Haskell User Group
Haskell User Group Starter Kit
Want to start a Haskell User Group? These resources may help. They are geared towards a non-academic crowd who probably does not know anything about Haskell or Functional Programming and have regular meetings to talk about Haskell or FP. This page has a slightly different emphasis than a Haskell for Beginners one or a How to Learn Haskell page might. It specifically plays off the tendency for Haskell User Groups to have people with varying degrees of expertise/familiarity in Haskell.
Topics and debates
Great topics to cover
- What is functional programming?
- Solving problems a functional way
- Practical Haskell - IO, etc
- Laziness
- Typeclasses
- Monads (save for later)
Coding Dojo
Best exercises for a Haskell coding Dojo
- Project Euler 1 is great for comparing languages - there's no such thing as "too" simple
Must-read academic papers for a non-academic non-FP crowd. Good Functional Pearls might also be nice here.
- Why Functional Programming Matters
- Tackling the Awkward Squad
- Composing Contracts
- Beautiful Concurrency
User group tips and tricks
Most likely external links to non-Haskell-specific sites
- Consider GitHub as a place to put your code samples and talks. GitHub allows for organisation repositories, eg the Functional Brighton one
- When trying to demonstrate techniques/technologies, don't be afraid of making your examples “too trivial”. Err on the side of simple.