From HaskellWiki

July 22-24 2011

Portland, Oregon, USA


HacPDX-II is an opportunity to join Portland Haskell hackers in building and improving Hackage libraries and tools. The project you hack on can be anything and need-not be pre-existing or general community tools.

Communication Channels

During the event, you can reach us at

 .. phone number to be announced ..
 thomas.dubuisson+hacpdx at gmail.com

Also, check the projects page as we update it to see what is happening.



Friday   July 22  10:00AM to 5:30 PM
Saturday July 23  10:00AM to 5:30 PM
Sunday   July 24  10:00AM to 5:30 PM

We can work however late, but tentatively let's plan on eating, drinking and sleeping.


We will be in room 10 (downstairs) of the Fourth Avenue Building, which is part of Portland State University.

As the building is locked during the weekends, and late in the evening on weekdays, you need to get someone to let you in via the Harrison Street entrance. If you need someone to walk to a different entrance to get you then you owe them a quine in Haskell. Also note that you cannot enter through the Fourth Avenue entrance without a keycard, even if accompanied.


You should bring a laptop with wireless (802.11). The room has whiteboards and a projector for any discussions or should anyone wish to give a talk.


  • 29Jun2011 - Announced HacPDX... #2. Only one month later than intended (note the similarity to HacPDX #1).


You must RSVP! Go to the HacPDX Registration page and add your name as an attendee - the selected room can fit a population in the fourties.

Be sure to list any projects in which you're interested!


There are restaurants and food carts in easy walking distance of the venue.

Some examples:

  • Hot Lips Pizza, SW 6th and Hall (2 blocks away)
  • Taco Del Mar (next door)
  • Sushi Takahashi 2 (west on 4th until you cross the highway overpass, then north 1 block)
  • Steamers, one stop north on the MAX green/yellow line (no fare required)
  • Alexandria, across the street from the FAB/EB plaza
  • Baan Thai, SW College and Broadway
  • Thanh Long, SW College and Broadway (Vietnamese)
  • Chipotle, SW College and Broadway
  • Cheerful Tortoise, SW College and Broadway (beer and grease)
  • Carts all along 4th across from the FAB.


Buses 12 and 44 stop right outside the Fourth Avenue Building; bus 17 has two stops on Lincoln and one on Harrison & 6th, all are easy walks to the venue. The Yellow and Green Lines of the MAX stop a few blocks away. If you're biking from the east side just take Hawthorne bridge, a left on first, and a right on Harrison - the building is on the corner of Harrison and 4th.

If you want to attend and are coming from outside of Portland feel free to ask for a hand.


  • Thomas DuBuisson (irc: TomMD, e-mail: Thomas.DuBuisson+hacpdx@gmail.com)
  • David Lazar