
From HaskellWiki



  • hmake 3.00. Malcolm Wallace. announced hmake 3.00

  • FFI Addendum 1.0. Manuel Chakravarty announced the H98 FFI Addendum 1.0, release candidate 1

  • GHC 5.02.2. Julian Seward announced GHC version 5.02.2,

18 Dec 2002
The Fun of Programming
A symposium in honour of Professor Richard Bird's 60th birthday
Examination Schools, Oxford, 24th and 25th March, 2003
18 Dec 2002
The Fun of Programming edited by Jeremy Gibbons and Oege de Moor.
The symposium will coincide with the publication by Palgrave of this eponymous book. It is intended as much as a textbook for an advanced course in functional programming as it is a festschrift; its twelve chapters cover applications (pretty printing, musical composition, hardware description, graphical design) and techniques (the design of efficient data structures, interpreters for little languages, program testing and optimization) in functional programming.
12 Apr 2002
IFL 2002 will take place 16 - 18 September 2002 in Madrid.
18 Mar 2002
A one day workshop on Functional and Declarative Programming in Education (FDPE02) will take place on 7 October as part of PLI 2002.
15 Feb 2002
There will be an Advanced FP Summer School in Oxford this August.
02 Feb 2002
All haskell services have been moved to a new server. The old haskell was getting short on disk space and needed an upgrade. If you experience any difficulties send mail to Mark or Work Station Support.