Testing primality

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Testing Primality

(for a context to this see Prime numbers).

Primality Test and Integer Factorization

Given an infinite list of prime numbers, we can implement primality tests and integer factorization:

-- isPrime n = n == head (primeFactors n)
isPrime n = n > 1 &&
              foldr (\p r -> p*p > n || ((n `rem` p) /= 0 && r))
                True primes

primeFactors n | n > 1 = go n primes
     go n ps@(p:ps')
        | p*p > n        = [n]
        | n `rem` p == 0 =  p : go (n `quot` p) ps
        | otherwise      =      go n ps'

When no other primes source is available, just use

primes = 2 : filter isPrime [3,5..]

Miller-Rabin Primality Test

-- (eq. to) find2km (2^k * n) = (k,n)
find2km :: Integral a => a -> (a,a)
find2km n = f 0 n
        f k m
            | r == 1 = (k,m)
            | otherwise = f (k+1) q
            where (q,r) = quotRem m 2        

-- n is the number to test; a is the (presumably randomly chosen) witness
millerRabinPrimality :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
millerRabinPrimality n a
    | a <= 1 || a >= n-1 = 
        error $ "millerRabinPrimality: a out of range (" 
              ++ show a ++ " for "++ show n ++ ")" 
    | n < 2 = False
    | even n = False
    | b0 == 1 || b0 == n' = True
    | otherwise = iter (tail b)
        n' = n-1
        (k,m) = find2km n'
        b0 = powMod n a m
        b = take (fromIntegral k) $ iterate (squareMod n) b0
        iter [] = False
        iter (x:xs)
            | x == 1 = False
            | x == n' = True
            | otherwise = iter xs

-- (eq. to) pow' (*) (^2) n k = n^k
pow' :: (Num a, Integral b) => (a->a->a) -> (a->a) -> a -> b -> a
pow' _ _ _ 0 = 1
pow' mul sq x' n' = f x' n' 1
        f x n y
            | n == 1 = x `mul` y
            | r == 0 = f x2 q y
            | otherwise = f x2 q (x `mul` y)
                (q,r) = quotRem n 2
                x2 = sq x
mulMod :: Integral a => a -> a -> a -> a
mulMod a b c = (b * c) `mod` a
squareMod :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
squareMod a b = (b * b) `rem` a

-- (eq. to) powMod m n k = n^k `mod` m
powMod :: Integral a => a -> a -> a -> a
powMod m = pow' (mulMod m) (squareMod m)


-- check if '1212121' is prime with several witnesses
> map (millerRabinPrimality 1212121) [5432,1265,87532,8765,26]