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Given a binary tree as the usual Prolog term t(X,L,R) (or nil). As a preparation for drawing the tree, a layout algorithm is required to determine the position of each node in a rectangular grid. Several layout methods are conceivable, one of them is shown in the illustration below:


In this layout strategy, the position of a node v is obtained by the following two rules:

  • x(v) is equal to the position of the node v in the inorder sequence
  • y(v) is equal to the depth of the node v in the tree

Write a function to annotate each node of the tree with a position, where (1,1) in the top left corner or the rectangle bounding the drawn tree.

type Pos = (Int, Int)

layout :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Pos)
layout t = fst (layoutAux 1 1 t)
  where layoutAux x y Empty = (Empty, x)
        layoutAux x y (Branch a l r) = (Branch (a, (x',y)) l' r', x'')
          where (l', x')  = layoutAux x (y+1) l
                (r', x'') = layoutAux (x'+1) (y+1) r

The auxiliary function is passed the x-coordinate for the left-most node of the subtree, the y-coordinate for the root of the subtree, and the subtree itself. It returns the subtree annotated with positions, plus the count of Branch nodes in the subtree.