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Latest revision as of 12:15, 31 July 2009

{- xmonad.hs
 - Author: Jelle 

-- Import stuff
import XMonad
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W 
import qualified Data.Map as M
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig(additionalKeys)
import System.Exit
import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import System.IO

-- actions
import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS
import XMonad.Actions.WindowGo
import qualified XMonad.Actions.Search as S
import XMonad.Actions.Search
import qualified XMonad.Actions.Submap as SM

-- utils
import XMonad.Util.Run(spawnPipe)
import qualified XMonad.Prompt 		as P
import XMonad.Prompt.Shell
import XMonad.Prompt

-- hooks
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers

-- layouts
import XMonad.Layout.Grid
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile

-- Main --

main = do
        xmproc <- spawnPipe "xmobar"  -- start xmobar
    	xmonad 	$ withUrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook $ defaultConfig
        	{ manageHook = myManageHook
        	, layoutHook = layoutHook'   
		, borderWidth = borderWidth'
		, normalBorderColor = normalBorderColor'
		, focusedBorderColor = focusedBorderColor'
		, keys = keys'
		, logHook = logHook' xmproc
        	, modMask = modMask'  
        	, terminal = terminal'
		, workspaces = workspaces'

-- hooks
-- automaticly switching app to workspace 
myManageHook :: ManageHook
myManageHook = composeAll . concat $
                [[isFullscreen                  --> doFullFloat
		, className =? "OpenOffice.org 3.1" --> doShift "4:doc" 
		, className =? "Firefox" --> doFullFloat 
		, className =? "Xmessage" --> doFloat 
                , className =? "Gimp"           --> doFloat 
                , className =? "Shiretoko"  --> doShift "2:web"
                , className =? "Browser"  --> doShift "2:web"
                , className =? "Firefox"  --> doShift "2:web"
		, className =? "MPlayer"	--> doShift "7:vid"
		, className =? "Deluge" 	--> doShift "5:tor"
		, className =? "Pcmanfm" 	--> doShift "6:file"
		, className =? "Apvlv" 		--> doShift "4:doc"
		, className =? "Evince" 	--> doShift "4:doc"]
			myIgnores = ["trayer"]
			myFloats  = []
			myOtherFloats = []

logHook' :: Handle -> X ()
logHook' h = dynamicLogWithPP $ customPP { ppOutput = hPutStrLn h }
layoutHook' = customLayout

---- Looks --
---- bar
customPP :: PP
customPP = defaultPP { 
     			    ppHidden = xmobarColor "#00FF00" ""
			  , ppCurrent = xmobarColor "#FF0000" "" . wrap "[" "]"
			  , ppUrgent = xmobarColor "#FF0000" "" . wrap "*" "*"
                          , ppLayout = xmobarColor "#FF0000" ""
                          , ppTitle = xmobarColor "#00FF00" "" . shorten 80
                          , ppSep = "<fc=#429942> | </fc>"

-- some nice colors for the prompt windows to match the dzen status bar.
myXPConfig = defaultXPConfig                                    
	font  = "-*-terminus-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-u" 
	,fgColor = "#00FFFF"
	, bgColor = "#000000"
	, bgHLight    = "#000000"
	, fgHLight    = "#FF0000"
	, position = Top

-- layouts
customLayout = avoidStruts $ smartBorders tiled ||| smartBorders (Mirror tiled) ||| Grid ||| noBorders Full
       tiled = ResizableTall 1 (2/100) (1/2) []

---- Terminal --
terminal' :: String
terminal' = "urxvt"

-- Keys/Button bindings --
-- modmask
modMask' :: KeyMask
modMask' = mod4Mask

-- borders
borderWidth' :: Dimension
borderWidth' = 1
normalBorderColor', focusedBorderColor' :: String
normalBorderColor' = "#333333"
focusedBorderColor' = "#FF0000"

workspaces' :: [WorkspaceId]
workspaces' = ["1:im", "2:web", "3:code", "4:doc", "5:tor" ,"6:file", "7:vid", "8:stuff"] 

-- Switch to the "web" workspace
viewWeb = windows (W.greedyView "2:web")                           -- (0,0a)

--Search engines to be selected :  [google (g), wikipedia (w) , youtube (y) , maps (m), dictionary (d) , wikipedia (w), bbs (b) ,aur (r), wiki (a) , TPB (t), mininova (n), isohunt (i) ]
--keybinding: hit mod + s + <searchengine>
searchEngineMap method = M.fromList $
       [ ((0, xK_g), method S.google )
       , ((0, xK_y), method S.youtube )
       , ((0, xK_m), method S.maps )
       , ((0, xK_d), method S.dictionary )
       , ((0, xK_w), method S.wikipedia )
       , ((0, xK_b), method $ S.searchEngine "archbbs" "http://bbs.archlinux.org/search.php?action=search&keywords=")
       , ((0, xK_r), method $ S.searchEngine "AUR" "http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?O=0&L=0&C=0&K=")
       , ((0, xK_a), method $ S.searchEngine "archwiki" "http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Special:Search?search=")
       , ((0, xK_t), method $ S.searchEngine "thepiratebay" "http://thepiratebay.org/search/" )
       , ((0, xK_n), method $ S.searchEngine "mininova" "http://www.mininova.org/search" )
       , ((0, xK_i), method $ S.searchEngine "isohunt" "http://www.isohunt.com/" )

-- keys
keys' :: XConfig Layout -> M.Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (X ())
keys' conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modMask}) = M.fromList $
    -- launching and killing programs
    [ ((modMask, xK_Return), spawn $ XMonad.terminal conf)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_c ), kill)

    -- opening program launcher / search engine
    , ((modMask , xK_s ), SM.submap $ searchEngineMap $ S.promptSearch myXPConfig)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask , xK_s ), SM.submap $ searchEngineMap $ S.selectSearch) 
    ,((modMask , xK_p), shellPrompt myXPConfig)

    -- layouts
    , ((modMask, xK_space ), sendMessage NextLayout)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_space ), setLayout $ XMonad.layoutHook conf)
    , ((modMask, xK_b ), sendMessage ToggleStruts)
    -- floating layer stuff
    , ((modMask, xK_t ), withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
    -- refresh'
    , ((modMask, xK_n ), refresh)
    -- focus
    , ((modMask, xK_Tab ), windows W.focusDown)
    , ((modMask, xK_j ), windows W.focusDown)
    , ((modMask, xK_k ), windows W.focusUp)
    , ((modMask, xK_m ), windows W.focusMaster)
    -- swapping
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Return), windows W.swapMaster)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_j ), windows W.swapDown )
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_k ), windows W.swapUp )
    -- increase or decrease number of windows in the master area
    , ((modMask , xK_comma ), sendMessage (IncMasterN 1))
    , ((modMask , xK_period), sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1)))
    -- resizing
    , ((modMask, xK_h ), sendMessage Shrink)
    , ((modMask, xK_l ), sendMessage Expand)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_h ), sendMessage MirrorShrink)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_l ), sendMessage MirrorExpand)
    -- mpd controls
    , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_h ), spawn "mpc prev")
    , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_t ), spawn "mpc pause")
    , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_n ), spawn "mpc play")
    , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_s ), spawn "mpc next")
    , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_g ), spawn "mpc seek -2%")
    , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_c ), spawn "mpc volume -4")
    , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_r ), spawn "mpc volume +4")
    , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_l ), spawn "mpc seek +2%")
    -- quit, or restart
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_q ), io (exitWith ExitSuccess))
    , ((modMask , xK_q ), restart "xmonad" True)
    -- mod-[1..9] %! Switch to workspace N
    -- mod-shift-[1..9] %! Move client to workspace N
    [((m .|. modMask, k), windows $ f i)
        | (i, k) <- zip (XMonad.workspaces conf) [xK_1 .. xK_9]
        , (f, m) <- [(W.greedyView, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
    -- mod-[w,e] %! switch to twinview screen 1/2
    -- mod-shift-[w,e] %! move window to screen 1/2
    [((m .|. modMask, key), screenWorkspace sc >>= flip whenJust (windows . f))
        | (key, sc) <- zip [xK_w, xK_e] [0..]
        , (f, m) <- [(W.view, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]