Key-value apply
The problem / code
Consider the function:
apply :: (Ord k) => k -> v -> (v -> v) -> [(k,v)] -> [(k,v)]
apply k v f ds =
let (p1,px) = span ( (k >) . fst) ds
(p2,p3) = case px of
[] -> ((k,v),[])
(x:xs) -> if fst x == k
then ((k, f $ snd x), xs)
else ((k, v), x:xs)
in p1 ++ (p2 : p3)
This takes a list of key/value pairs and processes it as follows:
- The function is given a key to look for.
- If the key is found, a function is applied to the associated value.
- If the key is not found, it is inserted (at the correct place) with a specified 'default value'.
Notice that if you start with a completely empty list, you can call apply
several times and you will end up with a sorted list. apply
uses the fact that the list is sorted to cut the search short in the 'I can't find it' case - hence the Ord
However, Haskell already provides this and much more functionality.
The solution: Data.Map
When you are making excessive use of (key,value) pairs it is usually time to switch to Data.Map
. The apply
function is almost the same as Data.Map.insertWith
, only that function has the type:
insertWith :: Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a
Here the update function receives the new value as well.