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== About HaTeX ==
== About HaTeX ==
HaTeX is a package wich lets you to write LaTeX code from Haskell.
HaTeX consists in a set of combinators which allow you to build LaTeX code, following the LaTeX syntax in a type-safe manner.
This allows you to build programs which generates LaTeX code automatically for any purpose you can figure out.
HaTeX page: http://ddiaz.asofilak.es/packages/HaTeX
Here a link to the package in Hackage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/HaTeX
* HaTeX in Hackage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/HaTeX.
* HaTeX in GitHub: https://github.com/Daniel-Diaz/HaTeX.
== How to use HaTeX ==
* [[HaTeX User's Guide]] (HaskellWiki version).
If you know how to use LaTeX, you will easily understand how to use HaTeX.
Otherwise, you will need to read well the documentation.
A first step may be to know the LaTeX file structure.
== LaTeX file structure ==
A LaTeX file has two parts:
- A header where you define general settings (document class, page style, use of extern packages, ...) of your document.
- The document's content.
== A simple example ==
We're going to write an example, the best for understanding.
* Function <code>documentclass</code> is used for determining if our document is an <code>article</code>, a <code>book</code>, a <code>report</code>, etc.
* Function <code>author</code> is used for specify document's authory.
* Function <code>title</code> for document's title.
Then, with this three functions, we will define a header in the <code>LaTeX</code> monad.
<code>LaTeX</code> is a writer monad that concatenates the text generated by the programmer.
Usually, the text is generated simply writing it, or by functions.
example = do documentclass [] article
author "Daniel Diaz"
title "Example"
The first argument of <code>documentclass</code> is used for change certain settings of the class.
For example, you can set the document's main font size to 12pt, writing:
documentclass [pt 12] article
Or set paper size to A4:
documentclass [pt 12,a4paper] article
Now, I will write a content:
hello = "Hello, world!"
To insert the content into the document, we have the function <code>document</code>. Completing our first example:
example = do documentclass [] article
author "Daniel Diaz"
title "Example"
document hello
At first glance, it seems that <code>author</code>, <code>title</code> or <code>document</code> receive a <code>String</code> as argument.
Really, they require a <code>LaTeX</code> argument. <code>LaTeX</code> is the type that represents texts in HaTeX.
So, I recommend to use Overloaded Strings
(See [http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/6.12.2/html/users_guide/type-class-extensions.html#overloaded-strings]).
== Enriching your text ==
There are numerous functions to enrich your document.
One feature is change your font format. For example, in:
texttt "Hello!"
<code>texttt</code> sets as monospaced font his content. Or composing:
texttt $ textbf "Hello!"
<code>textbf</code> sets as bold font the monospaced font of <code>"Hello!"</code>.
If you only want <code>"ll"</code> with bold format:
texttt $ do "He"
textbf "ll"
Applying the function to only part of the text, we achieve modify just that part.
== Performing monadic computations ==
All computations in HaTeX take place in the <code>LaTeXT</code> monadic transformer.
To includes a monadic computation, use <code>mlx</code>.
gtime = do t <- mlx getClockTime
Some <code>IO</code> computations are predefined in Text.LaTeX.IO.
== Adding sections ==
Commands to adding sections are included in Text.LaTeX.Commands. Examples are <code>section</code> or <code>paragraph</code>.
If you want sections without number, use <code>section_</code>. This also avoid showing the section into the table of contents.
If you want title of section to be different in the context than in the table of contents, use <code>sectiontab</code>.
== HaTeX Support ==
You can report any bug or suggestion at:

Latest revision as of 18:56, 6 January 2013

About HaTeX

HaTeX consists in a set of combinators which allow you to build LaTeX code, following the LaTeX syntax in a type-safe manner.

This allows you to build programs which generates LaTeX code automatically for any purpose you can figure out.