Par and seq

From HaskellWiki

The functions par and seq have much in common. They have the same signature and thus the same use patterns. The function par let you start a computation in parallel and seq forces a computation to actually take place (avoiding lazy evaluation).

par :: a -> b -> b
seq :: a -> b -> b

You could also define a function par2 which computes the arguments of a two-argument function f in parallel before feeding them to f.

par2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b -> c)
par2 f x y = x `par` y `par` f x y

The function par2 is also universal, because you can define par in terms of par2.

par = par2 (\ _x y -> y)

You can see, that par is the more basic combinator, because it scales to any number of arguments.

See also