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For saturday night dinner, you have a choice out of 6 tasty options.

We need to order BEFORE 15:00, so if you want to join us, make sure your name is on this list!

Dinner is payed for by the sponsors, and drinks as long as funds allow.

We'll be going to Florin (http://florinutrecht.nl) and are expected at 20:00.


  1. Chicken Satay
  2. Beef Burger
  3. Veggie Burger
  4. Salmon Filet
  5. Spareribs
  6. Steak

The List

Name Choice
Eelco Lempsink 3
Reinier Lamers 3
Ben Moseley 1
Ganesh Sittampalam 6
Benedikt Schmidt 6
Eric Kow 4
Petr Rockai 3
Arjan Boeijink 1
Don Stewart 3
Markus Klinik 1
Vincent Zweije 5