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- Ben Lippmeier http://benl.ouroborus.net
- benl@ouroborus.net
- Sydney, Australia.
- Steven Shaw https://steshaw.org
- steven@steshaw.org
- Brisbane, Australia.
- Clockwork Consulting ApS https://www.cwconsult.dk/
- info@cwconsult.dk
- Copenhagen, Denmark. Remote work only (unless in Copenhagen, ask if so).
- NilCons http://www.nilcons.com/
- cons@nilcons.com
- Zurich, Switzerland.
- Serokell https://serokell.io/
- The Haskell Consultants
- hi@serokell.io
- Remote work worldwide.
- Tweag I/O http://tweag.io/
- hello@tweag.io
- Europe, US, Russia, South America. Headquartered in Paris, France.
- Monadfix https://monadfix.com
- We help companies adopt functional programming (Haskell, Agda, PureScript, Clojure)
- hi@monadfix.com
- Europe and Russia, remote work worldwide.
- Well-Typed LLP http://www.well-typed.com/
- The Haskell Consultants
- info@well-typed.com
- Europe and US on-site, remote work worldwide.
- zerobuzz UG https://zerobuzz.net/
- info@zerobuzz.net
- Germany and Switzerland
- Turing Jump https://turingjump.com/
- info@turingjump.com
- Europe on-site, remote work worldwide.
- Monoid GmbH https://monoid.gmbh/
- hello@monoid.gmbh
- Zurich, Switzerland.
- MLabs https://mlabs.city/
- info@mlabs.city
- Remote, worldwide.
- AppSolutions LLC http://www.appsolutions.com/
- Anton van Straaten http://www.appsolutions.com/anton/
- New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC
- Boltmade http://boltmade.com
- Waterloo, ON, Canada
- Brett Letner http://www.linkedin.com/in/brettletner
- Lawrence, KS, USA
- Civic Labs https://www.civiclabs.com
- New York, NY and San Francisco, CA
- LambdaPix http://lambdapix.com
- Conal Elliott
- Blog: http://conal.net/blog
- San Andreas, CA, USA
- Obsidian Systems https://obsidian.systems
- New York, NY
- OM Consulting Limited omconsult@gmail.com
- Intelligent solutions.
- Platonic.Systems https://platonic.systems
- email: info@platonic.systems
- Colorado
- Pliosoft Corp. https://pliosoft.com/
- email contact@pliosoft.com
- Haskell consulting and development
- Alberta, Canada
- Position Development http://positiondev.com
- New York, NY
- Sankel Software http://sankelsoftware.com
- David Sankel
- Albuquerque, NM, USA
- Simon Michael http://joyful.com
- Los Angeles
- Stack Builders http://www.stackbuilders.com
- New York, NY, USA
- ByteAlly Software http://www.byteally.com/
- Chennai, India