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Problem description

Lenses provide uniform and compositional way to view and edit data structures.

For example, one can view and edit pairs with fstLens and sndLens. fstLens and sndLens forms a complete toolbox for editing pairs in the sense that given pairs p :: (a, b) and q :: (a, b), with succesive get and set operations p can be changed to be equivalent to q: setL fstLens (getL fstLens q) $ setL sndLens (getL sndLens q) p.

Similarly, there is a complete toolbox of lenses for records, the toolbox contains one lens for each record field.

Now, the problem is, are there a toolbox of lenses for algebraic data types with multiple constructors?

Existing solutions

Partial lenses

The data-lens library provides partial lenses which are isomorphic to

type PartialLens a b = (a -> Maybe b, a -> Maybe (b -> a))

The flollowing partial lenses are defined for lists:

headLens :: PartialLens [a] a
headLens = (get, set)
  get [] = Nothing
  get (h:t) = Just h

  set [] = Nothing
  set (h:t) = Just (:t)
tailLens :: PartialLens [a] [a]
tailLens = (get, set)
  get [] = Nothing
  get (h:t) = Just t

  set [] = Nothing
  set (h:t) = Just (h:)

Unfortunately headLens and tailLens does not provide a complete toolbox, one cannot change an empty list to a non-empty list with them, for example.

Other solutions

Please help to extend the list of known solutions.

ADT lenses

The proposed solution, summarized:

Use one lens for each ADT type, with reversed direction.

Example: List lens

The ADT lens for lists:

import Data.Lens.Common
listLens :: Lens (Bool, (a, [a])) [a]
listLens = lens get set where

    get (False, _) = []
    get (True, (l, r)) = l: r

    set [] (_, x) = (False, x)
    set (l: r) _ = (True, (l, r))


Suppose that we have a state s of type

type S = (Bool, (Int, [Int]))

If we view the state through listLens :: Lens S [Int], we see a list of Ints. So we can view the list.

We can edit the list with the following lenses:

  • With fstLens :: Lens S Bool the top level constructor of the list can be viewed and edited: False corresponds to [] and True corresponds to (:).
  • With headLens = fstLens . sndLens :: Lens S Int the first element of the list can be viewed and edited. Note that if the top level constructor of the list is [], the first element can still be edited; the change will only be visible through listLens when the constructor is changed back to (:). (This may seem to be odd, but for certain applications this is the right behaviour.)
  • With tailLens = sndLens . sndLens :: Lens S Int the tail of the list can be viewed and edited.

Note that for editing the tail of the list, we need s' :: S such that s viewed through tailLens is the same as s' viewed through listLens. Explained on a figure:

Links and references

I have not seen this technique described before. Please help to extend the list of papers / blog entries, where this or similar technique is used.

[Reddit comments]