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m (Fixed some mark-up)
m (More mark-up)
Line 127: Line 127:
for clarity, but omit them in some later examples.
for clarity, but omit them in some later examples.
import Network.CGI
import Network.CGI
import Text.XHtml
import Text.XHtml
Line 139: Line 139:
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = runCGI $ handleErrors cgiMain
main = runCGI $ handleErrors cgiMain
The |page| functions constructs an HTML document which consists
The <code>page</code> function constructs an HTML document which consists
of a body containing a single header element which contains the text
of a body containing a single header element which contains the text
``Hello World''. The CGI-action |cgiMain| renders the HTML document
``Hello World''. The CGI-action |cgiMain| renders the HTML document

Revision as of 21:37, 19 June 2007

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This tutorial aims to get you started with writing web applications in Haskell. We describe a relatively light-weight approach to Haskell web programming which uses a CGI library and an XHTML combinator library.

We think that while the approach we describe here is not as sophisticated or innovative as some other approaches, it is simple, portable and easy to understand if you are already familiar with web programming in other languages.

The tutorial starts with preliminaries such as how to install the necessary software and how to compile and run your web applications. We then show a number of working small example programs which introduce the basic features of the CGI and XHtml libraries. We then move on to how to use monad transformers to add application specific functionality such as sessions to the CGI monad, and how to create database-driven web applications. We also present FastCGI, and an approach to using dynamically loaded Haskell code.

Other Approaches

[Web Authoring System Haskell (WASH) [1]. Domain-specific embedded language. Type-safe forms handling. Threads continuation through client. This gives good back-button and session splitting properties.

Haskell Application Server (HAppS) [2]. Complete system including web server in one program. Uses XSLT for output.

Haskell Server Pages (HSP) [3]. Uses preprocessor to make XML tags into Haskell expressions. Dynamic compilation.

Assumed Knowledge

This tutorial is not meant as an introduction to Haskell or web programming. We will assume that you have some familiarity with the following concepts:


This tutorial is not meant as a first introduction to Haskell. If you want to learn about Haskell in general, have a look at the list of Books_and_tutorials books and tutorials. You may want to start with Haskell in 5 steps.


HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the "the lingua franca for publishing hypertext on the World Wide Web. The XHtml library which we use in this tutorial produces XHTML 1.0, which is HTML 4.0 formulated as XML.

The combinators in the XHtml library do not make much sense unless you understand at least some parts of HTML.

Required software

Haskell compiler

[GHC], the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, is the Haskell implementation that we will use in this tutorial. However, any Haskell implementation that supports Haskell98 and multi-parameter type classes should work.

Libraries: xhtml and cgi

If your Haskell implementation does not come with the xhtml and cgi packages, download them from HackageDB.

Web server

You need to have access to a web server on which you can run CGI programs. The most convenient way to do this when learning and developing is to run a web server on your development machine. If you run the programs on some other machine you need to make sure that you compile your programs so that they can run on that machine. This normally means that the machines must to have the same architecture and run the same operating system. Linking your applications statically by giving the flags -static -optl-static to GHC will avoid problems with missing libraries on the web server.

You could also use the [Haskell Web Server].

Compiling and running web applications

Use GHC to produce a binary executable called prog.cgi from the Haskell source code file prog.hs:

ghc --make -package cgi -package xhtml -o prog.cgi prog.hs

Put the compiled program in the cgi-bin directory, or give it the extension .cgi, depending on the configuration of the web server.

Linking your applications statically by giving the flags -static -optl-static to GHC will avoid problems with missing libraries on the web server.

To run the compiled program, visit the URL of the CGI program with your web browser.

Simple Examples

Hello World

Here is a very simple example which just outputs some static HTML. The type signatures in this code are optional. We show them here for clarity, but omit them in some later examples.

import Network.CGI
import Text.XHtml

page :: Html 
page = body << h1 << "Hello World!"

cgiMain :: CGI CGIResult
cgiMain = output $ renderHtml page

main :: IO ()
main = runCGI $ handleErrors cgiMain

The page function constructs an HTML document which consists of a body containing a single header element which contains the text ``Hello World. The CGI-action |cgiMain| renders the HTML document as a string, and produces that string as output. The |main| function runs |cgiMain|, using the normal CGI protocol for input and output. It also uses |handleErrors| to output an error page in case |cgiMain| throws an exception.

Fans of one-liners may like this version better (|handleErrors| has been omitted since this simple program will not throw any exceptions):

\begin{code} import Text.XHtml import Network.CGI

main = runCGI $ output $ renderHtml $ body << h1 << "Hello World!" \end{code}

Html is the type of HTML fragments. It comes from the Text.XHtml module.

These are some of the important functions used in this example:

-- creates a string containing the HTML document.
renderHtml :: Html -> String

-- outputs a string as the body of the HTTP response.
output :: String -> CGI CGIResult

-- Catches any exception thrown by the given CGI action, returns an 
-- error page with a 500 Internal Server Error, showing the exception 
-- information, and logs the error.
handleErrors :: CGI CGIResult -> CGI CGIResult

-- Runs a CGI action which produces a CGIResult, using the CGI protocol
-- to get the inputs and send the outputs.
runCGI :: CGI CGIResult -> IO ()

HTML combinators

See also [4].

There are functions for all XHTML 1.0 elements. Some examples:

- header, body - h1, h2, ... - thediv - p - image

The << operator is used for nesting HTML.

Attributes are added to tags using the ! operator.

The function renderHtml (explain variants) produces a string containing the document.

Getting user input

This program shows a form which asks the user for her name. When the form is submitted, the program greets the user by name.

import Network.CGI
import Text.XHtml

inputForm = form << [paragraph << ("My name is " +++ textfield "name"),
                     submit "" "Submit"]

greet n = paragraph << ("Hello " ++ n ++ "!")

page t b = header << thetitle << t +++ body << b

cgiMain = do mn <- getInput "name"
             let x = maybe inputForm greet mn
             output $ renderHtml $ page "Input example" x

main = runCGI $ handleErrors cgiMain
-- Get the value of an input variable, for example from a form. 
-- If the variable has multiple values, the first one is returned.
getInput :: String -> CGI (Maybe String)


import Network.CGI
import Text.XHtml

import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

hello :: Int -> Html
hello 0 = h1 << "Welcome!"
          +++ p << "This is the first time I see you."
hello c = h1 << "Welcome back!"
          +++ p << ("I have seen you " ++ show c ++ " times before.")

page :: String -> Html -> Html
page t b = header << thetitle << t +++ body << b

cgiMain :: CGI CGIResult
cgiMain = do c <- liftM (fromMaybe 0) $ readCookie "mycookie"
             setCookie (newCookie "mycookie" (show (c+1)))
             output $ renderHtml $ page "Cookie example" $ hello c

main :: IO ()
main = runCGI $ handleErrors cgiMain

Here we use newCookie, setCookie and readCookie to store and retrieve a counter cookie in the browser. If you want to get the string value of a cookie, use getCookie instead of readCookie.

File uploads

FIXME: use a safer example

-- Accepts file uploads and saves the files in the given directory.
-- WARNING: this script is a SECURITY RISK and only for 
-- demo purposes. Do not put it on a public web server.

import Network.CGI
import Text.XHtml

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS

import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)

uploadDir = "../upload"

fileForm = form ! [method "post", enctype "multipart/form-data"]
             << [afile "file", submit "" "Upload"]
saveFile n =
    do cont <- liftM fromJust $ getInputFPS "file"
       let f = uploadDir ++ "/" ++ basename n
       liftIO $ BS.writeFile f cont
       return $ paragraph << ("Saved as " +++ anchor ! [href f] << f +++ ".")

page t b = header << thetitle << t +++ body << b

basename = reverse . takeWhile (`notElem` "/\\") . reverse

cgiMain = 
    do mn <- getInputFilename "file"
       h <- maybe (return fileForm) saveFile mn
       output $ renderHtml $ page "Upload example" h

main = runCGI $ handleErrors cgiMain

We first output a file upload form, which should use the HTTP POST method, and the multipart/form-data content type. Here we seen an example of the use of HTML attributes, added with the ! operator.

For efficiency reasons, we use Data.ByteString.Lazy to represent the file contents. getInputFPS gets the value of an input variable as a lazy ByteString.

Error handling

handleErrors catches all exceptions and outputs a default error page with some information about the exception. You can write you own exception handler if you want to do something else when an exception is thrown. It can be useful to set the response code, e.g. 404.

Returning non-HTML

Of course we do not have to output HTML. Use setHeader to set the value of the Content-type header, and you can output whatever string you like.

Examples: RSS

Setting response headers

You can use the setHeader function to set arbitrary HTTP response headers. You can also set the response code, as seen above.

Example: output raw file data (with last-modified)

Going Further

This section explores some of possibilities beyond the basic web application programming.

Extending the CGI monad with monad transformers

CGI is not the only monad in which you can use the functions from the cgi package. MonadCGI is a class of CGI monads, and there is a CGIT monad transformer. You can use these together with your own monads for things like holding database handles, keeping track of session information etc.


FastCGI is a standard for CGI-like programs that are not restarted for every request. This reduces the overhead involved in handling each request, and reduces the servers response time for each request. The overhead involved in starting a new process for each request can also include the need to set up new DB connections every time. With FastCGI, DB connections can be reused.

Install FastCGI. Get a web server which can run FastCGI programs. Import Network.FastCGI. Use runFastCGI.

URL rewriting

Dynamic loading

Database-driven web-applications =

Persistent DB connections with FastCGI

Web services

Existing Applications

HackageDB web interface.
