Part of Yhc |
Marking the heap is a recursive process but a naive recursive implementation of this can quickly exhaust the C stack. So a common trick here is 'pointer reversal' whereby the heap itself is used as a stack.
The following diagram explains how it works. We mark the root node by taking this heap layout:
+-- Current Node | root V node A +--------+ +---------+---------+---------+ | --------------->| XXX | | | +--------+ +---------+----|----+----|----+ | | +-----------------+ | V V +---------+---------+ +----------+ node B | YYY | --------->| ZZZ | +---------+---------+ +----------+ node C
and changing it to (the hashes indicate the word is marked).
Current Node-+ | root V node A +--------+ ###########---------+---------+ | XXX |<--------------- # | | +--------+ ###########----|----+----|----+ | | +-----------------+ | V V +---------+---------+ +----------+ node B | YYY | --------->| ZZZ | +---------+---------+ +----------+ node C
We then mark all the arguments of node a, starting from the right most one:
root node A +--------+ ###########---------+---------+ | XXX |<--------------- # | ZZZ | +--------+ ###########----|----+---------+ | ^ Current Node +-----------------+ | | V | | +---------+---------+ ###|######## | node B | YYY | ---------># #<----+ +---------+---------+ ############ node C
There are no more arguments to mark so we 'return'
Current Node ------+ | root node A V +--------+ ###########---------+---------+ | XXX |<--------------- # | | +--------+ ###########----|----+----|----+ | | +-----------------+ | V V +---------+---------+ ############ node B | YYY | ---------># ZZZ # +---------+---------+ ############ node C
We now decrement current node to the first argument of node A and mark that node.
root node A +--------+ ###########---------+---------+ | XXX |<--------------- # YYY | | +--------+ ###########---------+----|----+ ^ | +-----------------+ | | V #####|#####---------+ ############ node B # # ---------># ZZZ # ###########---------+ ############ ^ node C Current Node ------+
And descend into the first argument of node B.
root node A +--------+ ###########---------+---------+ | XXX |<--------------- # YYY | | +--------+ ###########---------+----|----+ | | Current Node +-----------------+ | | | V | #####|#####---------+ ############ | node B # # ZZZ |<--------- #<----+ ###########---------+ ############ node C
This node is already marked, so we return.
root node A +--------+ ###########---------+---------+ | XXX |<--------------- # YYY | | +--------+ ###########---------+----|----+ | | +-----------------+ | | V #####|#####---------+ ############ node B # # ----------># ZZZ # ###########---------+ ############ ^ node C Current Node------+
We can now decrement current node, however this takes us to the head of node B (we can tell it's the head of a node because it's marked). There are no more arguments in node B, so we return.
+--- Current Node root node A V +--------+ ###########---------+---------+ | XXX |<--------------- # | | +--------+ ###########----|----+----|----+ | | +-----------------+ | V V ###########---------+ ############ node B # YYY # ----------># ZZZ # ###########---------+ ############ node C
We now decrement current node, again we're at the head of node A. No more arguments left so we return.
+--- Current Node | root V node A +--------+ ###########---------+---------+ | ---------------># XXX # | | +--------+ ###########----|----+----|----+ | | +-----------------+ | V V ###########---------+ ############ node B # YYY # ----------># ZZZ # ###########---------+ ############ node C
We're back at our starting point so we can stop.