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[[Category:Theoretical foundations]]
=== <u>Clearing away the smoke and mirrors</u> ===
Let me guess...you've read every other guide, tutorial, lesson and introduction and none of them have helped - you still don't understand I/O in Haskell.
<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
Alright then, have a look at this:
The implementation in GHC uses the following one:
type IO a = World -> (a, World)
data OI -- abstract, primitive
An <code>IO</code> computation is a function that (logically) takes the state of the world, and returns a modified world as well as the return value. Of course, GHC does not actually pass the world around; instead, it passes a dummy “token,” to ensure proper sequencing of actions in the presence of lazy evaluation, and performs input and output as actual side effects!
partOI :: OI -> (OI, OI) --
getchar :: OI -> Char -- primitives
putchar :: Char -> OI -> () --
<tt>[https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= A History of Haskell: Being Lazy With Class], Paul Hudak, John Hughes, Simon Peyton Jones and Philip Wadler.</tt>
seq :: a -> b -> b -- also primitive
...so what starts out as an I/O action of type:
instance Partible OI where ...
class Partible a where
part :: a -> (a, a)
World -> (a, World)
parts :: a -> [a]
No up-front explanation; I'm guessing you've seen more than enough of those, so I'm trying something different. I will explain it later...
is changed by GHC to approximately:
Yes, of course there's more to Haskell I/O than <code>getchar</code> and <code>putchar</code>; I've downsized it for convenience. If you want, you can add the rest afterwards...
Yes, they're somewhat arcane, but they can be used to emulate all the classic approaches to I/O in Haskell, albeit in miniature:
() -> (a, ())
module ClassicIO where
import qualified Prelude as T
import Prelude(Char, String)
import Prelude(($), (.))
import Data.List(map, foldr, zipWith)
import OutputInput
import Partible
The result (of type <code>a</code>) can then be returned directly:
-- simple text --
{- main :: (String -> String) -}
() -> a
<sub>Why <i>"approximately"</i>? Because <i>"logically"</i> a function in Haskell has no observable effects.</sub>
runMain_text :: (String -> String) -> OI -> ()
runMain_text main = \u -> case part u of
(u1, u2) ->
putchars (main (getchars u1)) u2
getchars :: OI -> String
=== <u>Previously seen</u> ===
getchars = foldr (\c cs -> seq c (c:cs)) [] . map getchar . parts
The type <code>() -> a</code> (or variations of it) have appeared elsewhere - examples include:
putchars :: String -> OI -> ()
putchars s = foldr seq () . zipWith putchar s . parts
* page 2 of 13 in [https://fi.ort.edu.uy/innovaportal/file/20124/1/22-landin_correspondence-between-algol-60-and-churchs-lambda-notation.pdf A Correspondence Between ALGOL 60 and Church's Lambda-Notation: Part I] by Peter Landin:
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
The use of <code>λ</code>, and in particular (to avoid an irrelevant bound variable) of <code>λ()</code> , to delay and possibly avoid evaluation is exploited repeatedly in our model of ALGOL 60. A function that requires an argument-list of length zero is called a ''none-adic'' function.
-- dialogues --
<sup> </sup>
{- main :: Dialogue -}
(\ () -> …) :: () -> a
runMain_dial :: Dialogue -> OI -> ()
runMain_dial main = \u -> foldr seq () $ yet $
\l -> zipWith respond (main l) (parts u)
type Dialogue = [Response] -> [Request]
data Request = Getq | Putq Char
data Response = Getp Char | Putp
yet :: (a -> a) -> a
yet f = f (yet f)
respond :: Request -> OI -> Response
respond Getq = \u -> case getchar u of c -> seq c (Getp c)
respond (Putq c) = \u -> seq (putchar c u) Putp
-- continuations --
{- main :: (() -> IOResult) -> IOResult -}
runMain_cont :: ((() -> IOResult) -> IOResult) -> OI -> ()
runMain_cont main = call (main done)
newtype IOResult = R (OI -> ())
call :: IOResult -> OI -> ()
call (R a) = a
done :: () -> IOResult
done () = R $ \ u -> part u `seq` ()
getchar_cont :: (Char -> IOResult) -> IOResult
getchar_cont k = R $ \u -> case part u of
(u1, u2) ->
case getchar u1 of
c -> seq c (call (k c) u2)
putchar_cont :: Char -> (() -> IOResult) -> IOResult
putchar_cont c k = R $ \u -> case part u of
(u1, u2) ->
seq (putchar c u1) (call (k ()) u2)
-- state-passing --
{- main :: IOState -> ((), IOState) -}
runMain_stat :: (IOState -> ((), IOState)) -> OI -> ()
runMain_stat main = \u -> seq (main (ini_st u)) ()
newtype IOState = S OI
ini_st :: OI -> IOState
ini_st = S
getchar_stat :: IOState -> (Char, IOState)
getchar_stat (S u) = case part u of
(u1, u2) ->
case getchar u1 of
c -> seq c (c, S u2)
putchar_stat :: Char -> IOState -> ((), IOState)
putchar_stat c (S u) = case part u of
(u1, u2) ->
seq (putchar c u1) ((), S u2)
-- and those weird, fickle things ;-)
{- main :: IO () -}
runMain_wfth :: IO () -> OI -> ()
runMain_wfth main = main
type IO a = OI -> a
getchar_wfth :: IO Char
getchar_wfth = getchar
putchar_wfth :: Char -> IO ()
putchar_wfth = putchar
unit :: a -> IO a
unit x = \u -> part u `seq` x
bind :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
bind m k = \u -> case part u of
(u1, u2) -> (\x -> x `seq` k x u2) (m u1)
-- supporting definitions --
getchar :: OI -> Char
getchar = "getchar" `invokes` T.getChar
putchar :: Char -> OI -> ()
putchar c = "putchar" `invokes` T.putChar c
* page 148 of 168 in [https://web.archive.org/web/20021107080915/https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/techreports/UCAM-CL-TR-285.pdf Functional programming and Input/Output] by Andrew Gordon:
What was that - using <code>Prelude.seq</code> that way won't work in Haskell 2010? You are ''correct!''<br>
Now look closely at those imports...
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
Moving on, here are examples using each of those approaches:
abstype 'a Job = JOB of unit -> 'a
<sup> </sup>
data Job a = JOB (() -> a)
module Echoes where
import Prelude(String, Char(..), Eq(..))
import Prelude(($))
import ClassicIO
import OutputInput(runOI)
echo_text :: String -> String
echo_text (c:cs) = if c == '\n' then [] else c : echo_text cs
echo_dial :: Dialogue
echo_dial p = Getq :
case p of
Getp c : p' ->
if c == '\n' then
Putq c :
case p' of
Putp : p'' -> echo_dial p''
echo_cont :: (() -> IOResult) -> IOResult
echo_cont k = getchar_cont $ \c ->
if c == '\n' then
k ()
putchar_cont c (\_ -> echo_cont k)
echo_stat :: IOState -> ((), IOState)
echo_stat s = case getchar_stat s of
(c, s') ->
if c == '\n' then
((), s')
case putchar_stat c s' of
(_, s'') -> echo_stat s''
echo_wfth :: IO ()
echo_wfth = getchar_wfth `bind` \c ->
if c == '\n' then
unit ()
putchar_wfth c `bind` \_ -> echo_wfth
* page 3 of [https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~udr/papers/assign.pdf Assignments for Applicative Languages] by Vipin Swarup, Uday S. Reddy and Evan Ireland:
Now that we're on the topic of implementation details, did you notice how easy it was to define that allegedly ''warm, fuzzy''[[#refs|[4]]] <code>IO</code> type using this curious new <code>OI</code> type, and those primitives?
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
Sometimes that can be a hint that doing the opposite will be difficult or even impossible while staying within standard Haskell 2010. As it happens, this is one of those cases...
A value of type <code>Obs 𝜏</code> is called an ''observer''. Such a value observes (i.e. views or inspects) a state and returns a value of type <code>𝜏</code>. [...] An observer type <code>Obs 𝜏</code> may be viewed as an implicit function space from the set of states to the type <code>𝜏</code>.
To define <code>OI</code>, <code>partOI</code>, <code>getchar</code> and <code>putchar</code> will require:
<sup> </sup>
* modifying your preferred Haskell implementation - lots of work;
* using some other language for the definitions, with Haskell then calling the foreign code - extra work to deal with two different languages;
* using unsafe or implementation-specific primitives - work needed to avoid conflicts with Haskell semantics;
* using implementation-specific extensions - work needed to track relevant extensions, and possible conflicts with Haskell semantics.
For now, I'll just use the extensions - they're ugly, but at least they'll be contained to their respecitve modules. But who knows - if this approach to I/O proves useful enough, it might make its way into a future Haskell standard...that's how <code>IO</code> happened[[#refs|[5]]].
In the meantime, take a very deep breath:
type Obs tau = State -> tau
-- for GHC 8.6.5
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-}
module OutputInput(OI, Monomo, runOI, invokes, seq) where
import Prelude(Bool, Char, Double, Either, Float, Int, Integer, Maybe)
import Prelude(String, Eq(..))
import Prelude(($), (++), error, all)
import Control.Concurrent(ThreadId, MVar, Chan, QSem, QSemN)
import Control.Concurrent.STM(STM, TVar, TMVar, TChan, TQueue, TBQueue)
import Control.Concurrent.STM(TArray)
import Control.Monad.ST(ST)
import Data.Array(Array)
import Data.Array.IO(IOArray)
import Data.Array.ST(STArray)
import Data.Char(isSpace)
import Data.IORef(IORef)
import Data.STRef(STRef)
import Data.Time(UTCTime, NominalDiffTime, Day, TimeOfDay)
import Data.Time(LocalTime, TimeZone, ZonedTime)
import Data.Time(DiffTime)
import Data.Time(UniversalTime)
import System.Directory(XdgDirectory, XdgDirectoryList, Permissions)
import System.IO(Handle, IOMode, BufferMode, SeekMode, HandlePosn)
import System.IO(TextEncoding, Newline, NewlineMode)
import Partible
import Sequential
import GHC.Base(IO(..), State#, MutVar#, RealWorld)
import GHC.Base(seq#, newMutVar#, atomicModifyMutVar#, noDuplicate#)
data OI = OI OI#
instance Partible OI where
part = partOI
partOI :: OI -> (OI, OI)
partOI (OI h) = case part# h of (# h1, h2 #) -> (OI h1, OI h2)
runOI :: (OI -> a) -> IO a
runOI g = IO $ \s -> case dispense# s of
(# s', h #) -> seq# (g (OI h)) s'
invokes :: Monomo a => String -> IO a -> OI -> a
(name `invokes` IO act) (OI h)
= (name `invokes#` act) h
class Monomo a
-- local definitions --
type OI# = String -> State# RealWorld
part# :: OI# -> (# OI#, OI# #)
part# h = case h "partOI" of
s -> case dispense# s of
(# s', h1 #) ->
case dispense# s' of
(# _, h2 #) -> (# h1, h2 #)
dispense# :: IO# OI#
dispense# s = case newMutVar# () s of
(# s', r #) -> (# s', expire# s' r #)
expire# :: State# s -> MutVar# s () -> String -> State# s
expire# s r name = case atomicModifyMutVar# r use s of
(# s', () #) -> s'
use x = (error nowUsed, x)
nowUsed = name' ++ ": already expired"
name' = if all isSpace name then "(unknown)"
else name
invokes# :: Monomo a => String -> IO# a -> OI# -> a
(name `invokes#` act) h = case act (noDuplicate# (h name)) of (# _, t #) -> t
type IO# a = State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
-- supplemental instances --
instance (Monomo a, Monomo b) => Monomo (Array a b)
instance Monomo Bool
instance Monomo BufferMode
instance Monomo Char
instance Monomo a => Monomo (Chan a)
instance Monomo Day
instance Monomo DiffTime
instance Monomo Double
instance (Monomo a, Monomo b) => Monomo (Either a b)
instance Monomo Float
instance Monomo Handle
instance Monomo HandlePosn
instance Monomo Int
instance Monomo Integer
instance Monomo (IO a)
instance (Monomo a, Monomo b) => Monomo (IOArray a b)
instance Monomo IOMode
instance Monomo a => Monomo (IORef a)
instance Monomo a => Monomo [a]
instance Monomo LocalTime
instance Monomo a => Monomo (Maybe a)
instance Monomo a => Monomo (MVar a)
instance Monomo Newline
instance Monomo NewlineMode
instance Monomo NominalDiffTime
instance Monomo Permissions
instance Monomo QSem
instance Monomo QSemN
instance Monomo SeekMode
instance Monomo (ST s a)
instance (Monomo a, Monomo b) => Monomo (STArray s a b)
instance Monomo (STM a)
instance Monomo a => Monomo (STRef s a)
instance Monomo TextEncoding
instance Monomo ThreadId
instance Monomo TimeOfDay
instance Monomo TimeZone
instance (Monomo a, Monomo b) => Monomo (TArray a b)
instance Monomo a => Monomo (TBQueue a)
instance Monomo a => Monomo (TChan a)
instance Monomo a => Monomo (TMVar a)
instance Monomo a => Monomo (TQueue a)
instance (Monomo a, Monomo b, Monomo c, Monomo d, Monomo e, Monomo f) => Monomo (a, b, c, d, e, f)
instance (Monomo a, Monomo b, Monomo c, Monomo d, Monomo e) => Monomo (a, b, c, d, e)
instance (Monomo a, Monomo b, Monomo c, Monomo d) => Monomo (a, b, c, d)
instance (Monomo a, Monomo b, Monomo c) => Monomo (a, b, c)
instance (Monomo a, Monomo b) => Monomo (a, b)
instance Monomo a => Monomo (TVar a)
instance Monomo ()
instance Monomo UniversalTime
instance Monomo UTCTime
instance Monomo XdgDirectory
instance Monomo XdgDirectoryList
instance Monomo ZonedTime
* [https://image.slidesharecdn.com/lazyio-120422092926-phpapp01/95/lazy-io-15-728.jpg page 15] of ''Non-Imperative Functional Programming'' by Nobuo Yamashita:
Almost there; this replacement definition of <code>seq</code> should work as expected[[#refs|[1][2][3]]]:
type a :-> b = OI a -> b
-- for GHC 8.6.5
#define during seq
module Sequential(seq) where
import qualified Prelude(during)
{-# NOINLINE seq #-}
infixr 0 `seq`
seq :: a -> b -> b
seq x y = Prelude.during x (case x of _ -> y)
* [http://h2.jaguarpaw.co.uk/posts/mtl-style-for-free MTL style for free] by Tom Ellis:
Now you can start breathing again :-)
data Time_ a = GetCurrentTime (UTCTime -> a)
module Partible where
import Data.Array
import Data.List
class Partible a where
part :: a -> (a, a)
parts :: a -> [a]
-- Minimal complete definition: part or parts
part u = case parts u of u1:u2:_ -> (u1, u2)
parts u = case part u of (u1, u2) -> u1 : parts u2
instance (Ix a, Partible b) => Partible (Array a b) where
part arr = case unzip (map part' (assocs arr)) of
(al1, al2) -> (new al1, new al2)
new = array (bounds arr)
part' (i, u) = case part u of
(u1, u2) -> ((i, u1), (i, u2))
instance (Partible a, Partible b) => Partible (Either a b) where
parts (Left u) = map Left (parts u)
parts (Right v) = map Right (parts v)
instance (Partible a, Partible b, Partible c, Partible d, Partible e) => Partible (a, b, c, d, e) where
parts (u, v, w, x, y) = zipWith5 (,,,,) (parts u) (parts v) (parts w) (parts x) (parts y)
instance (Partible a, Partible b, Partible c, Partible d) => Partible (a, b, c, d) where
parts (u, v, w, x) = zipWith4 (,,,) (parts u) (parts v) (parts w) (parts x)
instance (Partible a, Partible b, Partible c) => Partible (a, b, c) where
parts (u, v, w) = zipWith3 (,,) (parts u) (parts v) (parts w)
instance (Partible a, Partible b) => Partible (a, b) where
parts (u, v) = zipWith (,) (parts u) (parts v)
* [http://h2.jaguarpaw.co.uk/posts/impure-lazy-language An impure lazy programming language], also by Tom Ellis:
You're having problems? Maybe one of these can help:
data IO a = IO (() -> a)
-- for Sequential.hs
import GHC.Base(lazy)
infixr 0 `seq`
seq :: a -> b -> b
seq x y = Prelude.during x (lazy y)
* page 2 of [https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Unique Identifiers in Pure Functional Languages] by Péter Diviánszky:
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
[...] The type <code>Id</code> can be hidden by the synonym data type
:: Create a :== Id -> a
<sup> </sup>
type Create a = Id -> a
-- for ClassicIO.hs
yet :: (a -> a) -> a
yet f = y where y = f y
* page 7 of [https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Functional Reactive Animation] by Conal Elliott and Paul Hudak:
(You could also try another extensions-compatible version of GHC; beyond that, the options get more complicated...)
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
Now, remember how I dispensed with an up-front explanation to try something different? Having just seen how different this all is, here's the explanation...
An early implementation of Fran represented behaviors as implied in the formal semantics:
That abstract <code>partOI</code> and its overloaded associates <code>part</code> and <code>parts</code>? Their origins reside in the ''pseudodata'' technique by F. Warren Burton[[#refs|[6]]] - for our purposes, they help an optimising Haskell implementation to determine when it's safe to use those optimisations. Consider this definition:
data Behavior a = Behavior (Time -> a)
testme n = n^2 + n^2
* page 26 of [https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= How to Declare an Imperative] by Philip Wadler:
One simple optimisation would be to replace the duplicates of <code>n^2</code> with a single, shared local definition:
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
The type <code>'a io</code> is represented by a function expecting a dummy argument of type <code>unit</code> and returning a value of type <code>'a</code>.
type 'a io = unit -> a
<sup> </sup>
testme n = let x = n^2 in x + x
type Io a = () -> a
* The [https://www.vex.net/~trebla/haskell/IO.xhtml Haskell I/O Tutorial] by Albert Lai:
This definition:
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
But I can already tell you why we cannot follow other languages and use simply <code>X</code> or <code>() -> X</code>.
* [http://comonad.com/reader/2011/free-monads-for-less-3 Free Monads for Less (Part 3 of 3): Yielding IO] by Edward Kmett:
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
newtype OI a = forall o i. OI (FFI o i) o (i -> a) deriving Functor
main' u = putchars "ha" u `seq` putchars "ha" u
<sup> </sup>
type Oi a = forall i . i -> a
* page 27 of [https://blog.higher-order.com/assets/scalaio.pdf Purely Functional I/O in Scala] by Rúnar Bjarnason:
would likewise be rewritten, with the result being:
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
class IO[A](run: () => A)
<sup> </sup>
class Io a where run :: () -> a
main' u = let x = putchars "ha" u in x `seq` x
* [http://www.fssnip.net/6i/title/Tiny-IO-Monad igeta's snippet]:
but, as noted by Philip Wadler[[#refs|[7]]]:
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
<blockquote>''[...] the laugh is on us: the program prints only a single <code>"ha"</code>, at the time variable <br><code>x</code> is bound. In the presence of side effects, equational reasoning in its simplest form <br>becomes invalid.''</blockquote>
type IO<'T> = private | Action of (unit -> 'T)
''Equational reasoning'' is the basis for that simple optimisation and many others in implementations like GHC - so far they've been serving us quite well.
What - just treat I/O-centric definitions as some special case by modifying GHC? Haskell implementations are complicated enough as is!
<sup> </sup>
The problem is being caused by the code being treated as though it's pure, so let's modify the code instead. In this case, one simple solution is to make all calls to I/O-centric definitions unique:
main u = case part u of
data IO t = Action (() -> t)
(u1, u2) ->
putchars "ha" u1 `seq` putchars "ha" u2
* [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6647852/haskell-actual-io-monad-implementation-in-different-language/6706442#6706442 ysdx's answer] to [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6647852/haskell-actual-io-monad-implementation-in-different-language this SO question]:
But what about:
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
Let's say you want to implement <code>IO</code> in SML :
structure Io : MONAD =
type 'a t = unit -> 'a
<sup> </sup>
oops g h u = g u `seq` h u
type T a = () -> a
* [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45136398/is-the-monadic-io-construct-in-haskell-just-a-convention/45141523#45141523 luqui's answer] to [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45136398/is-the-monadic-io-construct-in-haskell-just-a-convention this SO question]:
main' = oops (putchars "ha") (putchars "ha")
newtype IO a = IO { runIO :: () -> a }
* [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15418075/the-reader-monad/15419592#15419592 luqui's answer] to [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15418075/the-reader-monad this SO question]:
Will the laugh be on us, again?
newtype Supply r a = Supply { runSupply :: r -> a }
* [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51770808/how-exactly-does-ios-work-under-the-hood/51772273#51772273 chi's answer] to [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51770808/how-exactly-does-ios-work-under-the-hood this SO question]:
This is Haskell, not Clean[[#refs|[8]]] - there are no uniqueness types to help fend off such potentially-troublesome expressions. For now, the simplest way to make sure <code>OI</code> values are only used once is to have the implementation treat their reuse as being invalid e.g. by throwing an exception or raising an error to stop the offending program.
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
In the prototype implementation, this all-important ''single-use'' property is maintained by <code>expire#</code>.
As long as we have its special case <code>IO c = () ~> c</code>, we can represent (up to isomorphism) […] <code>a ~> c</code> […]
As for that curious <code>Monomo</code> class and its instances, they leverage Haskell's type system to provide an extra measure of safety for the prototype - an actual implementation would instead use an annotation[[#refs|[9]]] to achieve the same result e.g:
* [https://luxlang.blogspot.com/2016/01/monads-io-and-concurrency-in-lux.html Monads, I/O and Concurrency in Lux] by Eduardo Julián:
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
(deftype #export (IO a)
(-> Void a))
<sup> </sup>
type IO a = (->) Void a
newEmptyMVar :: monomo a . OI -> MVar a
* [https://mperry.github.io/2014/01/03/referentially-transparent-io.html Referentially Transparent Input/Output in Groovy] by Mark Perry:
Now for the much-maligned[[#refs|[10][11]]] <code>seq</code>...you could be tempted into avoiding it by using a new data type:
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
abstract class SimpleIO<A> {
abstract A run()
<sup> </sup>
class SimpleIO a where
newtype Result a = Is a
run :: () -> a
getchar' :: OI -> Result Char
putchar' :: Char -> OI -> Result ()
* [https://github.com/php-fp/php-fp-io#readme The <code>IO</code> Monad for PHP] by Tom Harding:
and case-expressions:
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
__construct :: (-> a) -> IO a
[...] The parameter to the constructor must be a zero-parameter [none-adic] function that returns a value.
<sup> </sup>
data IO a = IO (() -> a)
respond' :: Request -> OI -> Response
__construct :: (() -> a) -> IO a
respond' Getq = \u -> case getchar' u of Is c -> Getp c
__construct = IO
respond' (Putq c) = \u -> case putchar' c u of Is _ -> Putp
* [https://medium.com/@luijar/the-observable-disguised-as-an-io-monad-c89042aa8f31 The Observable disguised as an IO Monad] by Luis Atencio:
But before you succumb:
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
<code>IO</code> is a very simple monad that implements a slightly modified version of our abstract interface with the difference that instead of wrapping a value <code>a</code>, it wraps a side effect function <code>() -> a</code>.
<sup> </sup>
unit_Result :: a -> Result a
data IO a = Wrap (() -> a)
unit_Result = Is
bind_Result :: Result a -> (a -> Result b) -> Result b
bind_Result (Is x) k = k x
* [https://weblogs.asp.net/dixin/category-theory-via-c-sharp-18-more-monad-io-monad More Monad: <code>IO<></code> Monad], from [https://weblogs.asp.net/dixin/Tags/Category%20Theory dixin's Category Theory via C#] series:
Oh look - <code>Result</code> is one of '''those''' types[[#refs|[12]]]...
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
The bang-pattern[[#refs|[13]]] extension? So you can instead write:
The definition of <code>IO<></code> is simple:
public delegate T IO<out T>();
* <code>IO<T></code> is used to represent a impure function. When a <code>IO<T></code> function is applied, it returns a <code>T</code> value, with side effects.
<sup> </sup>
type IO t = () -> t
respond'' :: Request -> OI -> Response
respond'' Getq = \u -> let !c = getchar u in Getp c
respond'' (Putq c) = \u -> let !z = putchar c u in Putp
* [https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/io-monad-for-ocaml/4618/11 ivg's post] in [https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/io-monad-for-ocaml/4618 <code>IO</code> Monad for OCaml]
As you can see, <code>z</code> isn't used anywhere - there is no need for it. This being Haskell, if it isn't needed, it normally isn't evaluated. For now, the bang-pattern extension modifies the evaluation of
<code>z</code> in order to prevent <code>respond&apos;&apos;</code> being rewritten as:
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
So let’s implement the <code>IO</code> Monad right now and here. Given that OCaml is strict and that the order of function applications imposes the order of evaluation, the <code>IO</code> Monad is just a thunk, e.g.,
type 'a io = unit -> 'a
<sup> </sup>
type Io a = () -> a
respond'' :: Request -> OI -> Response
respond'' Getq = \u -> let !c = getchar u in Getp c
respond'' (Putq c) = \u -> Putp
* [https://arrow-kt.io/docs/effects/io Why <code>suspend</code> over <code>IO</code>] in [https://arrow-kt.io/docs/fx Arrow Fx]:
Will bang-patterns ever be included in a future Haskell standard? If so, will you still be able to use them like this? If not, will you be left with the clean-up job?
|<div style="border-left:1px solid lightgray; padding: 1em" alt="blockquote">
[...] So <code>suspend () -> A</code> offers us the exact same guarantees as <code>IO<A></code>.
Of these, it is the [https://hackage.haskell.org/package/oi/docs/src/Data-OI-Internal.html#OI implementation of <code>OI a</code>] in Yamashita's [https://hackage.haskell.org/package/oi oi] package which is most interesting as its values are ''monousal'' - once used, their contents remain constant. This single-use property also appears in the implementation of the abstract <code>decision</code> type described by F. Warren Burton in [https://academic.oup.com/comjnl/article-pdf/31/3/243/1157325/310243.pdf Nondeterminism with Referential Transparency in Functional Programming Languages].
Perhaps you'll find some other way for correctly sequencing the evaluation that you like; all well and good...but others might not. For me, the simplest way I've found to make this approach to I/O work is with <code>seq</code> - one that's actually sequential.
But maybe - after all that - you still want <code>seq</code> banished from Haskell. Perhaps you still don't understand I/O in Haskell. It could be that you're dismayed by what you've read here. Alternately, you may have seen or tried this all before, and know it doesn't work all that well - darn...
=== <code>IO</code><u>, redefined</u> ===
Based on these and other observations, a reasonable distillment of these examples would be <code>OI -> a</code>, which then implies:
If that's you, the corresponding language proposal[[#refs|[14]]] has a list of other articles and research papers I've found which describe or refer to alternative approaches - perhaps one (or more) of them will be more acceptable.
As noted by Owen Stephens[[#refs|[15]]]:
type IO a = OI -> a
Using Burton's ''pseudodata'' approach:
<blockquote>''I/O is not a particularly active area of research, but new approaches are still being discovered, <br>iteratees being a case in point.''</blockquote>
Who knows - the Haskell language could return to having a pure, fully-defined approach to I/O without the notoriety...and it could be you that finds it :-D
-- abstract; single-use I/O-access mediator
data Exterior
getchar :: Exterior -> Char
putchar :: Char -> Exterior -> ()
-- from section 2 of Burton's paper
data Tree a = Node { contents :: a,
left :: Tree a,
right :: Tree a }
-- utility definitions
P.S: Why the name <code>OI</code>? Many years ago I was tinkering with arrows for performing I/O, labelling them <code>OI a b</code> out of expediency. More recently, I discovered a set of slides[[#refs|[16]]] describing another approach to I/O which used values of type <code>OI a</code> in a similar fashion to what I've been describing here. I've reused the name because of that similarity.
type OI = Tree Exterior
getChar' :: OI -> Char
getChar' = getchar . contents
putChar' :: Char -> OI -> ()
<span id="refs">References</span>:
putChar' c = putchar c . contents
part :: OI -> (OI, OI)
[1] [[Sequential ordering of evaluation]]; Haskell Wiki.<br>
parts :: OI -> [OI]
part t = (left t, right t)
[2] [https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/5129 Ticket# 5129: "evaluate" optimized away]; GHC bug tracker.<br>
parts t = let !(t1, t2) = part t in
t1 : parts t2
Of course, in an actual implementation <code>OI</code> would be abstract like <code>World</code>, and for similar reasons. This permits a simpler implementation for <code>OI</code> and its values, instead of being based on (theoretically) infinite structured values like binary trees. That simplicity has benefits for the <code>OI</code> interface, in this case:
[3] [https://mail.haskell.org/pipermail/glasgow-haskell-users/2006-November/011480.html Thread: seq vs. pseq]; Haskell mail archive.<br>
[4] [https://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pszgmh/appsem-slides/peytonjones.ppt Wearing the hair shirt: a retrospective on Haskell]; Simon Peyton Jones.<br>
data OI
part :: OI -> (OI, OI)
[5] [https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= A History of Haskell: being lazy with class]; Paul Hudak, John Hughes, Simon Peyton Jones and Philip Wadler.<br>
getChar' :: OI -> Char
putChar' :: Char -> OI -> ()
[6] [https://academic.oup.com/comjnl/article-pdf/31/3/243/1157325/310243.pdf Nondeterminism with Referential Transparency in Functional Programming Languages]; F. Warren Burton.<br>
<sup> </sup>
[7] [https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= How to Declare an Imperative]; Philip Wadler.<br>
[8] [https://clean.cs.ru.nl/Clean The Clean homepage]; Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.<br>
[9] [[Monomorphism by annotation of type variables]]; Haskell Wiki.<br>
[10] [https://mail.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell/2002-May/009622.html Thread: State monads don't respect the monad laws in Haskell]; Haskell mail archive.<br>
[11] [http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= The Impact of ''seq'' on Free Theorems-Based Program Transformations]; Patricia Johann and Janis Voigtlander.
[12] [[Monad]]; Haskell Wiki.<br>
[13] [https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/7.8.4/docs/html/users_guide/bang-patterns.html 7.18. Bang patterns]; GHC user's guide.<br>
[14] [[Partibles for composing monads]]; Haskell Wiki.<br>
[15] [https://www.owenstephens.co.uk/assets/static/research/masters_report.pdf Approaches to Functional I/O]; Owen Stephens.<br>
[16] <span style="color:#ba0000">Non-Imperative Functional Programming</span>; Nobuo Yamashita.<br>
=== <u>See also</u> ===
* [https://pqnelson.github.io/2021/07/29/monadic-io-in-ml.html Monadic IO in Standard ML]
[[User:Atravers|Atravers]] 03:05, 20 August 2020 (UTC)
* [[Disposing of dismissives]]
* [[IO then abstraction]]
* [https://okmij.org/ftp/Computation/IO-monad-history.html The IO monad in 1965]

Revision as of 04:27, 9 June 2022

Clearing away the smoke and mirrors

The implementation in GHC uses the following one:

type IO a  =  World -> (a, World)

An IO computation is a function that (logically) takes the state of the world, and returns a modified world as well as the return value. Of course, GHC does not actually pass the world around; instead, it passes a dummy “token,” to ensure proper sequencing of actions in the presence of lazy evaluation, and performs input and output as actual side effects!

A History of Haskell: Being Lazy With Class, Paul Hudak, John Hughes, Simon Peyton Jones and Philip Wadler.

...so what starts out as an I/O action of type:

World -> (a, World)

is changed by GHC to approximately:

() -> (a, ())

The result (of type a) can then be returned directly:

() -> a

Why "approximately"? Because "logically" a function in Haskell has no observable effects.

Previously seen

The type () -> a (or variations of it) have appeared elsewhere - examples include:

The use of λ, and in particular (to avoid an irrelevant bound variable) of λ() , to delay and possibly avoid evaluation is exploited repeatedly in our model of ALGOL 60. A function that requires an argument-list of length zero is called a none-adic function.

(\ () -> ) :: () -> a
abstype 'a Job = JOB of unit -> 'a

data Job a = JOB (() -> a)

A value of type Obs 𝜏 is called an observer. Such a value observes (i.e. views or inspects) a state and returns a value of type 𝜏. [...] An observer type Obs 𝜏 may be viewed as an implicit function space from the set of states to the type 𝜏.

type Obs tau = State -> tau
  • page 15 of Non-Imperative Functional Programming by Nobuo Yamashita:
type a :-> b = OI a -> b
data Time_ a = GetCurrentTime (UTCTime -> a)
data IO a = IO (() -> a)

[...] The type Id can be hidden by the synonym data type

:: Create a  :==  Id -> a

type Create a = Id -> a

An early implementation of Fran represented behaviors as implied in the formal semantics:

data Behavior a = Behavior (Time -> a)

The type 'a io is represented by a function expecting a dummy argument of type unit and returning a value of type 'a.

type 'a io = unit -> a

type Io a = () -> a

But I can already tell you why we cannot follow other languages and use simply X or () -> X.

newtype OI a = forall o i. OI (FFI o i) o (i -> a) deriving Functor

type Oi a = forall i . i -> a
class IO[A](run: () => A)

class Io a where run :: () -> a
type IO<'T> = private | Action of (unit -> 'T)

data IO t = Action (() -> t)

Let's say you want to implement IO in SML :

structure Io : MONAD =
  type 'a t = unit -> 'a

type T a = () -> a
newtype IO a = IO { runIO :: () -> a }
newtype Supply r a = Supply { runSupply :: r -> a }

As long as we have its special case IO c = () ~> c, we can represent (up to isomorphism) […] a ~> c […]

(deftype #export (IO a)
  (-> Void a))

type IO a = (->) Void a
abstract class SimpleIO<A> {
    abstract A run()

class SimpleIO a where
    run :: () -> a
__construct :: (-> a) -> IO a

[...] The parameter to the constructor must be a zero-parameter [none-adic] function that returns a value.

data IO a = IO (() -> a)
__construct :: (() -> a) -> IO a
__construct = IO

IO is a very simple monad that implements a slightly modified version of our abstract interface with the difference that instead of wrapping a value a, it wraps a side effect function () -> a.

data IO a = Wrap (() -> a)

The definition of IO<> is simple:

public delegate T IO<out T>();


  • IO<T> is used to represent a impure function. When a IO<T> function is applied, it returns a T value, with side effects.

type IO t = () -> t

So let’s implement the IO Monad right now and here. Given that OCaml is strict and that the order of function applications imposes the order of evaluation, the IO Monad is just a thunk, e.g.,

type 'a io = unit -> 'a

type Io a = () -> a

[...] So suspend () -> A offers us the exact same guarantees as IO<A>.

Of these, it is the implementation of OI a in Yamashita's oi package which is most interesting as its values are monousal - once used, their contents remain constant. This single-use property also appears in the implementation of the abstract decision type described by F. Warren Burton in Nondeterminism with Referential Transparency in Functional Programming Languages.

IO, redefined

Based on these and other observations, a reasonable distillment of these examples would be OI -> a, which then implies:

type IO a = OI -> a

Using Burton's pseudodata approach:

 -- abstract; single-use I/O-access mediator
data Exterior
getchar :: Exterior -> Char
putchar :: Char -> Exterior -> ()

 -- from section 2 of Burton's paper
data Tree a = Node { contents :: a,
                     left     :: Tree a,
                     right    :: Tree a }

 -- utility definitions
type OI  =  Tree Exterior

getChar' :: OI -> Char
getChar' =  getchar . contents

putChar' :: Char -> OI -> ()
putChar' c = putchar c . contents

part     :: OI -> (OI, OI)
parts    :: OI -> [OI]

part t   =  (left t, right t)
parts t  =  let !(t1, t2) = part t in
            t1 : parts t2

Of course, in an actual implementation OI would be abstract like World, and for similar reasons. This permits a simpler implementation for OI and its values, instead of being based on (theoretically) infinite structured values like binary trees. That simplicity has benefits for the OI interface, in this case:

data OI
part :: OI -> (OI, OI)
getChar' :: OI -> Char
putChar' :: Char -> OI -> ()

See also