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What is it ?

We have developed TerraHS, a software component that enables the development of geographical applications in a functional language, using the data handling capabilities of TerraLib. TerraLib is a C++ library that supports different spatial database management systems, and that includes a large number of spatial algorithms. As a result, we get a combination of the good features of both programming paradigms.


Papers and Thesis

 * [Evolution of Typed Spatio-temporal Objects]. Olga Bittencourt, Gilberto Câmara, Lúbia Vinhas, Joice Mota. IX Brazilian Symposium in Geoinformatics, GeoInfo 2007, Campos do Jordão, 2007.

 * [[http://mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/mtc-m18@80/2008/ baseada em grafos para representação unificada de fluxos locais

para modelagem hidrológica distribuída ]]. Sérgio Rosim´s PhD Thesis in Computer Science at INPE, 2008.



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