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Recent Package Updates hackage-daily.png Rss.png

fpipe 0.0.1
F#-style composition and application
hpage 0.11.1
A scrapbook for Haskell developers
hledger 0.10
A command-line (or curses or web-based) double-entry accounting tool.
hledger-lib 0.10
Core types and utilities for working with hledger (or c++ ledger) data.
atom 1.0.4
A DSL for embedded hard realtime applications.
heist 0.1.2
An xhtml templating system
snap-server 0.2.1
A fast, iteratee-based, epoll-enabled web server for the Snap Framework
snap-core 0.2.1
Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (Core)
meldable-heap 2.0.3
Asymptotically optimal, Coq-verified meldable heaps, AKA priority queues
hackport 0.2.6
Hackage and Portage integration tool
A binding for the OpenCV computer vision library
Functional Combinators for Computer Vision
allocated-processor 0.0.2
Functional combinators for monadic actions that require allocation and de-allocation
RMP 0.0.2
Binding to code that controls a Segway RMP
linkcore 0.4
Combines multiple GHC Core modules into a single module
hlibev 0.2.2
FFI interface to libev
darcs 2.4.4
a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
Rebuild Haskell dependencies in Gentoo
