
A sosit recent o intrebare despre programare functionala si utilizarea Haskell-ului in robotica. Domeniul se numeste Functional Reactive Programming ceea ce am putea traduce prin Programare functionala reactiva la evenimente sau, mai bine Programare functionala cu raspunsuri la evenimente .
O cautare cu Google a termenilor: arrow robots reactive functional programming Haskell, ne-a trimis la urmatoarea pagina generata [Search again] din care am retinut:
[PDF] Arrows, Robots, and Functional Reactive Programming Format de Fişier: PDF/Adobe Acrobat Arrows, Robots, and Functional. Reactive Programming. Paul Hudak, Antony Courtney, Henrik Nilsson, and John Peterson. Yale University ... - download]
Uitati-va si la: [PDF] MGS 2005 Functional Reactive Programming Outline Reactive ... Format de Fişier: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Afişare ca HTML The Arrow class. In Haskell, a type class is used to capture these .... Arrows, robots,. and functional reactive programming. In ... [download pdf]
O prezentare este aici: [PPT] Arrows, FRP, and Functional Reactive Programming Format de Fişier: Microsoft Powerpoint - Afişare ca HTML FRP (functional reactive programming) is the essence of several DSL’s:. Fran = FRP + graphics engine + library; Frob = FRP + robot controller + library ... [- download]
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Robotics + haskell - SWiK - [ Tradu această pagină ] Saturday, May 19, 2007. sigfpe's first robot programmed in haskell. Haskell: tag/haskell ... Arrows, Robots and Functional Reactive Programming ... - 38k - În Cache - Pagini similare Papers of Summer 2003 - Lambda Group Hudak, et al - Image:Hudak-Arrows Robots and Functional Reactive Programming.pdf describes techniques for eventbased (reactive) DSELs. ... [- 16k download]
Plugging a Space Leak with an Arrow Format de Fişier: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Afişare ca HTML Keywords: programming languages, functional programming, arrows, Haskell. 1 Introduction ..... Arrows, robots, and functional. reactive programming. ... [- download]
LNCS 4354 - HPorter: Using Arrows to Compose Parallel Processes Arrows, robots, and functional. reactive programming. In Summer School on Advanced Functional Programming,. Oxford University. Springer Verlag, to appear, ... [- download pentru cei cu acces la Springer Verlag]
La facultate poti invata unul din cele mai productive limbaje: Haskell.
Monads and Arrows: Theory and Applications "A recursive do for Haskell". Haskell Workshop 2002. October 2002. Available online: ps pdf. ... "Robots, Arrows and Functional Reactive Programming". ... - 15k html]
[PDF] LNCS 3780 - The Essence of Dataflow Programming Format de Fişier: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Afişare ca HTML a de facto standardized arrow library in Haskell, but even specialized syntax. [25]. The main application is functional reactive programming with its ... [- download pdf]
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Am avut bucuria sa regasesc si o lucrare despre jocurile 3D, al carui link nu-l mai stiam:
[PDF] Functional Programming and 3D Games Format de Fişier: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Afişare ca HTML ... Henrik Nilsson, and John Peterson Arrows, Robots,. and Functional Reactive Programming. [AFPLectureNotes.pdf pdf] August 2002 ... [- download]
Pagina inca in dezvoltare... nu stiu pina cand. Indexata la indexul categorii,Ro.
La facultate poti invata unul din cele mai productive limbaje: Haskell.