Functional dependencies vs. type families

From HaskellWiki

When I reported a typechecker performance problem related to functional dependencies I promised to try to convert from functional dependencies to type families.

Thus I converted my code and the llvm package to type-families:

Here are some of my experiences:

Advantages of TypeFamilies


For what I did the type families solution was considerably faster than the functional dependencies code at least in GHC-7.4.1. Thus the bug in ticket 5970 does no longer hurt me. (In GHC-6.12.3 the conversion to type families made the compilation even slower.)

Anonymous type function values

One of the most annoying type classes of the llvm package was the IsSized class:

class (LLVM.IsType a, IsPositive size) => IsSized a size | a -> size

where size is a type-level decimal natural number.

Many llvm functions require that an LLVM type has a size where the particular size is not important. However, I always have to name the size type. I also cannot get rid of it using a subclass, like

class (IsSized a size) => IsAnonymouslySized a where

The size type is somehow sticky.

The conversion of this type class to type families is straightforward:

class (IsType a, PositiveT (SizeOf a)) => IsSized a where
   type SizeOf a :: *

Now I have to use SizeOf only if needed. I can also easily define sub-classes like

class (IsSized a) => C a where

Type functions in foreign declarations

A foreign import or export must not have type constraints but it can contain type functions. That is, you must not declare

foreign import ccall unsafe "llvm_convert"
   convert :: (MakeValueTuple a b) => StablePtr a -> IO (Ptr b)

for a type class MakeValueTuple with a functional dependency from a to b, but you can declare

foreign import ccall unsafe "llvm_convert"
   convert :: StablePtr a -> IO (Ptr (ValueTuple b))

for a type function ValueTuple.

No TypeSynonymInstances

At the right hand side of a type instance I can use type synonyms like

type instance F T = String

without the TypeSynonymInstance extension. This feels somehow more correct than refering to a type synonym in a class instance head like in

instance C T String where

The compiler does not need to analyze String in order to find the correct instance.

No FlexibleInstances

The same applies to

instance C (T a) (A (B a))

which is a flexible instance that is not required for

type instance F (T a) = A (B a)

No MultiParamTypeClass, No UndecidableInstances

I have some type classes that convert a type to another type and a tuple of types to another tuple of types where the element types are converted accordingly. With functional dependencies:

class MakeValueTuple haskellTuple llvmTuple | haskellTuple -> llvmTuple where

instance (MakeValueTuple ha la, MakeValueTuple hb lb) =>
             MakeValueTuple (ha,hb) (la,lb)

The class is a multi-parameter type class and the instance is undecidable.

This is much simpler with type families:

class MakeValueTuple haskellTuple where
   type ValueTuple haskellTuple :: *

instance (MakeValueTuple ha, MakeValueTuple hb) =>
             MakeValueTuple (ha,hb) where
   type ValueTuple (ha,hb) = (ValueTuple ha, ValueTuple hb)

Thus summarized: Type families may replace several other type extensions. If I ignore the associated type functions then many classes become Haskell 98 with Haskell 98 instances. This is good because those instances prevent instance conflicts with other non-orphan instances.

Disadvantage of TypeFamilies

Redundant instance arguments

I have to write the type arguments both in the instance head and in the function argument. This is especially annoying in the presence of multi-parameter type classes with bidirectional dependencies. E.g.

class (a ~ Input parameter b, b ~ Output parameter a) => C parameter a b where
   type Input  parameter b :: *
   type Output parameter a :: *
   process :: Causal p (parameter, a) b

instance (...) => C (FilterParam a) v (FilterResult v) where
   type Input  (FilterParam a) (FilterResult v) = v
   type Output (FilterParam a) v = FilterResult v

With functional dependencies it was:

class C parameter a b | parameter a -> b, parameter b -> a where
   process :: Causal p (parameter, a) b

instance (...) => C (FilterParam a) v (FilterResult v) where

Bidirectional dependencies

In GHC-6.12.3 it was not possible to write

class (a ~ Back b, b ~ Forth a) => C a b where

Fortunately, this is now allowed in GHC-7. But bidirectional dependencies are still cumbersome to work with as shown in the example above.

Equality constraints are not supported for newtype deriving

Not so important, just for completeness:


Upper case type function names

Why are type function names upper case, not lower case? They are not constructors after all. Maybe this is one reason, why I forget from time to time that type functions are not injective.

Sure, lower-case type variables are implicitly forall quantified in Haskell 98. In the presence of lower-case type functions we would need explicit forall quantification.

Why can associated types not be exported by C(AssocType) syntax?

Why must they be exported independently from the associated class?


The context (Class (TypeFun a)) requires FlexibleContexts extension, whereas the equivalent (TypeFun a ~ b, Class b) does not require FlexibleContexts.

See also


This article was written in June 2012 when GHC-7.4.1 was the current version of GHC.