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== Haskell Cookbook ==
[[Category:How to]]
* [[Cookbook/Compilers and interpreters|Haskell compilers and interpreters]]
* [[Cookbook/Strings|Strings]]
* [[Cookbook/Numbers|Numbers]]
* [[Cookbook/Numbers|Numbers]]
* [[Cookbook/Lists and strings|Lists and strings]]
* [[Cookbook/Other data structures|Other data structures]]
* [[Cookbook/Dates And Time|Dates and time]]
* [[Cookbook/Dates And Time|Dates and time]]
* [[Cookbook/Lists|Lists]]
* [[Cookbook/Other data structures|Other data structures]]
* [[Cookbook/Pattern matching|Pattern matching]]
* [[Cookbook/Pattern matching|Pattern matching]]
* [[Cookbook/Interactivity|Interactivity]]
* [[Cookbook/Interactivity|Interactivity]]
* [[Cookbook/Files|Files]]
* [[Cookbook/Network programming|Network programming]]
* [[Cookbook/XML|XML]]
* [[Cookbook/Databases access|Databases access]]
* [[Cookbook/Graphical user interfaces|Graphical user interfaces]]
* [[Cookbook/PDF files|PDF files]]
* [[Cookbook/FFI|FFI]]
* [[Cookbook/Testing|Testing]]
== Similar projects for other programming languages ==
* [http://cl-cookbook.sourceforge.net/ Common Lisp Cookbook]
'''We need to start a Haskell centered cookbook (aka, not a [http://pleac.sourceforge.net/ PLEAC] clone)
* [http://pleac.sourceforge.net/ PLEAC]
* [http://www.zenspider.com/Languages/Ruby/Cookbook/index.html Ruby Cookbook]
This page is based on the Scheme Cookbook at
* [http://schemecookbook.org/Cookbook/WebHome Scheme Cookbook]
* [http://fssnip.net/ F# Snippets]
== Prelude ==
[[Category:How to]]
A lot of functions are defined in the "[http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/?q=Prelude Prelude]". Also, if you ever want to search for a function, based on the name, type or module, take a look at the excellent [http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/ Hoogle]. This is for a lot of people a must-have while debugging and writing Haskell programs.
== GHCi/Hugs ==
=== GHCi interaction ===
To start GHCi from a command prompt, simply type `ghci'
$ ghci
___ ___ _
/ _ \ /\ /\/ __(_)
/ /_\// /_/ / / | | GHC Interactive, version 6.6, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __ / /___| | http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
\____/\/ /_/\____/|_| Type :? for help.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
[http://haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/libraries/base/Prelude.html Prelude] is the "base" library of Haskell.
To create variables at the GHCi prompt, use `let'
Prelude> let x = 5
Prelude> x
Prelude> let y = 3
Prelude> y
Prelude> x + y
`let' is also the way to create simple functions at the GHCi prompt
Prelude> let fact n = product [1..n]
Prelude> fact 5
=== Checking Types ===
To check the type of an expression or function, use the command `:t'
Prelude> :t x
x :: Integer
Prelude> :t "Hello"
"Hello" :: [Char]
Haskell has the following types defined in the [http://haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/libraries/base/Prelude.html Standard Prelude].
Int -- bounded, word-sized integers
Integer -- unbounded integers
Double -- floating point values
Char -- characters
String -- equivalent to [Char], strings are lists of characters
() -- the unit type
Bool -- booleans
[a] -- lists
(a,b) -- tuples / product types
Either a b -- sum types
Maybe a -- optional values
== Network programming ==
The following example makes use of the Network and System.IO libraries to open
a socket connection to Google and retrieve the Google home page.
import Network;
import System.IO;
main = withSocketsDo $ do
h <- connectTo "www.google.com" (PortNumber 80)
hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
hPutStr h "GET / HTTP/1.1\nhost: www.google.com\n\n"
contents <- hGetContents h
putStrLn contents
hClose h
== XML ==
=== Libraries ===
There are multiple libraries available. In my own (limited) experience, I could only get [[HXT]] to do everything I wanted. It does make heavy use of [[http://haskell.org/arrows/ Arrows]].
=== Parsing XML ===
== Databases access ==
There are two packages you can use to connect to MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3 and ODBC databases: [http://software.complete.org/software/projects/show/hdbc HDBC] and Hsql
=== MySQL ===
=== PostgreSQL ===
=== SQLite ===
Suppose you have created a 'test.db' database like this,
$ sqlite3 test.db "create table t1 (t1key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,data TEXT,num double,timeEnter DATE);"
$ sqlite3 test.db "insert into t1 (data,num) values ('This is sample data',3);"
$ sqlite3 test.db "insert into t1 (data,num) values ('More sample data',6);"
$ sqlite3 test.db "insert into t1 (data,num) values ('And a little more',9);"
Using HDBC and HDBC-sqlite3 packages, you can connect and query it like this:
import Control.Monad
import Database.HDBC
import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3
main = do conn <- connectSqlite3 "test.db"
rows <- quickQuery' conn "SELECT * from t1" []
forM_ rows $ \row -> putStrLn $ show row
$ ghc --make sqlite.hs
$ ./sqlite
[SqlString "1",SqlString "This is sample data",SqlString "3.0",SqlNull]
[SqlString "2",SqlString "More sample data",SqlString "6.0",SqlNull]
[SqlString "3",SqlString "And a little more",SqlString "9.0",SqlNull]
== Graphical user interfaces ==
=== wxHaskell ===
[[WxHaskell|wxHaskell]] is a portable and native GUI library for Haskell based on the wxWidgets Library.
Hello World example:
module Main where
import Graphics.UI.WX
main :: IO ()
= start hello
hello :: IO ()
= do f <- frame [text := "Hello!"]
quit <- button f [text := "Quit", on command := close f]
set f [layout := widget quit]
This code was taken from [[WxHaskell/Quick_start | "a quick start with wxHaskell"]].
=== Gtk2Hs ===
[http://haskell.org/gtk2hs/screenshots/ Gtk2Hs] is a GUI Library for
Haskell based on GTK. [http://home.telfort.nl/sp969709/gtk2hs/ Gtk2Hs Tutorial].
Hello world example:
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
main :: IO ()
main = do
w <- windowNew
b <- buttonNew
set b [buttonLabel := "Quit"]
onClicked b $ widgetDestroy w
set w [windowTitle := "Hello", containerBorderWidth := 10]
containerAdd w b
onDestroy w mainQuit
widgetShowAll w
For more examples, see: [[Applications and libraries/Games]]
=== HOpenGL ===
[http://www.haskell.org/HOpenGL/ HOpenGL] is a Haskell binding for the OpenGL graphics API (GL 1.2.1 / GLU 1.3) and the portable OpenGL utility toolkit GLUT.
There is a Haskell OpenGL Tetris program at
[[http://haskell-tetris.pbwiki.com/Main]] by Jim.
See also: [[Applications and libraries/Games]]
=== SDL ===
There are some Haskell bindings to [http://libsdl.org/ SDL] at [http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/pkg-list.html Hackage].
== PDF files ==
For the following recipes you need to install [http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/HPDF HPDF].
=== Creating an empty PDF file ===
The following code creates an empty PDF file with the name "test1.pdf":
import Graphics.PDF
main :: IO ()
main = do
let outputFileName= "test1.pdf"
let defaultPageSize = PDFRect 0 0 200 300
runPdf outputFileName standardDocInfo defaultPageSize $ do
addPage Nothing
=== Pages with different sizes ===
If you pass "Nothing" to the function [http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/HPDF/latest/doc/html/Graphics-PDF-Document.html#v%3AaddPage addPage], the default page size will be used for the size of the new page.
Let’s create three pages, the last two pages with different dimensions:
import Graphics.PDF
main :: IO ()
main = do
let outputFileName= "test2.pdf"
let defaultPageSize = PDFRect 0 0 200 300
runPdf outputFileName standardDocInfo defaultPageSize $ do
addPage Nothing
addPage $ Just $ PDFRect 0 0 100 100
addPage $ Just $ PDFRect 0 0 150 150
== FFI ==
=== How to interface with C===
Magnus has written [http://therning.org/magnus/archives/315 a nice example ] on how to call a C function operating on a user defined type.
== Testing ==
=== QuickCheck ===
=== HUnit ===

Latest revision as of 18:49, 26 May 2011