
From HaskellWiki

This is the attendee list for ZuriHac. Please refer to the main page for more information.


Once you've registered, please add your name to the following table:

Nickname Real Name Affiliation Mobile # email Arriving Departing Accomodation
coeus Marc A. Ziegert University of Paderborn +49 17 5 6000 700 coeus-zurihac at padmen.de 19 morning 21 afternoon Youth Hostel Zurich
Heffalump Ganesh Sittampalam Credit Suisse (Darcs)
tibbe Johan Tibell Google +41787978230
Keith Lomax
sioraiocht Tom Harper Oxford University Computing Laboratory +44 7533 998 591
poucet Christophe Poucet Google +41796691013
zeuxis Harald Holtmann +49 176 22053266 Hotel Neufeld, Friesenbergstraße 15
rmies Michel Rijnders TTY (Amsterdam) +31646442127
Simon Meier ETH Zurich
Gh_ Guillaume Hoffmann (Darcs) 19 morning 21 afternoon
jnwhiteh Jim Whitehead Oxford University Computing Laboratory +44 7846 257 133
kolmodin Lennart Kolmodin Västra Götalandsregionen +46 73 6223606
madhadron Frederick Ross Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne +41 79 710 02 11 madhadron at gmail dot com
al-maisan Muharem Hrnjadovic +49 (1577) 470-3749 19 morning 21 afternoon Hotel Neufeld, Friesenbergstraße 15
beschmi Benedikt Schmidt ETH Zurich (Darcs)
chr1s Chris Eidhof Tupil / Utrecht University +31628887656
Martijn van Steenbergen Utrecht University
hesselink Erik Hesselink typLAB +31650994887
sfvisser Sebastiaan Visser typLAB / Utrecht University +31624828951
Tom Lokhorst Utrecht University
sjoerd_visscher Sjoerd Visscher Xopus
kosmikus Andres Löh Utrecht University 18 night 21 night
smurfpje Clara Löh Universität Göttingen 18 night 21 night
nomeata Joachim Breitner
kowey Eric Kow University of Brighton (Darcs)
Simon Hengel Spin AG
leather Sean Leather Utrecht University +31616158163 19, 14:00 City backpacker
Dirk Spöri factis research GmbH
Harald Fischer factis research GmbH
Johannes Weiss factis research GmbH
Gero Kriependorf factis research GmbH
Stefan Wehr factis research GmbH
David Leuschner factis research GmbH
Steven Keuchel Utrecht University +31644053336
dcoutts Duncan Coutts Well-Typed LLP
tux_rocker Reinier Lamers (Darcs) 18 night 21 night
jutaro Jürgen Nicklisch-Franken ICS AG
dons Don Stewart Galois, Inc
gal_bolle Florent Becker Université d'Orléans (Darcs)
ErrGe Gergely Risko Nokia +358504899477 19 noon 22 noon
HugoDaniel Hugo Daniel New University of Lisbon (UNL) 18 night 22 morning
Atze Dijkstra Utrecht University 19, 14:00 21 evening City backpacker
Jeroen Fokker Utrecht University +31644350198 19, 14:00 21 evening City backpacker
Petr Rockai (Darcs)
Nikolas Mayr University of Paderborn +49 170 5448278 zark at uni-paderborn.de 19 morning 21 afternoon Youth Hostel Zurich
Sergey Astanin Politecnico di Torino +39 333 952 0878
Bartek Wojcik
fusion5 Dragos Ionita Utrecht University +31 644 044 688 dragos.0x55@gmail.com 19 evening 23 noon City Backpacker
jaspervdj Jasper Van der Jeugt Ghent University City Backpacker
chrisdone Chris Done +447977688050 chrisdone@gmail.com 18 afternoon 22 afternoon Four Points
danderson David Anderson Google +41794702198
Marc Fontaine Universität Düsseldorf +491737553137 fontaine at cs.uni-duesseldorf.de 18 afternoon 22 afternoon
Mathias Körner +41794126105
Feuerbach Roman Cheplyaka +380662285780 roma@ro-che.info 18 evening 23 morning City Backpacker
dvde Daniel van den Eijkel +4917638088266 dvde@gmx.net 19 afternoon 21 evening
eelco Eelco Lempsink Tupil +31629486398
mathewm Mathew Mills Google +206-799-8847 mathewmills@mac.com 19 afternoon 21 evening

Additional Comments

Please use this section to leave comments for other attendees, e.g. for organizing accommodation.