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Revision as of 08:03, 20 December 2008 by DonStewart (talk | contribs) (Automated update by hackage2hwn)
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Recent Package Updates hackage-daily.png Rss.png

bytestring-trie 0.1
Efficient map from strings to values.
rangemin 1.0.2
Effectively linear range-min algorithms.
internetmarke 0.0.2
Shell command for constructing custom stamps for German Post
explicit-exception 0.0.2
Exceptions which are explicit in the type signature.
happs-tutorial 0.6.3
A HAppS Tutorial that is is own web 2.0-type demo.
HAppSHelpers 0.9
Convenience functions for HAppS.
Thingie 0.80
Purely functional 2D drawing
tfp 0.2
Type-level programming library using type families
uniqueid 0.1
Splittable Unique Identifier Supply
HStringTemplateHelpers 0.0.8
Convenience functions and instances for HStringTemplate
SMTPClient 1.0
A simple SMTP client
Type-safe coroutines using lightweight session types.
lojban 0.3
Useful utilities for the Lojban language
unamb 0.1.5
Unambiguous choice
