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== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=21 Problem 21] ==
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=21 Problem 21] ==
Evaluate the sum of all amicable pairs under 10000.
Evaluate the sum of all amicable numbers (including those with a pair number over the limit) under 10000.
This is a little slow because of the naive method used to compute the divisors.
problem_21 = sum [m+n | m <- [2..9999], let n = divisorsSum ! m, amicable m n]
problem_21 = undefined
where amicable m n = m < n && n < 10000 && divisorsSum ! n == m
divisorsSum = array (1,9999)
[(i, sum (divisors i)) | i <- [1..9999]]
divisors n = [j | j <- [1..n `div` 2], n `mod` j == 0]
Here is an alternative using a faster way of computing the sum of divisors.
problem_21_v2 = sum [n | n <- [2..9999], let m = d n,
m > 1, m < 10000, n == d m, d m /= d (d m)]
d n = product [(p * product g - 1) `div` (p - 1) |
g <- group $ primeFactors n, let p = head g
] - n
primeFactors = pf primes
pf ps@(p:ps') n
| p * p > n = [n]
| r == 0 = p : pf ps q
| otherwise = pf ps' n
where (q, r) = n `divMod` p
primes = 2 : filter (null . tail . primeFactors) [3,5..]
Here is another alternative solution that computes the sum-of-divisors for the numbers by iterating over products of their factors (very fast):
import Data.Array
max_ = 100000
gen 100001 = []
gen n = [(i*n,n)|i <- [2 .. max_ `div` n]] ++ (gen (n+1))
arr = accumArray (+) 0 (0,max_) (gen 1)
problem_21_v3 = sum $ filter (\a -> let b = (arr!a) in b /= a && (arr!b) == a) [1 .. (10000 - 1)]
Line 12: Line 52:
import Data.List
-- apply to a list of names
import Data.Char
problem_22 :: [String] -> Int
problem_22 = sum . zipWith (*) [ 1 .. ] . map score
problem_22 =
do input <- readFile "names.txt"
where score = sum . map ( subtract 64 . ord )
let names = sort $ read$"["++ input++"]"
let scores = zipWith score names [1..]
print . sum $ scores
where score w i = (i *) . sum . map (\c -> ord c - ord 'A' + 1) $ w
Line 23: Line 67:
problem_23 = undefined
import Data.Array
n = 28124
abundant n = eulerTotient n - n > n
abunds_array = listArray (1,n) $ map abundant [1..n]
abunds = filter (abunds_array !) [1..n]
rests x = map (x-) $ takeWhile (<= x `div` 2) abunds
isSum = any (abunds_array !) . rests
problem_23 = print . sum . filter (not . isSum) $ [1..n]
Line 31: Line 85:
import Data.List
perms [] = [[]]
perms xs = do
fac 0 = 1
x <- xs
map ( x: ) ( perms . delete x $ xs )
fac n = n * fac (n - 1)
perms [] _= []
perms xs n= x : perms (delete x xs) (mod n m)
where m = fac $ length xs - 1
y = div n m
x = xs!!y
problem_24 = perms "0123456789" 999999
Or, using Data.List.permutations,
import Data.List
problem_24 = (!! 999999) . sort $ permutations ['0'..'9']
Casey Hawthorne
For Project Euler #24 you don't need to generate all the lexicographic permutations by Knuth's method or any other.
You're only looking for the millionth lexicographic permutation of "0123456789"
-- Plan of attack.
-- The "x"s are different numbers
-- 0xxxxxxxxx represents 9! = 362880 permutations/numbers
-- 1xxxxxxxxx represents 9! = 362880 permutations/numbers
-- 2xxxxxxxxx represents 9! = 362880 permutations/numbers
-- 20xxxxxxxx represents 8! = 40320
-- 21xxxxxxxx represents 8! = 40320
-- 23xxxxxxxx represents 8! = 40320
-- 24xxxxxxxx represents 8! = 40320
-- 25xxxxxxxx represents 8! = 40320
-- 26xxxxxxxx represents 8! = 40320
-- 27xxxxxxxx represents 8! = 40320
module Euler where
import Data.List
factorial n = product [1..n]
-- lexOrder "0123456789" 1000000 ""
lexOrder digits left s
| len == 0 = s ++ digits
| quot > 0 && rem == 0 = lexOrder (digits\\(show (digits!!(quot-1)))) rem (s ++ [(digits!!(quot-1))])
| quot == 0 && rem == 0 = lexOrder (digits\\(show (digits!!len))) rem (s ++ [(digits!!len)])
| rem == 0 = lexOrder (digits\\(show (digits!!(quot+1)))) rem (s ++ [(digits!!(quot+1))])
| otherwise = lexOrder (digits\\(show (digits!!(quot)))) rem (s ++ [(digits!!(quot))])
len = (length digits) - 1
(quot,rem) = quotRem left (factorial len)
problem_24 = ( perms "0123456789" ) !! 999999
Line 44: Line 155:
fibs = 0:1:(zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs))
valid ( i, n ) = length ( show n ) == 1000
t = 10^999
problem_25 = length w
w = takeWhile (< t) fibs
Casey Hawthorne
I believe you mean the following:
fibs = 0:1:(zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs))
last (takeWhile (<10^1000) fibs)
problem_25 = fst . head . filter valid . zip [ 1 .. ] $ fibs
where fibs = 1 : 1 : 2 : zipWith (+) fibs ( tail fibs )
Line 55: Line 180:
problem_26 = undefined
problem_26 = fst $ maximumBy (comparing snd)
[(n,recurringCycle n) | n <- [1..999]]
where recurringCycle d = remainders d 10 []
remainders d 0 rs = 0
remainders d r rs = let r' = r `mod` d
in case elemIndex r' rs of
Just i -> i + 1
Nothing -> remainders d (10*r') (r':rs)
Line 63: Line 195:
problem_27 = undefined
problem_27 = -(2*a-1)*(a^2-a+41)
where n = 1000
m = head $ filter (\x->x^2-x+41>n) [1..]
a = m-1
Line 71: Line 206:
problem_28 = sum (map (\n -> 4*(n-2)^2+10*(n-1)) [3,5..1001]) + 1
problem_28 = undefined
Alternatively, one can use the fact that the distance between the diagonal numbers increases by 2 in every concentric square. Each square contains four gaps, so the following <hask>scanl</hask> does the trick:
euler28 n = sum $ scanl (+) 0
(1:(concatMap (replicate 4) [2,4..(n-1)]))
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=29 Problem 29] ==
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=29 Problem 29] ==
How many distinct terms are in the sequence generated by ab for 2 ≤ a ≤ 100 and 2 ≤ b ≤ 100?
How many distinct terms are in the sequence generated by a<sup>b</sup> for 2 ≤ a ≤ 100 and 2 ≤ b ≤ 100?
import Control.Monad
problem_29 = undefined
problem_29 = length . group . sort $ liftM2 (^) [2..100] [2..100]
We can also solve it in a more naive way, without using Monads, like this:
import List
problem_29 = length $ nub pr29_help
where pr29_help = [z | y <- [2..100],
z <- lift y]
lift y = map (\x -> x^y) [2..100]
import List
problem_29 = length $ nub [x^y | x <- [2..100], y <- [2..100]]
Instead of using lists, the Set data structure can be used for a significant speed increase:
import Set
problem_29 = size $ fromList [x^y | x <- [2..100], y <- [2..100]]
Line 87: Line 253:
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
problem_30 = undefined
limit :: Integer
limit = snd $ head $ dropWhile (\(a,b) -> a > b) $ zip (map (9^5*) [1..]) (map (10^) [1..])
fifth :: Integer -> Integer
fifth = sum . map ((^5) . toInteger . digitToInt) . show
problem_30 :: Integer
problem_30 = sum $ filter (\n -> n == fifth n) [2..limit]

Latest revision as of 15:53, 11 October 2015

Problem 21

Evaluate the sum of all amicable numbers (including those with a pair number over the limit) under 10000.

Solution: (http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/A063990)

This is a little slow because of the naive method used to compute the divisors.

problem_21 = sum [m+n | m <- [2..9999], let n = divisorsSum ! m, amicable m n]
    where amicable m n = m < n && n < 10000 && divisorsSum ! n == m
          divisorsSum = array (1,9999)
                        [(i, sum (divisors i)) | i <- [1..9999]]
          divisors n = [j | j <- [1..n `div` 2], n `mod` j == 0]

Here is an alternative using a faster way of computing the sum of divisors.

problem_21_v2 = sum [n | n <- [2..9999], let m = d n,
                         m > 1, m < 10000, n == d m, d m /= d  (d m)]
d n = product [(p * product g - 1) `div` (p - 1) |
                 g <- group $ primeFactors n, let p = head g
              ] - n
primeFactors = pf primes
    pf ps@(p:ps') n
     | p * p > n = [n]
     | r == 0    = p : pf ps q
     | otherwise = pf ps' n
     where (q, r) = n `divMod` p
primes = 2 : filter (null . tail . primeFactors) [3,5..]

Here is another alternative solution that computes the sum-of-divisors for the numbers by iterating over products of their factors (very fast):

import Data.Array

max_ = 100000

gen 100001 = []
gen n = [(i*n,n)|i <- [2 .. max_ `div` n]] ++ (gen (n+1))

arr = accumArray (+) 0 (0,max_) (gen 1)

problem_21_v3 = sum $ filter (\a -> let b = (arr!a) in b /= a && (arr!b) == a) [1 .. (10000 - 1)]

Problem 22

What is the total of all the name scores in the file of first names?


import Data.List
import Data.Char
problem_22 =
    do input <- readFile "names.txt"
       let names = sort $ read$"["++ input++"]"
       let scores = zipWith score names [1..]
       print . sum $ scores
  where score w i = (i *) . sum . map (\c -> ord c - ord 'A' + 1) $ w

Problem 23

Find the sum of all the positive integers which cannot be written as the sum of two abundant numbers.


import Data.Array 
n = 28124
abundant n = eulerTotient n - n > n
abunds_array = listArray (1,n) $ map abundant [1..n]
abunds = filter (abunds_array !) [1..n]

rests x = map (x-) $ takeWhile (<= x `div` 2) abunds
isSum = any (abunds_array !) . rests

problem_23 = print . sum . filter (not . isSum) $ [1..n]

Problem 24

What is the millionth lexicographic permutation of the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9?


import Data.List 
fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac (n - 1)
perms [] _= []
perms xs n= x : perms (delete x xs) (mod n m)
  where m = fac $ length xs - 1
        y = div n m
        x = xs!!y
problem_24 = perms "0123456789" 999999

Or, using Data.List.permutations,

import Data.List
problem_24 = (!! 999999) . sort $ permutations ['0'..'9']

Casey Hawthorne

For Project Euler #24 you don't need to generate all the lexicographic permutations by Knuth's method or any other.

You're only looking for the millionth lexicographic permutation of "0123456789"

-- Plan of attack.

-- The "x"s are different numbers
-- 0xxxxxxxxx represents 9! = 362880 permutations/numbers
-- 1xxxxxxxxx represents 9! = 362880 permutations/numbers
-- 2xxxxxxxxx represents 9! = 362880 permutations/numbers

-- 20xxxxxxxx represents 8! = 40320
-- 21xxxxxxxx represents 8! = 40320

-- 23xxxxxxxx represents 8! = 40320
-- 24xxxxxxxx represents 8! = 40320
-- 25xxxxxxxx represents 8! = 40320
-- 26xxxxxxxx represents 8! = 40320
-- 27xxxxxxxx represents 8! = 40320

module Euler where

import Data.List

factorial n = product [1..n]

-- lexOrder "0123456789" 1000000 ""

lexOrder digits left s
    | len == 0              = s ++ digits
    | quot > 0 && rem == 0  = lexOrder (digits\\(show (digits!!(quot-1))))  rem (s ++ [(digits!!(quot-1))])
    | quot == 0 && rem == 0 = lexOrder (digits\\(show (digits!!len)))       rem (s ++ [(digits!!len)])
    | rem == 0              = lexOrder (digits\\(show (digits!!(quot+1))))  rem (s ++ [(digits!!(quot+1))])
    | otherwise             = lexOrder (digits\\(show (digits!!(quot))))    rem (s ++ [(digits!!(quot))])
    len = (length digits) - 1
    (quot,rem) = quotRem left (factorial len)

Problem 25

What is the first term in the Fibonacci sequence to contain 1000 digits?


fibs = 0:1:(zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs))
t = 10^999

problem_25 = length w
      w = takeWhile (< t) fibs

Casey Hawthorne

I believe you mean the following:

fibs = 0:1:(zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs))

last (takeWhile (<10^1000) fibs)

Problem 26

Find the value of d < 1000 for which 1/d contains the longest recurring cycle.


problem_26 = fst $ maximumBy (comparing snd)
                            [(n,recurringCycle n) | n <- [1..999]]
    where  recurringCycle d = remainders d 10 []
           remainders d 0 rs = 0
           remainders d r rs = let r' = r `mod` d
                               in case elemIndex r' rs of
                                    Just i  -> i + 1
                                    Nothing -> remainders d (10*r') (r':rs)

Problem 27

Find a quadratic formula that produces the maximum number of primes for consecutive values of n.


problem_27 = -(2*a-1)*(a^2-a+41)
  where n = 1000
        m = head $ filter (\x->x^2-x+41>n) [1..]
        a = m-1

Problem 28

What is the sum of both diagonals in a 1001 by 1001 spiral?


problem_28 = sum (map (\n -> 4*(n-2)^2+10*(n-1)) [3,5..1001]) + 1

Alternatively, one can use the fact that the distance between the diagonal numbers increases by 2 in every concentric square. Each square contains four gaps, so the following scanl does the trick:

euler28 n = sum $ scanl (+) 0
            (1:(concatMap (replicate 4) [2,4..(n-1)]))

Problem 29

How many distinct terms are in the sequence generated by ab for 2 ≤ a ≤ 100 and 2 ≤ b ≤ 100?


import Control.Monad
problem_29 = length . group . sort $ liftM2 (^) [2..100] [2..100]

We can also solve it in a more naive way, without using Monads, like this:

import List
problem_29 = length $ nub pr29_help
    where pr29_help  = [z | y <- [2..100],
                        z <- lift y]
          lift y = map (\x -> x^y) [2..100]


import List
problem_29 = length $ nub [x^y | x <- [2..100], y <- [2..100]]

Instead of using lists, the Set data structure can be used for a significant speed increase:

import Set
problem_29 = size $ fromList [x^y | x <- [2..100], y <- [2..100]]

Problem 30

Find the sum of all the numbers that can be written as the sum of fifth powers of their digits.


import Data.Char (digitToInt)

limit :: Integer
limit = snd $ head $ dropWhile (\(a,b) -> a > b) $ zip (map (9^5*) [1..]) (map (10^) [1..])

fifth :: Integer -> Integer
fifth = sum . map ((^5) . toInteger . digitToInt) . show

problem_30 :: Integer
problem_30 = sum $ filter (\n -> n == fifth n) [2..limit]