
From HaskellWiki


wxHaskell - A Portable and Concise GUI Library for Haskell (PDF)
This documents introduces wxHaskell and describes how to create a game (wxAsteroids)

(All of the following links are cheap to follow)

wx haddock (see also wxcore)
The haddock generated documentation of the wxHaskell libraries. You can browse some wxHaskell examples in the Darcs repository. Documentation and samples are also distributed as a single zip file on the download page.
The documentation of the wxWidgets library itself is invaluable when writing more advanced applications. On windows you can find the documentation in html help format in the download section – this is a particularly convenient way to browse the documentation.
Quick start
A guide that gets you started with wxHaskell quickly.
Frequently asked questions.
Describes the licensing conditions of wxHaskell.
wxHaskell mailing lists
Mailing lists about wxHaskell
wxHaskell Wiki
A Wiki site for wxHaskell where everyone can add useful content, like hints, articles, example programs etc.