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:Magnus Carlsson, ICFP 2002, 2002.  
:Magnus Carlsson, ICFP 2002, 2002.  

;[ Monads for Incremental Computing]
;[ Monads for Incremental Computing]
:Magnus Carlsson, ICFP'02.
:Magnus Carlsson, ICFP'02.

Revision as of 23:58, 17 November 2008


See also Monad and Arrow HaskellWiki pages.

State in Haskell
SL Peyton Jones and J Launchbury, Lisp and Symbolic Computation 8(4), Dec 1995, pp293-341. (Cited by 109)
Lazy functional state threads
SL Peyton Jones and J Launchbury, SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI'94), Orlando, June 1994, pp24-35. (Cited by 127))
Imperative functional programming
SL Peyton Jones and PL Wadler, 20th ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'93), Charleston, Jan 1993, pp71-84. (Cited by 289)
Prological features in a functional setting - axioms and implementations
Ralf Hinze. In Masahiko Sato, Yoshihito Toyama, editors, Third Fuji International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming (FLOPS'98), Kyoto University, Japan, April 1998, pp. 98-122. World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong. (Cited by 9)
Composing Monads
Mark P. Jones and Luc Duponcheel Research Report YALEU/DCS/RR-1004, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, December 1993. (Cited by 66))
The marriage of effects and monads
Philip Wadler and Peter Thiemann. Submitted to ACM Transactions on Computational Logic. (Cited by 62)
How to declare an imperative
Philip Wadler. ACM Computing Surveys, 29(3):240--263, September 1997. A shorter version was an invited paper at ILPS 95, appearing in John Lloyd, editor, International Logic Programming Symposium, MIT Press, December 1995. (Cited by 92)
Monads and composable continuations
Philip Wadler. Lisp and Symbolic Computation, Special issue on continuations, 7(1):39-56, January 1994. (Cited by 34)
Monads for functional programming
Philip Wadler. In M. Broy, editor, Marktoberdorf Summer School on Program Design Calculi, Springer Verlag, NATO ASI Series F: Computer and systems sciences, Volume 118, August 1992. Also in J. Jeuring and E. Meijer, editors, Advanced Functional Programming, Springer Verlag, LNCS 925, 1995. (Cited by 237)
Combining monads
David King and Philip Wadler. Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Springer Verlag Workshops in Computing Series, Ayr, July 1992. (Cited by 42)
The essence of functional programming
Philip Wadler. Invited talk, 19'th Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, ACM Press, Albuquerque, January 1992. (Cited by 407)
How to prove monad laws
Oleg Kiselyov, v1.1, Sep 2, 2003, Originally posted as "Re: proving the monad laws" on the Haskell mailing list
Monadification of Functional Programs
Martin Erwig and Deling Ren. Science of Computer Programming, Vol. 52, No. 1-3, 101-129, 2004
The Categorical Imperative - Or: How to Hide Your State Monads
Martin Erwig. 10th Int. Workshop on Implementation of Functional Languages (IFL'98), 1-25, 1998
Monads for Incremental Computing
Magnus Carlsson, ICFP 2002, 2002.
Monads for Incremental Computing
Magnus Carlsson, ICFP'02.

Monad comprehensions

Comprehending monads
Philip Wadler. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Special issue of selected papers from 6'th Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, 2:461-493, 1992. (Cited by 469)

Monad transformers

Deriving Backtracking Monad Transformers
Ralf Hinze. In Phil Wadler, editor, Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Functional Programming, Montreal, Canada, September 18-20, 2000.
Deriving monad transformers
Ralf Hinze. Technical Report IAI-TR-99-1, Institut fr Informatik III, Universitt Bonn, January 1999.
Backtracking, Interleaving, and Terminating Monad Transformers
Oleg Kiselyov, Chung-chieh Shan, Daniel P. Friedman and Amr Sabry, Functional Pearl, to be presented at ICFP 2005.
Modular Compilers Based on Monad Transformers
Harrison, Kamin (1998)
Semantic Lego
Espinosa (1995)


Semantics of Value Recursion for Monadic Input/Output
Levent Erkök, John Launchbury and Andrew Moran. Journal of Theoretical Informatics and Applications. 36. 2. 2002.
A Recursive do for Haskell
Levent Erkök and John Launchbury. Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Haskell. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 29 - 37 2002 ISBN 1-58113-605-6
Value recursion in monadic computations
Levent Erkök. PhD. Thesis. OGI School of Science and Engineering. October 2002.
Semantics of fixIO
Levent Erkök, John Launchbury and Andrew Moran. Workshop on Fixed Points in Computer Science (FICS'01). 2001.
Recursive Monadic Bindings
Levent Erkok and John Launchbury. Proceedings of the International Conference on Functional Programming ICFP'00. 2000.

Applications of monads

Global Variables in Haskell
John Hughes. 2004. JFP.
Monadic-style backtracking
Ralf Hinze. Technical Report IAI-TR-96-9, Institut fr Informatik III, Universitt Bonn, October 1996.
A Poor Man's Concurrency Monad
Koen Claessen, Journal of Functional Programming. 9(3). 313--323. 1999.
Building Interpreters by Composing Monads
Guy L. Steele, Jr.. Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'94). January 1994. (Cited by 67)
Monad Transformers and Modular Interpreters
Sheng Liang, Paul Hudak, and Mark P. Jones, In Conference Record of POPL'95: 22nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, San Francisco, CA, January 1995 (110 citations)
Monadic Regions
Fluet and Morrisett; To appear in the Journal of Functional Programming. "Region-based type systems provide programmer control over memory management without sacrificing type-safety... we show that plain old parametric polymorphism, as found in Haskell, is all that is needed."
XLinq: XML Programming Refactored (The Return Of The Monoids)
Erik Meijer and Brian Beckman
Monadic Shell
Oleg Kiselyov
Coalgebraic Monads
Ghani, Lth, De Marchi (2002)
Monad Translating Inductive and Coinductive Types
Uustalu (2003)
Merging Monads and Folds for Functional Programming
Meijer, Jeuring (1995)
Monadic Maps and Folds for Arbitrary Datatypes
Fokkinga (1994)
Modular Denotational Semantics for Compiler Construction
Sheng Liang (1996)
Monadic Parser Combinators
Hutton, Meijer (1996)
Building Domain-Specific Embedded Languages
Paul Hudak (1996)
Programming Reactive Systems in Haskell
Finne, Jones (1994)
Costing Parallel Programs as a Function of Shapes
Jay (1998)
Monads as a theoretical foundation for AOP
De Meuter (1997)
Monads for natural language semantics
Chung-chieh Shan (Harvard University). Journal-ref: Proceedings of the 2001 European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information student session, ed. Kristina Striegnitz, 285-298
A Monadic, Functional Implementation of Real Numbers
Russell O'Connor, 2006. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science.
A monadic framework for delimited continuations
Kent Dybvig, Simon Peyton Jones, and Amr Sabry.

See also monads in other languages.


Codata and Comonads in Haskell
Kieburtz - 1999
The Dual of Substitution is Redecoration
Tarmo Uustalu, Varmo Vene. Trends in Functional Programming 3. (2002)
Monads and Comonads
Ghani et al.
Recursion Schemes from Comonads
Uustalu, Vene, Pardo (2001)
Computational Comonads and Intensional Semantics
Brookes, Geva, 1992
Tutorial: Monads, Kleisli Arrows, Comonads and other Rambling Thoughts

Monad theory

Notions of computation and monads
Eugenio Moggi. Information and Computation, 93(1):55-92, July 1991 ( Cited by 649)
Computational lambda-calculus and monads
Eugenio Moggi. Logic in Computer Science, 1989. LICS '89, Proceedings., Fourth Annual Symposium on (1989), pp. 14-23.
Representing Layered Monads
Andrzej Filinski. In Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 175--188, San Antonio, Texas, USA, January 1999. ACM Press.
Monads and Effects
Eugenio Moggi. APPSEM'00 Summer School, LNCS 2395, 2002
Correctness of Monadic State: An Imperative Call-by-Need Calculus
Ariola, Sabry (1998)
Promotional Transformation of Monadic Programs
Hu, Iwasaki (1995)
Monadic Encapsulation of Effects: A Revised Approach (extended version)
Journal of Functional Programming, 11(6), 2001.
Towards a Mathematical Operational Semantics
Turi, Plotkin (1997) (53 citations)
Equivalence in Functional Languages with Effects
Mason, Talcott (1991) (49 citations)
Computational Types from a Logical Perspective
Benton, Bierman (1995)
A Modular Monadic Action Semantics
Wansbrough (1997)
Functor Categories and Two-Level Languages
Moggi (1998)
A Category-Theoretic Account of Program Modules
Moggi (1994)


See also Arrow HaskellWiki page.

Arrows in Haskell

Generalising Monads to Arrows,
John Hughes, in Science of Computer Programming 37, pp67-111, May 2000. (draft online)
A New Notation for Arrows
Ross Paterson. In ICFP 2001, Firenze, Italy, pp229-240]
Arrows and Computation
Ross Paterson, in The Fun of Programming (Jeremy Gibbons and Oege de Moor, Eds.), pp201-222, Palgrave, 2003.

Applications of arrows

Genuinely Functional User Interfaces
Anthony Courtney and Conal Elliott, in Haskell Workshop 2001, Firenze, Italy, pp41-69.
Arrows, Robots, and Functional Reactive Programming
Paul Hudak, Henrik Nilsson, Anthony Courtney and Jon Peterson, in Advanced Functional Programming, 4th International School, (Johan Jeuring and Simon Peyton Jones eds.), Oxford, Springer LNCS 2638, 2003.
Polytypic compact printing and parsing
Patrik Jansson and Johan Jeuring, In Proceedings European Symposium on Programming, LNCS 1576, pp273-287, Springer, 1999.
Polytypic data conversion programs
Patrik Jansson and Johan Jeuring, Science of Computer Programming 43(1), pp35-75, 2002.
Sava Krstic, John Launchbury and Dusko Pavlovic, Workshop on Fixed Points in Computer Science, Sep 2001.
Functional Reactive Programming, Continued
Henrik Nilsson, Antony Courtney, and John Peterson. Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Workshop (Haskell'02), pages 51 - 64, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, October 2002. ACM Press.
There and back again: arrows for invertible programming
Artem Alimarine, Sjaak Smetsers, Arjen van Weelden, Marko van Eekelen, Rinus Plasmeijer. Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Haskell. Tallinn, Estonia, 86 - 97 2005 ISBN 1-59593-071-X

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ProdArrows -- Arrows for Fudgets
Magnus Carlsson, 2001.
Directing JavaScript with Arrows
Jeffrey S. Foster et al, 2008 (submitted)

Arrow theory

Categories for Computation in Context and Unified Logic
Richard Blute, J.R.B. Cockett and R.A.G. Seely. In Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 116:49-98, 1997.
Arrows, like Monads, are Monoids
Chris Heunen and Bart Jacobs. In Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 158, 5 May 2006, Pages 219-236.
Premonoidal Categories and Notions of Computation
John Power and Edmund Robinson. In Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 7(5):453-468, 1997.
Environments, Continuation Semantics and Indexed Categories
John Power and Hayo Thielecke. In Proc. Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, LNCS 1281, pp 391-414, 1997.
Closed Freyd- and kappa-categories
John Power and Hayo Thielecke. ICALP'99, LNCS 1644, Springer, 1999.