Formalising the L4 microkernel API
- Rafal Kolanski and Gerwin Klein , 2006.
- Formalising a High-Performance Microkernel written in Haskell, using Isabelle/HOL
- Kevin Elphinstone, Gerwin Klein and Rafal Kolanski, 2006
- A Secure Microkernel
- Philip Derrin, BSc (Hons) Thesis, University of NSW, 2005.
- Audio Processing using Haskell
- Henning Thielemann, Digital Audio Effects, DAF'04, Naples
- A Model of Performance, Interaction, and Improvisation
- Paul Hudak and Jonathan Berger
Version Control
- A Principled Approach to Version Control
- Andres Löh, Wouter Swierstra and Daan Leijen