Inferring types
It is often useful to have the compiler infer types for you automatically. There are a number of ways to do this.
Load your module in one of the interactive Haskell environments, for example ghci or hugs, and ask it for the type of a top-level declaration in your code:
x = 3
y = "foo"
z = (True, Just ())
main = undefined
$ ghci A.hs
*Main> :t z
z :: (Bool, Maybe ())
Editor support
If you use vim, the following script can be used to infer and insert types for you top level declarations:
#!/bin/sh # input is a top level .hs decls
FILE=$* DECL=`cat` ID=`echo $DECL | sed 's/^\([^ ]*\).*/\1/'` echo ":t $ID" | ghci -v0 -cpp -fglasgow-exts -w $FILE echo $DECL
This uses ghci to infer types. With the following .vimrc entry:
:map ty :.!typeOf %
You can then infer the types of bindings by typing 'ty' with the cursor on the decl whose type you wish to infer. That is:
y = "foo"
y :: [Char]
y = "foo"
Compiler support
You can have ghc dump the inferred types for you module:
$ ghc -ddump-tc A.hs 2>&1 | sed '/^\=/d;/AbsBinds/d;/ *\[\]$/d'
:Main.main :: IO ()
main :: forall a. a
x :: Integer
y :: [Char]
z :: (Bool, Maybe ())
main :: forall a. a
{ main = undefined a }
z :: (Bool, Maybe ())
{ z = (GHC.Base.True, Data.Maybe.Just () GHC.Base.()) }
y :: [Char]
{ y = "foo" }
x :: Integer
{ lit_an0 = fromInteger 3
fromInteger = fromInteger Integer $dNum
x = 3 }
:Main.main = GHC.TopHandler.runMainIO () (main (IO ()))
$dNum = GHC.Num.$f3 }