Stiri Ro/HCAR-mai-2009

From HaskellWiki
Haskell - Un limbaj functional pur
Haskell - Un limbaj functional pur

.Selected news - 2008

16 dec 2008 A small collection of links was added: O colectie de link-uri din 1 noiembrie 2008.

29 nov 2008 HCAR Reports are (sp)read in Romania. PDF also in HTML format.

28 nov 2008 A set of exercises was offerd. [Exercitii ]

The on-line supplement of 'Gentle' was published as e-book and released in this form. [- <Download> ] See also:

23 nov 2008 The PIM book Practica interpretarii monadice (Meaning, more or less,The Practice of Monadic Interpreters) was oficially presented in Bacau.

5 nov 2008 The Fedora Project was launching Fedora 9 (... a short time after, Fedora 10 was available. Now we are expecting Fedora 11) We have used it, here in Romania, in Bacau.

28 oct 2008 Matrix Rom - the Official Editor of Ro/Haskell anounced the first batch of books concerning monadic interpreters. "Practica interpretarii monadice by Dan Popa. They have prepared a nice cover.

20 Oct 2008 Matrix Rom Publishing House anounced it's intention of becoming The Official Publishing House of the Ro/Haskell Group. "Matrix Rom Ltd." [1]

18 oct 2008 Books are donated to libraries:

  • Ro/Haskell - Clicks counter reached 11988... Waiting for the # 12000 clik on the Ro/Haskell Main web page.

17 oct 2008

  • We have the possibilty of presenting at The XII-a Anual Conference of The Society of Mathematical Sciences (SSMR) from România (Bacău oct 17-19, 2008) the paper called ”Modular evaluation and interpreters using monads and type classes”. The PDF is here ”[Modular evaluation and interpreters using monads and type classes]”. All my gratitude to Profesor Vasile Berinde for the acceptance of the paper, in the last minute.
  • Haskell seems not to be known by matematiciens. Seeing a Haskell source (which has been immediately understood) somebody exclamed "Nice pseudocode !"

12 oct 2008 Conf. Dr. Mihai Gontineac offerd a e-version of his book : Cursuri ProgramareFunctionala available at: Thank you very much !

1 oct 2008 Work in progress: A small DSL called "Limbaj Pseudocod RodinV08" is built. It will become a tool available for the students from the field of mathematics, in order to teach them the principles of programming languages.

23 sept 2008 Students (future IT Engineers) from the Technical faculty of The Univ. from Bacau will have a Formall Languages and Haskell course.
sept 2008 The research group LOGOS announced it's intention of using Haskell in research. Hope we will be back with more details.

22 sept 2008 The Pseudocode Language Rodin begin to spread in High Schools of Romania.

18 sept 2008 First version of the cover of Practica interpretarii monadice by Dan Popa.

(partial picture)

13 sept 2008 The counter of the main page reached 11000. In fact there were more clicks, especially from masqueraded networks, like any Univ. Capus.

11 sept 2008 Brainstorming with Prof. Marcelina Mocanu concerning Haskell and math. research. Also about teaching mathematics and computer science. The [Rodin] project have received a spontaneous appreciation.

29 iul 2008 Waiting for the 10000 click counted by the serveres. (actually 9983). "Practica interpretarii monadice" will have a foreword signed by Simon P.J. (Thank you Simon!) The Guide of the future student - ed 2008. Rodin project ready foir beta testers. Dan Popa has discovered a different way for the implementation of the modular interpreters, tested now, (i.e. implementing Rodin).

25-iul-2008 The deadline for sending your papers/documents in order to become a student of the Univ. of Bacau is 31 of july, 2008. During previous mounth Haskell was used by students from Iasi, Bacau, Bucuresti, Cluj. Studentii having Haskell related projects have just graduated.

14-iul 2008 Haskell Language was mentioned in The Guide of the future student - editia 2008 released by the Univ. of Bacau.

13-iul 2008 Three Books "Introducere in Haskell 98 prin exemple" was sent to the Transilvania Univ. ( Brasov ).

5 iul 2008 The 9008-th click.It means that all the trafic since jan. 19. 2008 to the 5-th of july 2008 (4 mounth and a half) is bigger than ALL the traffic since the Ro/Haskell was founded, to the 19-th of january, 2008. (aprox 16 mounth).

10 feb 2008: Ro/Haskell articles was indexed forming the Category:Ro.

19 ian 2008: Questions and answers concerning IO added on the Begineer's Questions Web Page "Intrebarile incepatorului. "

. Undated news


. Websites and References


. Some cities where you can learn Haskell, in Romania

See: Orase in care se preda Haskell la Universitati. Actualy just a (ro) version of the page.

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