
From HaskellWiki
Revision as of 04:06, 19 September 2010 by Andrewsw (talk | contribs) (update version with language selection feature)
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hpaste.el is an Emacs Lisp library that integrates hpaste into Emacs. It provides three functions: hpaste-paste-region and hpaste-paste-buffer send the region or buffer to the hpaste server as required, and hpaste-get-paste fetches a paste from the server and puts it in a new buffer. It allows annotation of existing pastes, controls the announcement on #haskell, and tries to be smart about keeping track of the last paste to ease annotation. Most things are customisable: do M-x customize and browse to the Hpaste group to see what you can change. Code is available under the GPL license. (see the talk page for a makefile allowing you to keep up-to-date on this programatically).

This file is also hosted in git here, where I've (andrewsw) been doing some work on it. Enjoy!

Update 18 Sep 10: version 1.2 -- implement language selection feature
Update 16 Sep 10: version 1.1 -- update to operate with new hpaste site. Changes to hpaste-get-paste, hpaste-paste-region and hpaste-after-paste.
Update 13 Mar 08: display URL of paste in minibuffer, and add it to kill ring. Add hpaste-get-paste.
Update 13 Dec 07: fixed problems with "Wrong type argument: stringp, nil" appearing after pasting.


hpaste.el -- Integration with hpaste
David House <dmhouse@gmail.com>,
Andrew Sackville-West <andrew@swclan.homelinux.org>,
and others.
Change Log
1.2 -- 18 Sep, 2010
implement language tagging
1.1 -- 16 Sep, 2010
fix hpaste-get-paste and hpaste-paste-region to handle new hpaste.org
14th April 2007


(require 'url)


(defgroup hpaste nil "Integration with the hpaste pastebin")

(defcustom hpaste-server "http://hpaste.org"

 "Base URL for the hpaste server."
 :type '(string)
 :group 'hpaste)

(defcustom hpaste-default-nick nil

 "What to tell the server your nick is. If NIL, then prompt every time."
 :type '(choice (string) (const :tag "Ask every time" nil))
 :group 'hpaste)

(defcustom hpaste-blank-title nil

 "If non-NIL, don't send a title to the server."
 :type '(boolean)
 :group 'hpaste)

(defcustom hpaste-announce 'ask

 "Whether to announce the paste in the #haskell channel on

Freenode. If ALWAYS, then announce every time. If ASK, then prompt every time. If NEVER, then never announce."

 :type '(choice (const :tag "Always announce" always)
                (const :tag "Ask each time" ask) 
                (const :tag "Never announce" never))
 :group 'hpaste)

(defcustom hpaste-lang 'ask

 "Whether to set the language tag in the paste. If ASK, then
 prompt every time. If ALWAYS, then the value of
 `hpaste-default-lang' will be silently and automatically
 used. If NEVER, then the paste will never be tagged with a
 :type '(choice (const :tag "Always tag the language" always)

(const :tag "Ask whether to tag the language" ask) (const :tag "Never tag the language" never))

 :group 'hpaste)

(defcustom hpaste-channel 0

 "The channel to use for making announcements. Specifying 0, No

Channel, has the effect of having your post not announced ever, regardless of the setting of `hpaste-announce'. There is currently no prompting for which channel to announce to, so beware."

 :type '(choice (const :tag "No channel" 0)

(const :tag "#haskell" 1) (const :tag "#xmonad" 2))

 :group 'hpaste)

(defconst hpaste-langs-alist '(("None" . 0) ("Bash/shell" . 1) ("C" . 2) ("C++" . 3) ("Common Lisp" . 4) ("D" . 5) ("Erlang" . 6) ("Haskell" . 7) ("Java" . 8) ("JavaScript" . 9) ("Literate Haskell" . 10) ("Lua" . 11) ("Objective-C" . 12) ("OCaml" . 13) ("Perl" . 14) ("Perl" . 15) ;; sic ("Prolog" . 16) ("Python" . 17) ("Ruby" . 18) ("Scala" . 19) ("XML" . 20))

 "The list of available language tags on hpaste.org. This list
 is subject to change without notice, possibly causing erroneous
 tagging. This should really be replaced with some function to
 actually parse the list of languages from the html...")

(defcustom hpaste-default-lang 0

 "The default language tag to use when pasting. If `hpaste-lang'
 is set to ALWAYS, then this value will be used silently. If
 `hpaste-lang' is set to ASK, the user selects yes, and this is
 set to None, 0, then the user will be prompted for a language
 to use. The user can always select 0, None, again to force no
 language tag."
 :type (cons 'choice (mapcar (lambda (x)

(list 'const ':tag (car x) (cdr x))) hpaste-langs-alist))

 :group 'hpaste)

(defun hpaste-prompt-for-lang ()

  (or (cdr (assoc

(completing-read (format "Enter the language [%s]:" hpaste-default-lang) hpaste-langs-alist) hpaste-langs-alist))

this is sort of an absurdley complex set of conditions... but it works

(defun hpaste-paste-lang ()

 "Function to determine the language to use for the current

paste, if any. Makes use of `hpaste-default-lang' and `hpaste-lang' to figure out what to do. See the docstrings for those variable to get an understanding."

 (cond ((eq hpaste-lang 'always) hpaste-default-lang)

((eq hpaste-lang 'ask) (if (y-or-n-p "Show language?") (if (eq hpaste-default-lang 0) (hpaste-prompt-for-lang) hpaste-default-lang) 0)) (t 0))) ;; the 'never case...

(defvar hpaste-last-paste-id nil

 "Numerical ID of the last paste.")

(defun hpaste-after-paste (&optional redirect)

 "Callback that runs after a paste is made. Messages the user

and tell them that everything went smoothly, and save the paste ID for use as a default ID for annotations."

 (if redirect

(message "Paste successful: %s" (cadr redirect)) (kill-new (format (cadr redirect))) (if (eq (car redirect) ':redirect) (progn (setq url (cadr redirect))

(string-match "/\\([0-9]*\\)\\(#.*\\)?$" url) ;; original regex

(string-match ".*/\\([0-9]*\\)/.*$" url) ;; a hack of a regex (let ((id (match-string 1 url))) (if id (setq hpaste-last-paste-id id))))))

   (message "%s" "No result from server.")))

(defun hpaste-prompt-for-annotate ()

 "Ask the user whether they want to send the paste as an

annotation, and if so, the ID of the paste to annotate (defaulting to the last paste made through this interface)."

 (if (y-or-n-p "Send as annotation? ")
     (let* ((prompt
             (if hpaste-last-paste-id
                 (format "Paste to annotate (default %s): "
               "Paste to annotate: "))
            (input (read-from-minibuffer prompt)))
       (if (> (length input) 0) input hpaste-last-paste-id))))

(defun hpaste-paste-region (beg end)

 "Send the region to the hpaste server specified in

`hpaste-server'. Use the nick in `hpaste-default-nick', or prompt for one if that is NIL. You can still appear as (anonymous) by just not filling out a nick when prompted (just hit RET). Prompt for a title, unless `hpaste-blank-title' is non-NIL, in which case just send a blank title. Pastes will be announced on Freenode in the channel as specified in `hpaste-channel', per the value of `hpaste-announce'. See the docstring of those variables for more information.

This function does not currently implement the selection of source code language as is available on hpaste.

For more information on hpaste, see http://hpaste.org"

 (interactive "r")
 (let* ((nick (or hpaste-default-nick (read-from-minibuffer "Nick: ")))
        (title (if hpaste-blank-title "" (read-from-minibuffer "Title: ")))

(language (hpaste-paste-lang))

        (annot-id (hpaste-prompt-for-annotate))
        (announce (or (eq hpaste-announce 'always)

(and (eq hpaste-announce 'ask) (y-or-n-p "Announce paste? "))))

        (url (concat hpaste-server "/control"))
        (url-request-method "POST")
         '(("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")))
        (url-mime-accept-string "*/*")
        (url-request-data (concat 

(if annot-id (format "annotation_of=%s&" annot-id) "") (format "fval[1]=%s&fval[2]=%s&fval[3]=%d&fval[4]=%d&fval[5]=%s&email=&submit=true\r\n" (url-hexify-string title) (url-hexify-string nick) language (if announce hpaste-channel 0) (url-hexify-string (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))))))

   (url-retrieve url 'hpaste-after-paste)))
new hpaste.org form fields
fval[1] = Title
, String
fval[2] = Author
, String
fval[3] = Language, see hpaste-lang-alist
fval[4] = Channel
Int 0=no channel, 1=#haskell 2=#xmonad
fval[5] = Paste; String

(defun hpaste-get-paste (id)

 "Fetch the contents of the paste from hpaste into a new buffer."
 (interactive "nPaste #: ")
 (let ((url-request-method "GET")
       (url-request-extra-headers nil)
       (url-mime-accept-string "*/*")
       (url (url-generic-parse-url

(format "http://hpaste.org/raw/%s" id))))

   (setq hpaste-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url))
  (setq hpaste-last-paste-id id)
    (with-current-buffer hpaste-buffer
        (set-visited-file-name (format "hpaste #%s" id))

(goto-char (point-min))

        (search-forward-regexp "\n\n")
        (delete-region (point-min) (point))
        (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
        (switch-to-buffer hpaste-buffer)
        (if haskell-version

(defun hpaste-paste-buffer ()

 "Like `hpaste-paste-region', but paste the entire buffer instead."
 (hpaste-paste-region (point-min) (point-max)))

(provide 'hpaste) </pre-lisp>