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Part of Yhc


FIXME: needs explanation.

.hbc File

 struct HbcFile {
   Header          header;
   StringTable     strings;
   QualifId        moduleName;
   ObjectTable     objects;


 struct Header {
   Char            magic[4];        /* 'H' 'S' 'B' 'C' */
   UInt16          majorVersion;
   UInt16          minorVersion;
   UInt16          zero;            /* 0 */
   UInt16          numObjects;      


 struct StringTable {
   UInt16         numStrings;
   String         strings[numStrings];
 struct String {
   UInt16         length;
   Char           data[length];


 struct ObjectTable {
   Object         objects[numObjects];
 struct Object {
   QualifId      name;
   UInt16        length;
   UByte         data[length];

The first byte of the 'data' section identifies the object type. Depending on the object type the rest of the data for and object has different structures.

Object types

 'F'            function object (FunObj)
 'C'            constructor object (ConObj)
 'P'            primitive object (PrimObj)
 'X'            external object (ExtObj)


 struct FunObj {
   Char        type;                 /* 'F' */
   UInt8       arity;
   UInt16      stack;
   UInt8       flags;
   ConstTable  consts;
   UInt16      codeLength;
   UByte       code[codeLength];
 struct ConstTable {
   UInt16     numConsts;
   Constant   consts[numConsts];
 struct Constant {
   Char      type;
   UByte     constData[??];

The type of the constant identifies the size and type of the rest of the constant data.

Constant Types

 Type   Name      ConstData         Desc
 'A'    CAF       FullyQualifId     Reference to a CAF node
 'F'    FUN       FullyQualifId     Reference to a FInfo
 '0'    FUN0      FullyQualifId     Reference to a zero arity FInfo
 'C'    CON       FullyQualifId     Reference to a CInfo
 'Z'    ZCON      FullyQualifId     Reference to a zero arity constructor node
 'P'    PRIM      FullyQualifId     Reference to a primitive function (XInfo)
 'X'    EXT       FullyQualifId     Reference to an external function (XInfo)
 'i'    INT       Int               Int constant
 'l'    INTEGER   Integer           Integer constant
 'f'    FLOAT     Float             Float constant
 'd'    DOUBLE    Float             Double constant
 's'    STRING    String            String constant

A, Z and 0 are all references to heap nodes and are treated in exactly the same way by the runtime system.

Similarly F, C, P and X are all references to Info structures and are treated in exactly the same way.

The difference between a CAF and a FUN0 is that a CAF is a reference to a function node that takes no arguments and FUN0 is a reference to a function node that has no arguments (so far). For example:

 f :: Int
 f = 2 + 2
 g :: Int -> Int
 g x = f

here the reference to f from g would be a CAF, because f takes no arguments.

 f :: Int -> Int
 f x = 2 + 2
 g :: Int -> Int
 g = f

here the reference to f from g would be a FUN0, because f takes arguments and we want the heap node for the partial application of f to no arguments.


 struct ConObj {
   Char      type;          /* 'C' */
   UInt8     size; 
   UInt8     tag;        


 struct PrimObj {
   Char           type;         /* 'P' */
   FullyQualifId  name;


 struct ExtObj {
   Char          type;          /* 'X' */
   String        cName;         
   UInt16        arity;
   Char          callConv;
   Char          resultType;
   Char          argTypes[arity];    

Valid calling conventions are:

  'a'            direct address (i.e. not function call)
  'x'            cast (just convert the first argument to the result)
  'c'            ccall (which might block)
  'C'            fastccall (which we promise won't block)
  'p'            primitive (don't try and convert arguments)
  's'            stdcall (pascal/WIN32 calling convention)
  'S'            faststdcall (see ccall versus fastccall)
  'b'            hand written bytecode function, load specially.

Valid result and argument types are:

  'i'            Int8
  'j'            Int16
  'k             Int32
  'l'            Int64
  'w'            Word8
  'x'            Word16
  'y'            Word32
  'z'            Word64
  'I'            Int
  'F'            Float
  'D'            Double
  'C'            Char
  'B'            Bool
  'P'            Ptr/FunPtr
  'p'            StablePtr
  'f'            ForeignPtr
  'u'            PackedString
  'N'            Integer
  'H'            HaskellFun
  'U'            ()
  'u'            unknown / not converted. 


 struct FullyQualifId {
   QualifId     module;
   QualifId     item;


 struct QualifId {
   UInt8       length;
   UInt16      stringIndexs[length];


 struct Integer {
   Int8      length;
   UByte     data[abs(length)];

If length < 0 then the whole Integer is negative.


 struct Float {
   Integer   mant;
   Int16     exp;