Haskell Quiz/The Solitaire Cipher/Solution Matthias

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module Main where
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.STRef

carelessly written.  i haven't looked much at the discussion or at the other
solutions, so there is certainly room for improvent, cleanup, and completion.
also it would be nice to make it less than three billion times slower than
a straight-forward C implementation (how much would it help merely to use
immutable arrays?)

-- the deck

data Suit = Clubs | Diamonds | Hearts | Spades
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

instance Enum Suit where
    toEnum 0 = Clubs
    toEnum 1 = Diamonds
    toEnum 2 = Hearts
    toEnum 3 = Spades
    toEnum i = error ("enum Suit: " ++ show i)

    enumFrom x = map toEnum [fromEnum x .. 3]
    enumFromThen x y = map toEnum [fromEnum x, fromEnum y .. 3]

    fromEnum Clubs = 0
    fromEnum Diamonds = 1
    fromEnum Hearts = 2
    fromEnum Spades = 3

data Base = Ace | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

instance Enum Base where
    toEnum 1 = Ace
    toEnum 2 = Two
    toEnum 3 = Three
    toEnum 4 = Four
    toEnum 5 = Five
    toEnum 6 = Six
    toEnum 7 = Seven
    toEnum 8 = Eight
    toEnum 9 = Nine
    toEnum 10 = Ten
    toEnum 11 = Jack
    toEnum 12 = Queen
    toEnum 13 = King
    toEnum i = error ("enum Base: " ++ show i)

    enumFrom x = map toEnum [fromEnum x .. 13]
    enumFromThen x y = map toEnum [fromEnum x, fromEnum y .. 13]

    fromEnum Ace = 1
    fromEnum Two = 2
    fromEnum Three = 3
    fromEnum Four = 4
    fromEnum Five = 5
    fromEnum Six = 6
    fromEnum Seven = 7
    fromEnum Eight = 8
    fromEnum Nine = 9
    fromEnum Ten = 10
    fromEnum Jack = 11
    fromEnum Queen = 12
    fromEnum King = 13

data Card = Card Base Suit | JokerA | JokerB
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

instance Enum Card where
    fromEnum JokerA = 53
    fromEnum JokerB = 53
    fromEnum (Card base suit) = fromEnum base + (fromEnum suit * 13)

    toEnum 53 = error "Jokers break instance Enum Card."
    toEnum i | i >= 1 && i <= 52 = Card (toEnum ((i - 1) `mod` 13 + 1)) (toEnum ((i - 1) `div` 13))
    toEnum i = error (show i)

    enumFrom x = map toEnum [fromEnum x .. 52] ++ [JokerA, JokerB]
    enumFromThen x y = map toEnum [fromEnum x, fromEnum y .. 52] ++ [JokerA, JokerB]

isJoker :: Card -> Bool
isJoker = (`elem` [JokerA, JokerB])

type Deck = [Card]

isDeck d = sort d == deck

deck :: [Card]
deck = [Card Ace Clubs ..]

-- a few auxiliary transformations

cardToLetter :: Card -> Char
cardToLetter JokerA = error "cardToLetter: please don't convert jokers to letters."
cardToLetter JokerB = error "cardToLetter: please don't convert jokers to letters."
cardToLetter c = chr ((fromEnum c - 1) `mod` 26 + ord 'A')

letterToCard :: Char -> Card
letterToCard c
    | c <= 'A' || c >= 'Z' = error "letterToCard: only capitals [A-Z] can be converted into cards."
    | otherwise            = toEnum (ord c - ord 'A' + 1)

cleanupInput :: String -> [String]
cleanupInput = groupN 5 'X' . catMaybes . map f
    f c | ord c >= ord 'A' && ord c <= ord 'Z' = Just c
        | ord c >= ord 'a' && ord c <= ord 'z' = Just $ toUpper c
        | otherwise                            = Nothing

    groupN :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [[a]]
    groupN n pad = f n
        f 0 xs      = [] : f n xs
        f i (x:xs)  = let (l:ls) = f (i-1) xs in (x:l):ls
        f i []      = if i < n then [replicate i pad] else []

    intersperseNth :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]  -- we don't need that any more now, but it's still a cool funktion.  (:
    intersperseNth n c = f n
        f 0 xs      = c : f n xs
        f i (x:xs)  = x : f (i-1) xs
        f _ []      = []

newXOR :: Char -> Card -> Char
newXOR c o
     | c <= 'A' || c >= 'Z'       = error ("newXOR: illegal character: " ++ show c)
     | isJoker o                  = error ("newXOR: illegal card: " ++ show o)
     | otherwise                  = let
                                    c' = ord c - ord 'A'
                                    o' = fromEnum o - 1
                                    in chr ((c' + o') `mod` 26 + 1)

-- (It may also be interesting to write an instance of Num for Card, but let's see how far we get without one first...)

-- the stream

-- circular moves: think of the deck as being a ring, not a list, and always move JokerA one card down, and JokerB two.

moveA :: Deck -> Deck
moveA = f []
    f acc (JokerA : x : xs)      = reverse acc ++ (x : JokerA : xs)
    f acc (JokerA : [])          = last acc : JokerA : tail (reverse acc)
    f acc (x : xs)               = f (x : acc) xs

moveB :: Deck -> Deck
moveB = f []
    f acc (JokerB : x : y : ys)  = reverse acc ++ (x : y : JokerB : ys)
    f acc (JokerB : x : [])      = last acc : JokerB : tail (reverse (x : acc))
    f acc (JokerB : [])          = case reverse acc of (a : b : ccc) -> a : b : JokerB : ccc
    f acc (x : xs)               = f (x : acc) xs

-- first triple cut: split at jokers and shuffle triples

tripleCut :: Deck -> Deck
tripleCut d = c ++ b ++ a
    posA = fromJust $ elemIndex JokerA d
    posB = fromJust $ elemIndex JokerB d

    posTop = min posA posB
    posBot = max posA posB

    -- d == a ++ b@([Joker] ++ _ ++ [Joker]) ++ c

    a = take posTop d
    x = drop posTop d
    b = take (posBot - posTop + 1) x
    c = drop (posBot - posTop + 1) x

--  triple cut

countCut :: Deck -> Deck
countCut d = lower ++ upper ++ [c]
    c = last d
    (upper, lower) = splitAt (fromEnum c) (init d)

-- extract the next stream symbol

findSymbol :: Deck -> Card
findSymbol d = d !! (fromEnum (head d))

streamStep :: STRef s Deck -> ST s Char
streamStep ref = do
                 d <- readSTRef ref
                 let d' = countCut . tripleCut . moveB . moveA $ d
                 writeSTRef ref d'
                 let s = findSymbol d'
                 if isJoker s
                    then streamStep ref
                    else return $ cardToLetter s

streamStart :: ST s (STRef s Deck)
streamStart = newSTRef deck

stream :: Integer -> Int -> String
stream key len = runST (do
                     ref <- streamStart
                     d <- readSTRef ref
                     writeSTRef ref $ keyDeck key d
                     replicateM len $ streamStep ref)

testStream = stream 0 10 == "DWJXHYRFDG"

-- the algorithm frame

-- and this is where i got bored...  (-:

-- keying the deck

keyDeck :: Integer -> Deck -> Deck
keyDeck _ d = d  -- (not yet)

-- testing