Infix operator
Functions in Haskell are usually called using prefix notation, or the function name followed by its arguments. However, some functions e.g. addition are called using infix notation - putting the function name between its two arguments:
Prelude> 17 + 25 42
Using infix functions with prefix notation
Putting parentheses around an infix operator converts it into a prefix function:
Prelude> (+) 1 2 3 Prelude> (*) 3 4 12
Using prefix functions with infix notation
Putting `
-marks around a prefix function allows us to use it like an infix function:
Prelude> let concatPrint x y = putStrLn $ (++) x y Prelude> concatPrint "a" "b" ab Prelude> "a" `concatPrint` "b" ab
Note that you can only normally do this with a function that takes two arguments. Actually, for a function taking more than two arguments, you can do it but it's not nearly as nice (note the need for extra parentheses):
Prelude> foldl (+) 0 [1..5] 15 Prelude> ((+) `foldl` 0) [1..5] 15