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Revision as of 00:34, 9 January 2007 by DonStewart (talk | contribs) (This week's news)
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  • Happy: LALR(1) parser generator. Simon Marlow announced version 1.16 of Happy, the parser generator system for Haskell. Changes from version 1.15 to 1.16 include switching to Cabal, a new %error directive, new production forms, and attribute grammar support. Happy version 1.16 is required for building GHC version 6.6 and later.

  • Alex: lexical analyser generator. Simon Marlow announced version 2.1.0 of Alex. Changes in Alex 2.1.0 vs. 2.0.1 include switching to Cabal, and slight changes to the error semantics.

  • rdtsc: reading IA-32 time register. Martin Grabmueller announced version 1.0 of package rdtsc has just been released. This small package contains one module called 'Rdtsc.Rdtsc', providing the function 'rdtsc' for accessing the 'rdtsc' machine register on modern IA-32 processors. This is a 64-bit counter which counts the number of processor cycles since the machine has been powered up. Using this instruction, you can make very precise time measurements which are independent of the actual CPU frequency.

  • monadLib 3.0. Iavor Diatchki announced a new version of monadLib, a collection of standard monad implementations. Some of the changes compared to the previous version: the whole library is in a single module MonadLib.hs (~500 lines); simpler and more symmetric API; removed the (generic) monadic combinators; removed the search transformer; rewrote some transformers in the 'traditional' way (exceptions and output); there is an optional module that defines base monads corresponding to each transformer.

  • Shellac 0.6. Robert Dockins announced a simultaneously release of the following related packages: Shellac 0.6 Shellac-readline 0.3 and Shellac-vty 0.1. Shellac is a framework for building read-eval-print style shells which uses configurable backend plugins. The major new feature of this release is the new Shellac-vty backend package, which uses the new Vty library terminal I/O directly. It currently has basic line editing keybindings, paging, and a command history. The main package and Shellac-readline updates consist of minor API updates.

  • IntelliJIDEA for Haskell. Tony Morris announced syntax highlighting support for Haskell in IntellijIDEA, released under a BSD licence.

  • Yampa + GADT for GHC 6.6. Joel Reymont announced a cabalized version of Yampa + GADT for GHC 6.6. Joel also sought comments on cabalisation, testing and example for this package.

  • HNOP. Ashley Yakeley updated the status of HNOP, the Haskell library for doing nothing. It has recently been split into two Cabal packages: 'nop', a library of no-op services, and 'hnop', a program that uses nop to do nothing. Both packages can be found in darcs. The two packages are intended to be templates for Cabal projects, so I'm interested in making them as canonical and 'best practices' for packaging libraries and executables.

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