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Revision as of 08:02, 13 February 2009 by DonStewart (talk | contribs) (Automated update by hackage2hwn)
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Recent Package Updates hackage-daily.png Rss.png

OGL 0.0.1
A context aware binding for the OpenGL graphics system
hsql-postgresql 1.7.2
Added by NickRudnick, Fri Feb 13 01:43:50 UTC 2009.
blogination 0.3
Very simple static blog software
Random number generation
Monadic loops
Event-graph simulation monad transformer
sexpr 0.1
S-expression printer and parser
pointedlist 0.1
A zipper-like comonad which works as a list, tracking a position.
stb-image 0.1.3
A wrapper around Sean Barrett's JPEG/PNG decoder
vect 0.4.0
A low-dimensional linear algebra library, tailored to computer graphics.
data-accessor-monadLib 0.0.1
Accessor functions for monadLib's monads
fft 0.1.3
Bindings to the FFTW library.
Stream 0.3
A library for manipulating infinite lists.
CLASE 2009.2.11
Cursor Library for A Structured Editor
regex-tdfa 0.97.3
Accurate POSIX extended regular expression library
hyphenate 0.1
Text hyphenation algorithm
SHA 1.0.4
Implementations of the SHA suite of message digest functions
