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Revision as of 04:41, 11 March 2009 by DonStewart (talk | contribs) (Automated update by hackage2hwn)
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Recent Package Updates hackage-daily.png Rss.png

Algebraic structures
monadLib 3.5.2
A collection of monad transformers.
happstack-helpers 0.21
Convenience functions for Happstack.
iteratee 0.1.0
Iteratee-based I/O
monadiccp 0.4
Package for Constraint Programming
torch 0.1
Simple unit test library (or framework)
sparsebit 0.5
Sparse bitmaps for pattern match coverage
hopenssl 1.1
FFI bindings to OpenSSL's EVP digest interface
future 1.1.0
Supposed to mimics and enhance proposed C++ "future" features
CheatSheet 1.6
A Haskell cheat sheet in PDF and literate formats.
xml 1.3.4
A simple XML library.
polyparse 1.3
A variety of alternative parser combinator libraries.
email-validate 0.1
Validating an email address string against RFC 5322
happs-tutorial 0.8
A Happstack Tutorial that is its own web 2.0-type demo.
ghc-core 0.4.3
Display GHC's core and assembly output in a pager
xmobar 0.9.1
A Minimalistic Text Based Status Bar
