Recursive function theory

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PlanetMath article

Plans towards a programming language

Well-known concepts are taken from [Mon:MatLog], but several new notations (only notations, not concepts) are introduced to reflect all concepts described in [Mon:MatLog], and some simplification are made (by allowing zero-arity generalizations). These are plans to achive formalizations that can allow us in the future to incarnate the main concepts of recursive function theory in a programming language.

Primitive recursive functions

Type system

Base functions


Question: is the well-known approach superfluous? Can we avoid it and use the more simple and indirect approach, if we generalize operations (especially composition) to deal with zero-arity cases in an appropriate way? E.g., and , too? Does it take a generalization to allow such cases, or can it be inferred?

Successor function

Projection functions

For all :



This resembles to the combinator of Combinatory logic (as described in [HasFeyCr:CombLog1, 171]). If we prefer avoiding the notion of the nested tuple, and use a more homogenous style (somewhat resembling to currying):

Let underbrace not mislead us -- it does not mean any bracing.

remembering us to

Primitive recursion

The last equation resembles to the combinator of Combinatory logic (as described in [HasFeyCr:CombLog1, 169]):

General recursive functions

Everything seen above, and the new concepts:

Type system

See the definition of being special [Mon:MathLog, 45]. This property ensures, that minimalization does not lead us out of the world of total functions. Its definition is the rather straightforward formalization of this expectation.



Minimalization does not lead us out of the word of total functions, if we use it only for special functions -- the property of being special is defined exactly for this purpose [Mon:MatLog, 45].

Partial recursive functions

Everything seen above, but new constructs are provided, too.

Type system

Question: is there any sense to define in another way than simply ? Partial constants?


Their definitions are straightforward.


Curry, Haskell B; Feys, Robert; Craig, William: Combinatory Logic. Volume I. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1958.
Monk, J. Donald: Mathematical Logic. Springer-Verlag, New York * Heidelberg * Berlin, 1976.