99 questions/Solutions/96
(**) Syntax checker
In a certain programming language (Ada) identifiers are defined by the syntax diagram below.
Transform the syntax diagram into a system of syntax diagrams which do not contain loops; i.e. which are purely recursive. Using these modified diagrams, write a predicate identifier/1 that can check whether or not a given string is a legal identifier.
import Data.Char
syntax_check :: String -> Bool
syntax_check [] = False
syntax_check (x:xs) = isLetter x && loop xs
where loop [] = True
loop (y:ys) | y == '-' = (not . null) ys && isAlphaNum (head ys) && loop (tail ys)
| isAlphaNum y = loop ys
| otherwise = False
Simple functional transcription of the diagram.
Another direct transcription of the diagram:
identifier :: String -> Bool
identifier (c:cs) = isLetter c && hyphen cs
where hyphen [] = True
hyphen ('-':cs) = alphas cs
hyphen cs = alphas cs
alphas [] = False
alphas (c:cs) = isAlphaNum c && hyphen cs
The functions hyphen and alphas correspond to states in the automaton at the start of the loop and before a compulsory alphanumeric, respectively.
This solution explicitly describes a finite state machine for the syntax:
identifier :: String -> Bool
identifier s = identifier' s 'l'
identifier' [] t = t == 'e'
identifier' (c:s) t = (match c t) && or [identifier' s b | (a, b) <- fsm, a == t]
fsm = [('l', 'e'), ('l', 'l'), ('l', '-'), ('l', 'd'), ('-', 'l'),
('-', 'd'), ('d', 'e'), ('d', '-'), ('d', 'l'), ('d', 'd')]
match c t | t == '-' = c == '-'
| t == 'd' = '0' <= c && c <= '9'
| t == 'l' = 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z'
Here is a solution that parses the identifier using Parsec, a parser library that is commonly used in Haskell code:
identifier x = either (const False) (const True) $ parse parser "" x where
parser = letter >> many (optional (char '-') >> alphaNum)
Or we can use regular expression ( in this case Text.RegexPR ):
import Text.RegexPR
import Data.Maybe
identifier = isJust . matchRegexPR "^[a-zA-Z](-?[a-zA-Z0-9])*$"