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It is interesting that novices in lazy functional programming in general expect that there is some direct (side-effecting) I/O using a function call.
[[Category:Pages to be removed]]
<tt>[https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= A Partial Rehabilitation of Side-Effecting I/O:], Manfred Schmidt-Schauß.</tt>
...like how I/O works in [https://www.smlnj.org/sml.html Standard ML]?
val echoML : unit -> unit
fun echoML () = let val c = getcML () in
if c = #"\n" then
let val _ = putcML c in
echoML ()
Alright, now look at this:
echo :: OI -> ()
echo u = let !(u1:u2:u3:_) = parts u
!c = primGetChar u1 in
if c == '\n' then
let !_ = primPutChar c u2 in
echo u3
So how is this possible?
<sub> </sub>
=== <u>Wadler's </u><code>echo</code> ===
Those two versions of that small program are based on the running example from Philip Wadler's [https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= How to Declare an Imperative]. If we compare the two:
val echoML : unit -> unit
fun echoML () =
let val c = getcML () in
if c = #"\n" then
let val _ = putcML c in
echoML ()
echo :: OI -> ()
echo u = let !(u1:u2:u3:_) = parts u
!c = primGetChar u1 in
if c == '\n' then
let !_ = primPutChar c u2 in
echo u3
...we can see just how similar the two versions of <code>echo</code> really are: apart from the obvious changes of syntax and names:
* the Haskell version replaces the <code>unit</code> arguments for <code>echoML</code> and <code>getcML</code>,
* and provides an extra argument for <code>putcML</code>,
* with the replacement parameter <code>u</code> being used to define the new local bindings <code>u1</code>, <code>u2</code> and <code>u3</code> as the result of a call to <code>parts</code>.
So for the price of some extra calls and bindings, we can have SML-style I/O in Haskell. Furthermore, as the prevailing [https://smlfamily.github.io/sml97-defn.pdf definition for Standard ML] has been available since 1997, there should be plenty of I/O tutorials to choose from...
=== <u>Resisting temptation</u> ===
If you're now thinking about using something like:
primitive might_get_Char :: () -> Char
primitive might_put_Char :: Char -> ()
to achieve a more direct translation...'''don't''' - it ''might'' for this small program, but it just isn't reliable in general. Why?
* ''Short answer'': unlike SML, Haskell's nonstrict evaluation means expressions should be [[Referential transparency|referentially transparent]].
* ''Long answer'': read section 2.2 (pages 4-5) of Wadler's [https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= paper].
* ''Longer answer'': read Lennart Augustsson's [https://augustss.blogspot.com/2011/05/more-points-for-lazy-evaluation-in.html More points for lazy evaluation].
* ''Extended answer'': read John Hughes's [https://www.cse.chalmers.se/~rjmh/Papers/whyfp.pdf Why Functional Programming Matters].
But, if after all that, you're still not convinced...a small functional language which combines non-strictness with effect-centric definitions in a similar fashion can be found [http://h2.jaguarpaw.co.uk/posts/impure-lazy-language here] - ''"have fun!"''
===<code>OI</code><u>: what is it?</u> ===
<code>OI</code> is an abstract [[Plainly partible|partible]] type:
data OI a
primitive primPartOI :: OI -> (OI, OI)
instance Partible OI where
part = primPartOI
Like <code>primPartOI</code>, most other primitives for the <code>OI</code> type also accept an <code>OI</code>-value as their last (or only) argument e.g:
primitive primGetChar :: OI -> Char
primitive primPutChar :: Char -> OI -> ()
For consistency, the last argument of a <code>OI</code>-based definition should also be an <code>OI</code>-value:
interact :: (String -> String) -> OI -> ()
interact d u = let !(u1, u2) = part u in
putStr (d $ getContents u1) u2
putStr :: String -> OI -> ()
putStr s u = foldr (\(!_) -> id) () $ zipWith primPutChar s $ parts u
getContents :: OI -> String
getContents u = case map getChar (parts u) of
l@(!c:_) -> l
l -> l
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=== <code>IO</code>, <u>using</u> <code>OI</code> ===
So how do we get from <code>IO</code> to <code>OI</code>?
* Haskell is now used far and wide, so good ol' ''"search and replace"'' is a non-starter!
* There are some who [https://www.humprog.org/~stephen//research/papers/kell17some-preprint.pdf still prefer C], and there are others who are content with <code>IO</code> - convincing them to switch will probably take a lot more than a solitary page on some wiki!
Fortunately, it's quite easy to define <code>IO</code> with <code>OI</code>:
type IO a = OI -> a
...provided you followed that hint about putting the <code>OI</code> argument last:
interact :: (String -> String) -> IO ()
putStr :: String -> IO ()
getContents :: IO String
primitive primGetChar :: IO Char
primitive primPutChar :: Char -> IO ()
Of course, a realistic implementation of <code>IO</code> in Haskell requires [[Monad|''that'']] interface:
unitIO :: a -> IO a
unitIO x = \ u -> let !_ = part u in x
bindIO :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
bindIO m k = \ u -> let !(u1, u2) = part u in
let !x = m u1 in
let !y = k x u2 in
You didn't put the <code>OI</code> argument last? Oh well, there's always the [[Applicative functor|applicative]] interface...
=== <u>Some annoyances</u> ===
* ''Extra parameters and arguments'' - As noted by Sigbjørn Finne and Simon Peyton Jones in [https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Programming Reactive Systems in Haskell], passing around all those <code>OI</code>-values ''correctly'' can be tedious for large definitions.
* ''Polymorphic references'' - It's been known for a very long time in the SML community that naive declarations for operations using ''mutable references'' breaks type safety:
primitive newPolyRef :: a -> OI -> PolyRef a
primitive readPolyRef :: PolyRef a -> OI -> a
primitive writePolyRef :: PolyRef a -> a -> OI -> ()
kah_BOOM u = let …
!vehicle = newPolyRef undefined u1
!_ = writePolyRef ("0" :: [Char]) u2
!crash = readPolyRef vehicle u3
burn = 1 :: Int
crash + burn
:SML's solution is to make all mutable references ''monomorphic'' through the use of dedicated syntax:
let val r = ref (…)
:One alternative for Haskell would be to extend type signatures to support [[Monomorphism by annotation of type variables|monomorphic type-variables]]:
primitive newIORef :: monomo a . a -> OI -> IORef a
primitive readIORef :: monomo a . IORef a -> OI -> a
primitive writeIORef :: monomo a . IORef a -> a -> OI -> ()
{- would be rejected by the extended type system:
kah_BOOM u = let !(u1:u2:u3:_) = parts u
!vehicle = newIORef undefined u1 -- vehicle :: monomo a . IORef a
!_ = writeIORef ("0" :: [Char]) u2 -- vehicle :: IORef [Char]
!crash = readIORef vehicle u3 -- vehicle :: IORef [Char] ≠ IORef Int
burn = 1 :: Int
crash + burn
:In standard Haskell, one of the few places this already occurs (albeit implicitly) is the parameters of a function:
{- will be rejected by the standard Haskell type system
ker_plunk f = (f True, f 'b')
=== <u>One solution</u> ===
* ''Extra parameters and arguments'' - What is needed is a succinct interface to "hide the plumbing" used to pass around <code>OI</code>-values. Here's one we prepared earlier:
unitIO :: a -> IO a
unitIO x = \ u -> let !_ = part u in x
bindIO :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
bindIO m k = \ u -> let !(u1, u2) = part u in
let !x = m u1 in
let !y = k x u2 in
* ''Polymorphic references'' - we now make <code>IO</code> into an ''abstract data type'':
module Abstract.IO
Monad (..),
getChar, putChar, …
newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef,
instance Monad ((->) OI) where
return = unitIO
(>>=) = bindIO
getChar :: IO Char
getChar = primGetChar
putChar :: Char -> IO ()
putChar = primPutChar
newIORef :: a -> IO (IORef a)
newIORef = primNewIORef
readIORef :: IORef a -> IO a
readIORef = primReadIORef
writeIORef :: IORef a -> a -> IO ()
writeIORef = primWriteIORef
-- these are now local, private entities --
type IO a = OI -> a
unitIO :: a -> IO a
unitIO x = \ u -> let !_ = part u in x
bindIO :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
bindIO m k = \ u -> let !(u1, u2) = part u in
let !x = m u1 in
let !y = k x u2 in
data OI a
primitive primPartOI :: OI -> (OI, OI)
primitive primGetChar :: OI -> Char
primitive primPutChar :: Char -> OI -> ()
data IORef
primitive primNewIORef :: a -> OI -> IORef a
primitive primReadIORef :: IORef a -> OI -> a
primitive primWriteIORef :: IORef a -> a -> OI -> ()
:With <code>IO</code> now abstract, the only way to use <code>IO</code>-actions is by using:
:* the visible <code>IO</code> operations: <code>getChar</code>, <code>putChar</code>, etc.
:* the monadic interface - <code>Monad(return, (>>=), …)</code> (or via Haskell's <code>do</code>-notation).
:So how does making <code>IO</code> an ADT prevent polymophic references? It's all to do with the type of <code>(>>=)</code> when used with <code>IO</code>-actions:
(>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
:in particular, the type of the second argument:
(a -> IO b)
:...it's a function, so the value it receives will be rendered monomorphic in it's result (of type <code>IO b</code>).
:As <code>(>>=)</code> is now the only <code>IO</code> operation which can retrieve a result from an <code>IO</code>-action, mutable references (<code>IORef …</code>) simply cannot be used polymorphically.
=== <u>GHC's solution</u> ===
<sub> </sub>
newtype IO a = IO (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
...you may have noticed that we've already made liberal use of one Haskell extension - [https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/7.8.4/docs/html/users_guide/bang-patterns.html bang-patterns] - and it would be useful to stay as close as possible to standard Haskell, so we'll simplify matters:
newtype IO a = IO (IOState -> (IOState, a)) -- unboxed-tuple replaced by standard one
type IOState = State# RealWorld
Now to make the changes:
* ''to the type'' - <code>IOState</code> uses an <code>OI</code>-value:
newtype IOState = IOS OI
* ''to the I/O-specific operations'' - each one will use the <code>OI</code>-value in the initial state to provide two new <code>OI</code>-values: one to make up the final state; the other being used by the <code>OI</code>-primitive:
getChar :: IO Char
getChar = IO $ \(IOS u) -> let !(u1, u2) = part u
!c = primGetChar u1
in (IOS u2, c)
putChar :: Char -> IO ()
putChar c = IO $ \(IOS u) -> let !(u1, u2) = part u
!t = primPutChar c u1
in (IOS u2, t)
-- etc.
* ''to the overloaded operations'' - you've probably seen it all before:
instance Monad IO where
return x = IO $ \(!s) -> (s, x)
IO m >>= k = IO $ \(!s) -> let !(s', x) = m s
!(IO w) = k x
in w s'
:(...if you haven't: it's ye ol' <del>''pass-the-planet''</del> state-passing technique.)
One aspect which doesn't change is <code>IO</code> and its operations being abstract. In fact, the need is even more pressing: in addition to preventing the misuse of certain <code>OI</code>-operations, being an abstract data type prevents <code>IOState</code>-values from being erroneously reused.
=== <u>Conclusions</u> ===
* ''Why is Haskell I/O monadic'' - to avoid having to use extra arguments and parameters ''everywhere''.
* ''Why is Haskell I/O abstract'' - to ensure I/O works as intended, by preventing the misuse of internal data.
* ''Why is Haskell I/O unusual'' - because of Haskell's ''nonstrict evaluation'' and thus its focus on ''referential transparency'', contrary to most other programming languages.
=== <u>Further reading</u> ===
If you've managed to get all the way to here:
* [https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= State in Haskell] by John Launchbury and Simon Peyton Jones is also worth reading, if you're interested in how GHC eventually arrived at its current definition of <code>IO</code>.
* [[Output/Input]] provides more details about the type <code>OI -> a</code>.

Latest revision as of 21:27, 14 June 2022

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