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== How to Tie and Wear a Womans Scarf Many Fashionable Ways ==
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=101 Problem 101] ==
When it comes to accessorizing that special outfit, the scarf is the one item you want to have in your wardrobe. The scarf is the perfect accessory as it can add pizzaz to any outfit from the perfect little black dress to a business suit or your favorite T-shirt and jeans outfit. The scarf can add a sensational look making even the plainest outfit into a fabulous fashion hit.
Investigate the optimum polynomial function to model the first k terms of a given sequence.
Scarves Can be Worn Many Places on the Body Besides Your Neck
import Data.List
f s n = sum $ zipWith (*) (iterate (*n) 1) s
fits t = sum $ map (p101 . map (f t)) $ inits [1..toInteger $ length t - 1]
problem_101 = fits (1 : (concat $ replicate 5 [-1,1]))
diff s = zipWith (-) (drop 1 s) s
p101 = sum . map last . takeWhile (not . null) . iterate diff
There are numerous ways to wear a silk scarf, making it a very versatile accessory. Wear it around your neck, tied, knotted or draped. Wear a scarf around head to keep your hair in place or around your waist as a belt. Wear a large scarf around your shoulders as a shawl.If you really feel like “tying one on” try tying a silk scarf around your hips. Just by tying a scarf around your hips, like a scarf belt, you can make your waist look smaller. You can achieve this look very easily by folding a long oblong scarf into the desired width, draping it around your hips and positioning it as a sash. Adjust it as you like. Let it hang down asymmetrically drawing the eye downward to produce a smaller looking waist
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=102 Problem 102] ==
For how many triangles in the text file does the interior contain the origin?
How to Tie a Silk Scarf Around Your Neck
import Text.Regex
--ghc -M p102.hs
isOrig (x1:y1:x2:y2:x3:y3:[])=
t1*t2>=0 && t3*t4>=0 && t5*t6>=0
buildTriangle s = map read (splitRegex (mkRegex ",") s) :: [Integer]
x<-readFile "triangles.txt"
let y=map buildTriangle$lines x
print $length$ filter isOrig y
Of course, the traditional way to wear a silk scarf is around the neck. A fashion statement can be made by tying your scarf in creative ways. Try tying a long silk scarf can be knotted in front and hang straight down. Use a crystal brooch, ring or scarf pin that is all the rage now to hold your scarf in the front. The scarf clips are great to use. If you don't have a scarf pin or brooch, try wearing that long silk scarf in the the style by holding it across the front of our neck and then bringing one end around to fall done your right front side and then bring other end around your neck to fall down your left front side. This is a great way to wear those special hand painted silk scarves that are so light and airy now days. They are great for summer and spring. Another way to wear the long silk scarf is just drape it around your neck and shoulders and then let it hang down dramatically in front.
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=103 Problem 103] ==
Investigating sets with a special subset sum property.
seven=[mid+a|let mid=six!!3,a<-0:six]
problem_103=foldl (++) "" $map show seven
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=104 Problem 104] ==
Finding Fibonacci numbers for which the first and last nine digits are pandigital.
These beautiful silk scarves are my hand painted art work, with franch ink and elegant Chinese 100% pure silk, for more pictures and information about them, pls check with my website:
Very nice problem. I didnt realize you could deal with the precision problem.
Therefore I used this identity to speed up the fibonacci calculation:
= f_k*(f_(n+1))^2
+ 2*f_(k-1)*f_(n+1)*f_n
+ f_(k-2)*(f_n)^2
import Data.List
import Data.Char
fibos = rec 0 1
rec a b = a:rec b (a+b)
fibo_2nk n k =
fkm1 = fibo (k-1)
fkm2 = fibo (k-2)
fk = fkm1 + fkm2
fnp1 = fibo (n+1)
fnp1sq = fnp1^2
fn = fibo n
fnsq = fn^2
fk*fnp1sq + 2*fkm1*fnp1*fn + fkm2*fnsq
fibo x =
threshold = 30000
n = div x 3
k = n+mod x 3
if x < threshold
then fibos !! x
else fibo_2nk n k
findCandidates = rec 0 1 0
m = 10^9
rec a b n =
continue = rec b (mod (a+b) m) (n+1)
isBackPan a = (sort $ show a) == "123456789"
if isBackPan a
then n:continue
else continue
search =
isFrontPan x = (sort $ take 9 $ show x) == "123456789"
map fst
$ take 1
$ dropWhile (not.snd)
$ zip findCandidates
$ map (isFrontPan.fibo) findCandidates
problem_104 = search
It took 8 sec on a 2.2Ghz machine.
The lesson I learned fom this challenge, is: know mathematical identities and exploit them. They allow you take short cuts.
Normally you compute all previous fibonacci numbers to compute a random fibonacci number. Which has linear costs. The aforementioned identity builds the number not from its two predecessors but from 4 much smaller ones. This makes the algorithm logarithmic in its complexity. It really shines if you want to compute a random very large fibonacci number. f.i. the 10mio.th fibonacci number which is over 2mio characters long, took 20sec to compute on my 2.2ghz laptop.
I have a slightly simpler solution, which I think is worth posting. It runs in about 6 seconds. HenryLaxen June 2, 2008
fibs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
isFibPan n =
let a = n `mod` 1000000000
b = sort (show a)
c = sort $ take 9 $ show n
in b == "123456789" && c == "123456789"
ex_104 = snd $ head $ dropWhile (\(x,y) -> (not . isFibPan) x) (zip fibs [1..])
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=105 Problem 105] ==
Find the sum of the special sum sets in the file.
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Text.Regex
solNum=map solve [7..12]
solve n = twoSetsOf [0..n-1] =<< [2..div n 2]
twoSetsOf xs n = do
firstSet <- setsOf n xs
let rest = dropWhile (/= head firstSet) xs \\ firstSet
secondSet <- setsOf n rest
let f = firstSet >>= enumFromTo 1
s = secondSet >>= enumFromTo 1
guard $ not $ null (f \\ s) || null (s \\ f)
setsOf 0 _ = [[]]
setsOf (n+1) xs = concat [map (y:) (setsOf n ys) | (y:ys) <- tails xs]
comp lst a b=
a1=sum$map (lst!!) a
b1=sum$map (lst!!) b
notEqu lst =
all id[comp slst a b|(a,b)<-solNum!!s]
s=length lst-7
slst=sort lst
moreElem lst =
all id maE
le=length lst
sortLst=sort lst
maxElem =
(-1):[sum $drop (le-a) sortLst|
minElem =
[sum $take a sortLst|
maE=[a<b|(a,b)<-zip maxElem minElem]
stoInt s=map read (splitRegex (mkRegex ",") s) :: [Integer]
check x=moreElem x && notEqu x
main = do
f <- readFile "sets.txt"
let sets = map stoInt$ lines f
let ssets = filter check sets
print $ sum $ concat ssets
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=106 Problem 106] ==
Find the minimum number of comparisons needed to identify special sum sets.
binomial x y =div (prodxy (y+1) x) (prodxy 1 (x-y))
prodxy x y=product[x..y]
-- http://mathworld.wolfram.com/DyckPath.html
catalan n=flip div (n+1) $binomial (2*n) n
calc n=
let mu2=a*2,
let c=flip div 2 $ binomial mu2 a,
let d=catalan a,
let e=binomial n mu2]
di2=div n 2
problem_106 = calc 12
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=107 Problem 107] ==
Determining the most efficient way to connect the network.
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.List
import Data.Map (fromList,(!))
import Text.Regex
makeArr x=map zero (splitRegex (mkRegex ",") x)
makeNet x lst y=[((a,b),m)|a<-[0..x-1],b<-[0..a-1],let m=lst!!a!!b,m/=y]
zero x
|'-' `elem` x=0
|otherwise=read x::Int
problem_107 =do
a<-readFile "network.txt"
let b=map makeArr $lines a
network = makeNet 40 b 0
edges = sortBy (\x y->compare (snd x) (snd y)) network
eedges =map fst edges
mape=fromList edges
d=sum $ map snd edges
e=sum$map (mape!)$kruskal eedges
print (d-e)
kruskal es = runST ( do
let hi = maximum $ map (uncurry max) es
lo = minimum $ map (uncurry min) es
djs <- makeDjs (lo,hi)
filterM (kruskalST djs) es)
kruskalST djs (u,v) = do
disjoint <- djsDisjoint u v djs
when disjoint $ djsUnion u v djs
return disjoint
type DisjointSet s = STArray s Int (Maybe Int)
makeDjs :: (Int,Int) -> ST s (DisjointSet s)
makeDjs b = newArray b Nothing
djsUnion a b djs = do
root <- djsFind a djs
writeArray djs root $ Just b
djsFind a djs = maybe (return a) f =<< readArray djs a
where f p = do p' <- djsFind p djs
writeArray djs a (Just p')
return p'
djsDisjoint a b uf = liftM2 (/=) (djsFind a uf) (djsFind b uf)
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=108 Problem 108] ==
Solving the Diophantine equation 1/x + 1/y = 1/n.
import List
series _ 1 =[[0]]
series xs n =[x:ps|x<-xs,ps<-series [0..x] (n-1) ]
distinct=product. map (+1)
sumpri x=product $map (\(x,y)->x^y)$zip primes x
prob x y =head$sort[(sumpri m ,m)|m<-series [1..3] x,(>y)$distinct$map (*2) m]
problem_108=prob 7 2000
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=109 Problem 109] ==
How many distinct ways can a player checkout in the game of darts with a score of less than 100?
import Data.Array
wedges = [1..20]
zones = listArray (0,62) $ 0:25:50:wedges++map (2*) wedges++map (3*) wedges
checkouts =
[[a,b,c] |
a <- 2:[23..42],
b <- [0..62],
c <- [b..62]
score = sum.map (zones!)
problem_109 = length $ filter ((<100).score) checkouts
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=110 Problem 110] ==
Find an efficient algorithm to analyse the number of solutions of the equation 1/x + 1/y = 1/n.
-- prob in problem_108
problem_110 = prob 13 (8*10^6)

Revision as of 07:37, 17 August 2008

How to Tie and Wear a Womans Scarf Many Fashionable Ways

When it comes to accessorizing that special outfit, the scarf is the one item you want to have in your wardrobe. The scarf is the perfect accessory as it can add pizzaz to any outfit from the perfect little black dress to a business suit or your favorite T-shirt and jeans outfit. The scarf can add a sensational look making even the plainest outfit into a fabulous fashion hit.

Scarves Can be Worn Many Places on the Body Besides Your Neck

There are numerous ways to wear a silk scarf, making it a very versatile accessory. Wear it around your neck, tied, knotted or draped. Wear a scarf around head to keep your hair in place or around your waist as a belt. Wear a large scarf around your shoulders as a shawl.If you really feel like “tying one on” try tying a silk scarf around your hips. Just by tying a scarf around your hips, like a scarf belt, you can make your waist look smaller. You can achieve this look very easily by folding a long oblong scarf into the desired width, draping it around your hips and positioning it as a sash. Adjust it as you like. Let it hang down asymmetrically drawing the eye downward to produce a smaller looking waist

File:Http://www.hand-painted-silk-scarves.com/blog/upload/未命名2.bmp File:Http://www.hand-painted-silk-scarves.com/blog/upload/未命名6.bmp File:Http://www.hand-painted-silk-scarves.com/blog/upload/未命名12.bmp File:Http://www.hand-painted-silk-scarves.com/blog/upload/未命名13.JPG File:Http://www.hand-painted-silk-scarves.com/blog/upload/dunhuang-flying-apsaras-1-f.JPG

How to Tie a Silk Scarf Around Your Neck

Of course, the traditional way to wear a silk scarf is around the neck. A fashion statement can be made by tying your scarf in creative ways. Try tying a long silk scarf can be knotted in front and hang straight down. Use a crystal brooch, ring or scarf pin that is all the rage now to hold your scarf in the front. The scarf clips are great to use. If you don't have a scarf pin or brooch, try wearing that long silk scarf in the the style by holding it across the front of our neck and then bringing one end around to fall done your right front side and then bring other end around your neck to fall down your left front side. This is a great way to wear those special hand painted silk scarves that are so light and airy now days. They are great for summer and spring. Another way to wear the long silk scarf is just drape it around your neck and shoulders and then let it hang down dramatically in front.

File:Http://www.hand-painted-silk-scarves.com/blog/upload/未命1.JPG File:Http://www.hand-painted-silk-scarves.com/blog/upload/未命名3.bmp File:Http://www.hand-painted-silk-scarves.com/blog/upload/未命名8.bmp File:Http://www.hand-painted-silk-scarves.com/blog/upload/未命名14.bmp File:Http://www.hand-painted-silk-scarves.com/blog/upload/dragon-1-d.JPG

These beautiful silk scarves are my hand painted art work, with franch ink and elegant Chinese 100% pure silk, for more pictures and information about them, pls check with my website:
