99 questions/Solutions/80
< 99 questions | Solutions
(***) Conversions
Write predicates to convert between the different graph representations.
Here is a working solution for the graph-term, adjacency-list, and edge-clause / human-friendly forms for undirected, unweighted graphs.
data Graph a = Graph [a] [(a, a)]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Adjacency a = Adj [(a, [a])]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Friendly a = Edge [(a, a)]
deriving (Show, Eq)
graphToAdj :: (Eq a) => Graph a -> Adjacency a
graphToAdj (Graph [] _) = Adj []
graphToAdj (Graph (x:xs) ys) = Adj ((x, ys >>= f) : zs)
f (a, b)
| a == x = [b]
| b == x = [a]
| otherwise = []
Adj zs = graphToAdj (Graph xs ys)
adjToGraph :: (Eq a) => Adjacency a -> Graph a
adjToGraph (Adj []) = Graph [] []
adjToGraph (Adj ((v, a):vs)) = Graph (v : xs) ((a >>= f) ++ ys)
f x = if (v, x) `elem` ys || (x, v) `elem` ys
then []
else [(v, x)]
Graph xs ys = adjToGraph (Adj vs)
graphToFri :: (Eq a) => Graph a -> Friendly a
graphToFri (Graph [] _) = Edge []
graphToFri (Graph xs ys) = Edge (ys ++ zip g g)
g = filter (\x -> all (\(a, b) -> x /= a && x /= b) ys) xs
friToGraph :: (Eq a) => Friendly a -> Graph a
friToGraph (Edge []) = Graph [] []
friToGraph (Edge vs) = Graph xs ys
xs = foldr acc [] $ concat $ map (\(a, b) -> [a, b]) vs
ys = filter (uncurry (/=)) vs
acc x xs = if x `elem` xs then xs else x : xs
adjToFri :: (Eq a) => Adjacency a -> Friendly a
adjToFri = graphToFri . adjToGraph
friToAdj :: (Eq a) => Friendly a -> Adjacency a
friToAdj = graphToAdj . friToGraph